Harvard Community Unit School District 50 Board Finance Committee met Jan. 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Present: Sandra Theriault, Kristina Duber, Richard Crosby, Mindy Shafer, Sharon McMillan, Hugo Roldan, Mary Taylor, Darla Ferris, Guy Clark
Recording Secretary: MaryAnn Foster
• Approved the November 15, 2017 Finance Committee Minutes.
• Mary Taylor advised the Committee that there are no further updates at this time for the State Funding Model.
• Mary Taylor provided the Committee a 5-year Financial projection which included the addition of more staff (Assistant Superintendent, additional Kindergarten Teacher, Dan Marchik) more detailed presentation of the Tax Levy presentation that will be shown at the Regular Meeting of the Board on November 15, 2017.
The Tax Levy will be voted on at the December 20, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Board.
• The meeting was adjourned.
• The following are action items for the next meeting: February 21, 2018 5:00 pm
o Mary Taylor to update the committee on TIF.
o Mary Taylor to provide an update, if available on the state funding model.
o Mary Taylor will email 5-year projection to Board members.
o In the Spring the committee will have further discussion with regards for a possible family cap on sports/activities
o Dr. Corey Tafoya and Lisa Today to provide an SIS update regarding programs that have been reviewed.
o Guy will provide the committee with an update on the new logo and website and these updates will occur in Corey’s weekly updates