
McHenry Times

Monday, February 3, 2025

PORTA Community Unit School District 202 Board of Education met November 21.

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PORTA Community Unit School District 202 Board of Education met Nov. 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

The Regular Meeting of the PORTA Community Unit School District #202, Board of Education, Petersburg, Illinois was held in the Superintendent’s Office at the Jr.-Sr. High School on November 21, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. President Bettis called the meeting to order. Upon a call of the roll the following members were found to be present: Bettis, Burris, Kinder, Reincke, Smith, and Turek. Member Kuehl was absent. Also present were Matthew Brue, Superintendemt; Eric Kesler, PORTA Central Principal; Amy McMahan, High School Principal; Megan Howard, Junior High Principal and Pat Marshall, PORTA High English teacher.

Consent Agenda

Member Smith made a motion to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented. Member Burris seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Bettis declared the motion carried.

Letters & Communications

None to report.

Recognition Of Persons Present

Pat Marshall spoke with the board about the Scholastic Writing project that will begin on December 1st.

Old Business

None To Report

New Business

Review Of Proposed Tax Levy

Superintendent Brue presented to the Board and everyone present 2 different scenarios for the proposed tax levy. As complete levy data becomes available Mr. Brue will offer a final proposed levy in December which may require a formal hearing.

Approve Early Graduation Requests As Presented

Member Burris made a motion to approve the early graduation requests as presented.

Member Reincke seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Bettis declared the motion carried.

Closed Session

Member Smith made a motion to go into Closed Session. Member Burris seconded the motion. Upon a call of the roll the following members voted AYE: Bettis, Burris, Kinder, Reincke, Smith, and Turek. NAY: None. Absent: Kuehl. President Bettis declared the motion carried.

Member Smith made a motion to come out of Closed Session. Member Kinder seconded the motion. Upon a call of the roll the following members voted AYE: Bettis.

Burris,Kinder, Reincke, Smith, and Turek. NAY: None. Absent: Kuehl. President Bettis declared the motion carried.

Actions As A Result Of Closed Session

Employ Chris Brue As Dishwasher

Member Burris made a motion to employ Chris Brue as a dishwasher at Petersburg Elementary. Member Smith seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Bettis declared the motion carried.

Employ Haley Bock As Junior High Volleyball Coach

Member Turek made a motion to employ Haley Bock as a Junior High Volleyball coach for the 2017-18 school year.Member Burris seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Bettis declared the motion carried.

Employ Matt Defreezer As A Volunteer Volleyball Coach

Member Reincke made a motion to employ Matt DeFreezer as a volunteer volleyball coach for the 2017-18 school year. Member Burris seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Bettis declared the motion carried.

Employ Jared Brooks And Sam Nicholas As Volunteer Boys Basketball Coaches

Member Burris made a motion to employ Jared Brooks and Sam Nicholas as volunteer boys basketball coaches for the 2017-18 school year. Member Turek seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Bettis declared the motion carried.

Additional Business



Member Burris made a motion to adjourn. Member Turek seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Bettis declared the meeting adjourned.