
McHenry Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Fox River Grove Consolidated School District 3 Board met February 26.

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Fox River Grove Consolidated School District 3 Board met February 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Call To Order And Pledge Of Allegiance

Board President Devin Bright called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

II. Roll Call

Members present were Laura Byrd, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm and Devin Bright. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Tim Mahaffy, Principals Dr. Sandy Ozimek and Mr. Eric Runck and Director of Special Education, Mrs. Heather Trom.

III. Welcome To Visitors, Guests, Comments & Questions

Audience members included Angela Nollett, Jen Arendt, Jessica McKenzie, Melissa Arnold, Katrina Loundy, Vicky Rohe, Susan Pettigrew, Jackie O’Mara, Paulette Nichols, Lora LeGrand and Marge Tietz. All were welcomed to the meeting.

No one signed in to address the Board.

IV. Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Kristine Hester to approve the consent agenda, approve and open to the public the regular minutes of the Special Board Meeting of January 20, 2018 and the Regular Board Meeting of January 22, 2018 and approve the closed minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of January 22, 2018, approve the January, 2018 Treasurer’s Report, approve the bills and payroll from January 20, 2018 through February 23, 2018 and approve the January 2018 Activity Accounts Report. Steve Pickering seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright and Laura Byrd. Voting nay – None. Motion approved.

V. Request For Records Under The Freedom Of Information Act

The District received two FOIA requests this month. The first request was from the IEA requesting FOIA information sent to Parent’s Foundation for Education for staff personal information. The request was received on 1/23/18 and was complied with on 1/23/18.

The second request was from Prairie State Wire requesting collective bargaining agreements in the district and specific information on all members of the collective bargaining group. The request was received on 1/31/18 and was complied with on 2/1/18.

VI. Public Hearing For Waiver Of Limitation Of Administrative Costs

A motion to close the regular session of the February 26th, 2018 Board meeting and go to Public Hearing for purposes of Waiver of Limitation of Administrative Costs was made by Gerry Blohm and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Tom Mollet, Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Laura Byrd and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

Dr. Mahaffy stated that the law requires the Board to go to a Public Hearing whenever the total of accounts associated with Administrative services or as most districts call it the Superintendent’s office exceeds 5%. This waiver is required for us because one of the accounts that is part of Administrative services is a director’s expenses (salary and benefits). With the addition of the Director of Special Education, the District not only exceeded the 5% but almost doubled the Administrative costs. Dr. Mahaffy reviewed documents included in the Board packets required by the Illinois State Board of Education for this Waiver (Public Hearing Notification, Application for Waiver, Actual Cost Worksheet and Waiver of School Code Narrative). The administrative costs in the Superintendent’s Office previously for all costs for administrative services was $265,222. In adding all the costs associated with adding the Director of Special Education and costs associated with the Director’s office, the cost increased by $118,310 for a total of $383,532. This is a 50% increase over the previous year thus the reason for this hearing.

A motion to close the Public Hearing and return to the regular Board meeting of February 26th, 2018 was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Laura Byrd, Steve Pickering and Tom Mollet. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

VII. Old Business

Coaches/Sponsors for 2017-2018 School Year -- A motion to approve the updated volunteer coach/sponsor list for FY 18 – Cheryl Geary for girls track, Dana Carr for Scholastic Bowl, and Nickel Hays, Ted Holtz, Cami Post, Bryan Nollett, Bobbie Blomquist, Britt Roehm, Maria Churak, Amanda Lisitza, Alyssa Klusek, Hailey Bond, Anna Zboril and Kari Radaios for MS Play/Musical – was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Tom Mollet. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Laura Byrd, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet and Kristine Hester. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

VIII. New Business

Class Size Update – Dr. Mahaffy presented an update on the current enrollment and FY19 sheet that was included in the Board packets. With the addition of two students starting on March 12th, there are 211 students at ARS and 208 students at the MS. We currently have 11 out of District students and 6 students in ECE. The FY19 figures include any students who we know are moving in or moving out of the District as of today. At this time of year, the Administration looks for direction and approval from the Board on class sizes in order to begin creating the staffing pattern and plan for next year’s staff. At the April Board meeting the Administration will be bringing to the Board their recommendations for staff (certified and non-certified).

