
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Oakwood Hills Board of Trustees met February 8.

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Village of Oakwood Hills Board of Trustees met Feb. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order: Village President Paul Smith called the meeting to order at 7:31pm.

II. Roll Call: Clerk LoSasso conducted a roll call at this time. Present were as follows: Village President Paul Smith, Trustees Cane, Rider, Riley, Wise and Zahorik. Trustee Salvo were absent. Also present were Village Attorney Lisa Waggoner, Treasurer Jim Nowicki, Building Director Ken Smith and Chief Valiza Nash.

III. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was administered at this time.

IV. Moment of Reflection

V. Changes and/or Additions to Agenda: Trustee Riley changed his Baxter Woodman Proposal motion NTE from $1,500 to $1,200.

VI. Consider Minutes of December 7, 2017 Meeting

Motion: Riley

Second: Zahorik

Discussion: None

Roll Vote: Ayes: Trustees Cane, Rider, Zahorik, Riley

Abstain: Trustee Wise Absent: Trustee Salvo. Motion Carried.

VII. Consider Bill List Dated December 31, 2017 in the amount of $28,580.66.

Motion: Trustee Zahorik

Second: Trustee Riley

Discussion: NONE

Roll Vote: All Ayes: Trustees Cane, Rider, Riley Wise and Zahorik. Absent: Trustee Salvo. Motion Carried.

Consider Bill List Dated January 31, 2018 in the amount of $32,352.49

Motion: Trustee Riley

Second: Trustee Zahorik

Discussion: Trustee Riley asked clerk if Landscape Concepts had sent invoices which she replied no.

Roll Vote: All Ayes: Trustees Cane, Rider, Riley Wise and Zahorik. Absent: Trustee

Salvo. Motion Carried

VIII. Consider Acceptance of December 2017and January 2018 Financial Statements:


Motion: Trustee Zahorik

Second: Trustee Rider

Discussion: NONE

Roll Vote: All Ayes: Trustees Cane, Rider, Riley Wise and Zahorik. Absent: Trustee Salvo. Motion Carried.


Motion: Trustee Zahorik

Second: Trustee Riley

Discussion: Trustee Zahorik commented Capital Fund not as much as she hoped.

Advised trustees to consider this for up and coming budget.

IX. Public Forum

Bruce Wallace updated the Board on the progress being made at the monthly Zoning Board meetings.

X. President’s Report

President Smith thanked everyone for all their hard work.

XI. Motions, Resolutions and Action Items

Finance, Village Hall, Building, Planning and Maintenance

(1) Motion to Approve Ordinance 18-02-01 Prohibiting Sexual Harassment

Motion: Trustee Zahorik

Second: Trustee Rider

Discussion: Trustee Zahorik explained this is a state requirement and will be

With the employee manual which is still being discussed at committee level.

Roll Vote: All Ayes: Trustees Cane, Rider, Riley Wise and Zahorik. Absent: Trustee Salvo. Motion Carried.

Public Works

(1) Motion to Approve Baxter Woodman Proposal NTE: $1,200.00

Motion: Trustee Riley

Second: Trustee Rider

Discussion: Trustee Riley explained drainage concerns at two (2) locations. Trustee Zahorik asked if this would be paid in the next fiscal year budget and Trustee Riley confirmed.

Roll Vote: All Ayes: Trustees Cane, Rider, Riley Wise and Zahorik. Absent:

Trustee Salvo. Motion Carried.

Public Safety

(1) Motion to Approve Ordinance 18-02-02 Amending Ch. 12 Sec. 14-104

Motion: Trustee Rider

Second: Trustee Zahorik

Discussion: Trustee Rider explained this is to amend the language prohibiting the discharge of projectiles to include hunting bow and arrow.

Roll Vote: All Ayes: Trustees Cane, Rider, Riley Wise and Zahorik. Absent:

Trustee Salvo

XII. Communications from Trustees, Department Heads and Consultants

Trustee Wise: Offered to get signs for the lake advising yearly usage at own risk

Trustee Salvo: Absent

Trustee Zahorik: Reviewed audit and employee manual at last meeting. Chalet to Come back with proposal regarding Amusement Tax. Next meeting TBD.

Trustee Rider: Still working on towing ordinance and budget items. Resident Addressed committee about speeding. Chief Nash to investigate concern.

Trustee Riley: Updated board on Salt usage. Next meeting 2/22 at 7pm

Trustee Cane: None

Ken Smith: Submitted monthly permit report

Treasurer Nowicki: None

Chief Nash: Submitted monthly reports.

XIII. Executive Session: to discuss probable pending litigation, pursuant to Section 2( c) ( 11) of the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2( c) (11) ).

Motion: Trustee Rider

Second: Trustee Riley All Ayes: Trustees Cane, Rider, Riley Wise and Zahorik

Absent: Trustee Salvo. Motion Carried. Went into Executive Session at 8:11pm

XIV. Resumed regular session at 8:37PM. Roll call was taken. Present were Trustees Cane, Rider, Riley Wise and Zahorik., President Smith, Attorney Waggoner and Clerk LoSasso. Absent: Trustee Salvo.

XV. Other Business: NONE

XVI. Adjourn. There was a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:37PM.

Motion: Trustee Zahorik

Second: Trustee Rider

All Ayes: Trustees Cane, Rider, Riley Wise and Zahorik. Absent:

Trustee Salvo. Motion Carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:38pm
