
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Oakwood Hills Board of Trustees met November 2


Village of Oakwood Hills Board of Trustees met November 2. 

Here is the agenda as provided by the board:

I. Call to Order: Village President Smith called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.

II. Roll Call: Clerk LoSasso conducted a roll call at this time. Present were as follows: Village President Paul Smith, Trustees Cane, Zahorik and Rider. Absent were Trustees Riley, Salvo and Wise. Also present were Village Attorney Lisa Waggoner, Chief Nash and Building Commissioner Ken Smith.

III. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was administered at this time.

IV. Moment of Reflection

V. Changes and/or Additions to Agenda: NONE

VI. Consider Minutes of October 21, 2017 Meeting

Motion: Trustee Rider

Second: Trustee Cane

Discussion: None

Roll Vote: Ayes: Trustees Rider, Cane & President Smith

Abstain: Trustee Zahorik

Absent: Trustees Riley, Salvo & Wise

Motion NOT Carried

VII. Consider Bill List dated September 30, 2017 in the amount of


Motion: Trustee Zahorik

Second: Trustee Rider

Discussion: Trustee Zahorik Questioned the Nunda Township checks.

President Smith noted that Brittany Road was in worse

shape than expected and additional work needed to be done. Trustee Zahorik

will discuss with Trustee Riley.

Roll Vote: All Ayes: Trustees Rider, Cane, Zahorik and President Smith.

Absent: Trustees Riley, Salvo & Wise

Motion Carried

VIII. Consider Acceptance of Financial Statements: None

IX. Presentation by McHenry County Dept. Of Health Animal Control and Adoption Center

Two representatives from MCHD spoke to the board and audience explaining the services they provide to the communities.

X. Public Forum

Steve from Prairieland Disposal updated the village on the first month’s waste and recycling progress. He submitted a written summary. He stated the transition was one of the smoothest Prairieland has experienced. Prairieland will be supplying the village with quarterly reports Steve answered questions from the audience. Trustee Wise joined the meeting at 8:07pm

XI. Presidents Report

President Smith addressed Trustee Zahorik’ s concern about the amounts of the checks to Nunda mentioned earlier. He referred to the IGA between us and Nunda which counsel provided stating the amount was the same as the amount paid. He also updated the board on the progress of the property at 5311 Greenview. Attorney is meeting with property owner on November 3, 2017

XII. Motions, Resolutions and Actions Items:

Finance, Village Hall, Building, Planning Maintenance

Motion to approve proposal from H. R. Stewart to replace Furnace and Air


Motion: Trustee Zahorik

Second: Trustee Rider

Discussion: Trustee Zahorik stated the Air Conditioner can no longer be repaired and needs to be replaced. The furnace is also in need of replacing and it would be more cost effective to do both at the same time. Both are the original units. 4 bids were submitted and HR Stewart was midline and the committee felt the equipment was better and they submitted a very detailed proposal. Warranty is included.

Role Vote: Ayes: Trustees Cane, Rider, Wise and Zahorik

Absent: Trusteed Salvo & Riley

Motion Carried

President Smith requested the Board now consider a motion to approve the October 12, 2017 minutes.

Motion: Trustee Cane

Second: Trustee Rider

Discussion: None

Role Vote: Ayes: Trustees Cane, Rider, Wise and President Smith

Abstain: Trustee Zahorik

Absent: Trusteed Salvo & Riley

Motion Carried

XIII. Communication from Trustees, Department Heads, and Consultants

Trustee Wise: September fish stocking has been completed. Next stocking scheduled for this month. Dam clogging was cleaned up with the help of a resident and our maintenance man. Lake level back to normal.

Trustee Salvo: Absent

Trustee Cane: Joining STEERING committee through CMAP with regards to the FREP project. Since the meetings are held during the day, Trustee Cane will be unable to attended, the committee will be updating Trustee Cane by email. Resident Bruce Wallace was in the audience and is involved with this project and will work with Trustee Cane

.Trustee Zahorik: Tax Levy and HVAC were discussed at the October meeting. November meeting TBD. The committee has invited Chalet Hills to 3 meetings to discuss Their concerns and they have not attended. Policy manual still a work in progress.

Trustee Rider: November Meeting TBD

.Trustee Riley: Absent

Treasurer Nowicki: Absent.

Ken Smith: Submitted monthly permit summary.

Chief Nash: Submitted monthly reports and summarized. Trick or treating was successful. Suggested trick or treating the weekend prior to Halloween for next year. She is working on a fund raiser for Child Advocacy for April 2018.

XIV Executive Session: To discuss probable or imminent litigation

pursuant to Section 2(c), (11) of the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (11) ).

Motion: Trustee Rider

Second: Trustee Wise

All Ayes, Trustees Riley & Salvo were absent. Went into Executive Session at 8:40pm

Resumed regular session at 10:23 pm. Roll Call was taken. Trustees Rider, Wise, Cane, and Zahorik were present. Trustees Riley & Salvo were absent

XVI. Discussion and Approval of Settlement was tabled

XVII. Other Business: Trustee Wise asked when meetings will begin on the second Thursday and was reminded that will begin in January 2018.

XVIII. Adjourn

There was a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:24 pm

Motion: Trustee Zahorik

Second: Trustee Rider

All Ayes: Trustees Riley & Salvo were absent. Meeting was adjourned at 10:24 pm