Dr. Mahaffy stated that current staffing is 5th grade at 3 sections and all others are at 2 sections. There is also a shared aide in Kindergarten, 2nd and 4th grades. The aide in 2nd grade was just added last month.

Dr. Mahaffy reviewed 4 staffing options for FY19. Option 1 would be with all grades going to two sections with 1st, 3rd and 5th maintaining a shared aide. Option 2 would have all grades at 2 sections with FY19 6th grade remaining in three sections. This option would also maintain a shared aide in 1st, 3rd and 5th grades. Option 3 would have all grades in 2 sections with FY19 3rd grade moving into three sections. This option would eliminate the shared aide from the FY18 2nd grade but would maintain a shared aide for the 1st and 5th grades in FY19. Option 4 would be with all grades in two sections with FY19 3rd, 6th and 7th moving to 3 sections. This would eliminate the shared aide from the FY18 2nd grade and 1st and 5th grades would maintain shared aides for FY19.

Much discussion followed. Currently, we know of 38 students for FY19 Kindergarten with 27 officially registered. Mr. Bright asked if there were any performance issues that need to be discussed. Dr. Mahaffy stated that things are going well. There are no staff retirements expected until 2021 and 2022. Administration knows they can always come back to the Board if additional staff is needed. The use of shared aides in the current Kindergarten, 2nd and 4th was also reviewed. The Board also tries not to have a RIF (Reduction in Force) if at all possible. It appears that lower enrollment will continue with the number of students in each grade being in the lower to mid- forties for the future. The Board recognizes the fact that Fox River Grove is known for its smaller class sections. The Administration is looking for guidance from the Board tonight. If a Reduction in Force is required, the individual, by law, must be notified before so many days out of the last day of school. A straw poll with two sections throughout versus two sections plus one grade with three sections was taken.

A motion was made for the total sections remaining the same in 2018-2019 as it was 2017-2018 which is staffing neutral was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Kristine Hester. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Laura Byrd, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher and Gerry Blohm. Voting nay – Devin Bright. Motion approved.

Review of Middle School Math Placement Guide and Flowchart – Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the two year pilot for the math placement program. The District had experienced a two year window where it had grade levels who did not have access to the summer bridge program. The Administration and the math team wanted to bring an option to the Board that not only assists students who are late bloomers but also helps those students who are struggling throughout math. Dr. Mahaffy stated that in the past, before the high school bridge program, there were only two tracks of math – regular and advanced. The high school bridge program will not be offered this summer.

The rationale for suggested changes to the math placement guide include: minimizing the gaps in learning experience by the 6th grade pre-algebra students by not having received/completed the 6th grade curriculum prior to being placed in pre-algebra, aligning advanced placement criteria grades 5th-7th (Benchmark Exams and spring MAP scores) and providing general education students more pathways to advanced math classes. The Administration is also asking to maintain our own summer bridge program. This allows students two different opportunities to advance to the advance track during their 4 years or the advanced honors track during their 4 years at the Middle School. Administration feels these changes will give all students the best opportunity to succeed in math by eliminating any gaps.

A motion to approve the changes to the Middle School Math Placement Guide and Flowchart was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Gerry Blohm. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Laura Byrd, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm and Devin Bright. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

District School Calendar for 2018-19 and 2019-20 – Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school calendars with the Board. The calendars run basically in the same format as in the past. August 20th and 21st will be the first institute days for FY19. The first day of school for students will be August 22nd. There will also be the normal parent-teacher conference day and teacher institute days on the Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week. Students are off from school all that week. The last day of school before the holiday break will be Friday, December 21st with students returning to school on Monday, January 7th. Spring break will be the last full week of March (25th – 29th). Winter and spring break mirrors District 155. The last day of school with no snow days would be Friday, May 31st. This calendar still maintains the professional development late start days that mirrors District 155.

The 2019-2020 calendar is very similar with institute days on August 19th and 20th with the first day of school for students on August 21st. The week of Thanksgiving break would be November 26th-29th with parent-teacher conferences and teacher institute days on Monday and Tuesday. The last day of school before winter break would be Friday, December 20th with school resuming on Monday, January 6th. Spring break would be March 23rd-27th. Again both the winter and spring breaks coincide with District 155. The last day of school for FY20 with no snow days would be Friday, May 29th.

