625 Chatham CircleWest of Main St$225,000Buyer: Alexandru Zlotescu and Cristina LevodeanschiSeller: Alan F. Prepelica (estate) (deceased) (by executor)
200 Katrina LaneWest of Main St$200,000Buyer: Timothy W LittlefieldSeller: Shyamala-Per Atty Gorantla, Vinjam (formerly known as), Rambabu Shyamala-Per Atty and Ram Babu Vinjam Shyamala-Per Atty, Gorantla (now known as), Ram Babu (now known as) and Rambabu (formerly known as)
2209 Teton ParkwayEast of Main St$125,000Buyer: Enrique and Maria C. RojasSeller: Michael A. Carter
2949 Talaga DriveWest of Main St$197,000Buyer: Eric ForsellSeller: Fannie Mae-Per Atty, Federal (also known as), Federal National Mortgage Association-Per Atty and Fannie Mae (also known as)
20 Jayne St.East of Main St$174,000Buyer: Joseph R ZimkaSeller: Nona Naatz
108 Wood DriveEast of Main St$315,500Buyer: Christopher B. and Christine JohnsonSeller: Robert G. Brunetti