
McHenry Times

Friday, September 20, 2024

Village of Algonquin Board will meet December 19.


Village of Algonquin Board will meet Dec. 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order

2. Roll Call – Establish Quorum

3. Pledge To Flag

4. Adopt Agenda

5. Audience Participation

(Persons wishing to address the Board must register with the Village Clerk prior to call to order.)

6. Consent Agenda/Approval:

All items listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Village Board and may be approved/accepted by one motion with a voice vote.

A. Approve Meeting Minutes:

(1) Village Board Meeting Held December 5, 2017

(2) Committee of the Whole Held December 12, 2017

B. Village Manager’s Report For November 2017

7. Omnibus Agenda/Approval:

The following Ordinances, Resolutions, or Agreements are considered to be routine in nature and may be approved by one motion with a roll call vote.

(Following approval, the Village Clerk will number all Ordinances and Resolutions in order.)

A. Pass Ordinances:

(1) Pass an Ordinance Approving the Levy of Taxes for the Village of Algonquin, McHenry and Kane Counties, Illinois for the Year 2017

(2) Pass an Ordinance Granting a Five-Year Extension for a Special Use Permit for Residential Dwelling Units

at 202 North Main Street

B. Adopt Resolutions:

(1) Pass a Resolution Accepting and Approving the Adoption of an Anti-Harassment Policy

(2) Pass a Resolution Accepting and Approving Agreement with Martam Construction for the Cumberland Parkway Storm Sewer Revision Project in the Amount of $39,400.00

(3) Pass a Resolution Accepting and Approving an Agreement with Midwest Salt for Water Softener Salt in the Amount of $106.00 Per Ton in 2018 and $111.00 Per Ton in 2019.

(4) Pass a Resolution Accepting and Approving an Agreement with HR Green for Phase 1 Design Engineering Services for the Souwanas Creek Reach 2 Improvement in the Amount of $69,888.00

(5) Pass a Resolution Accepting and Approving an Agreement with Christopher Burke Engineering for the Downtown Streetscape and Utility Work; Design-Build Services in the Amount of $9,091,653.00

Discussion Of Items Removed From The Consent And/Or Omnibus Agenda

8. Approval Of Bills For Payment And Payroll Expenses As Recommended By The Village Manager

9. List of Bills Dated December 19, 2017 totaling $872,353.79

10. Committee Of The Whole:

A. Community Development

B. General Administration

C. Public Works & Safety

11. Village Clerk’s Report

12. Staff Communications/Reports, As Required

13. Correspondence

14. Old Business

15. Executive Session: If required

16. New Business

A. Pass a Resolution Accepting and Approving an Agreement Extending the IMET Tolling Agreement

17. Adjournment