A motion to approve the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school calendars was made by Laura Byrd and seconded by Steve Pickering. A voice vote was taken. Voting aye – all ayes. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

Bus Lease and Bus Purchase for FY19 School Year -- A motion to approve the one year bus lease purchase agreement for FY19 for three one year old buses and the purchase of a 2017 bus for FY19 was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Sara Brubacher. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright and Laura Byrd. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the authorization for prepayment of the 2018-2019 bus lease purchase agreement in the amount of $39,480 and $59,446 for the bus purchase from Midwest Transit was made by Kristine Hester and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Tom Mollet, Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Laura Byrd and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

Resolution -- Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the abatement resolution from the 2017 tax levy that the Board asked to be brought forward. The abatement amount is for $150,000. If this abatement resolution is approved by the Board, it also approves the transfer of the funds in the fall.

A paper copy of the complete Resolution was included in the Board packets as follows:

Resolution transferring funds from the Educational Fund of Consolidated School District Number 3, McHenry County, Illinois, to the Bond and Interest Fund of said School District and abating a portion of the tax heretofore levied for the year 2017 to pay debt service on the General Obligation Refunding School Bonds, Series 2014, of said School District.

Whereas, the Board of Education (the “Board”) of Consolidated School District Number 3, McHenry County, Illinois (the “District”), by a resolution adopted on the 12th day of May, 2014 (the “Resolution”), as supplemented by a notification of sale dated the 18th day of June, 2014, did provide for the issue of $1,325,000 General Obligation Refunding School Bonds, Series 2014 (the “Bonds”), and the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay debt service on the Bonds; and

Whereas, on the 30th day of June, 2014, a duly certified copy of the Resolution was filed in the office of the County Clerk of The County of McHenry, Illinois (the “County Clerk”); and

Whereas, on the 30th day of June, 2014, a copy of a Direction for Abatement of Taxes, executed by the President and Secretary of the Board and the School Treasurer who receives the taxes of the District, dated the 18th day of June, 2014, and relating to the Bonds (the “Direction for Abatement”), was filed in the office of the County Clerk; and

Whereas, the Board has determined that there are available funds in the Educational Fund of the District (the “Educational Fund”) and it is necessary and in the best interests of the District that such funds (the “Available Funds”) be transferred from the Educational Fund to the “Refunding Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account of 2014” of the District (the “Bond Fund”), established pursuant to Section 10 of the Resolution and from which principal of and interest on the Bonds is paid; and 

Whereas, the Board has further determined that it is necessary and in the best interests of the District to abate a portion of the tax heretofore levied for the year 2017 to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds by the amount of the Available Funds transferred from the Educational Fund to the Bond Fund: 

Now, Therefore, Be It and It is Hereby Resolved by the Board of Education of Consolidated School District Number 3, McHenry County, as follows:

Section 1. Incorporation of Preambles. The Board hereby finds that all of the recitals contained in the preambles to this Resolution are full, true and correct and does incorporate them into this Resolution by this reference.

Section 2. Transfer from Educational Fund to Bond Fund. The School Treasurer who receives the taxes of the District is hereby directed to transfer the Available Funds in the amount of $150,000 from the Educational Fund to the Bond Fund on the date hereof.

Section 3. Abatement of Tax. A portion of the tax heretofore levied for the year 2017 shall be abated by the amount of the Available Funds, and the amount of the tax levied in Section 9 of the Resolution for the year 2017 to pay debt service on the Bonds, the amount of the tax to previously abated for said year, the additional amount of the tax to be abated for said year and the remainder of the tax levied which is to be extended for said year to pay debt service on the Bonds are as follows: 

Levy Year; Amount Levied In Resolution; Amount Previously Abated By Direction For Abatement; Additional Amount To Be Abated; Remainder Of Tax To Be Extended:

2017; $300,000; $26,950; $150,000; $123,050

Section 4. Filing of Resolution. Forthwith upon the adoption of this Resolution, the Secretary of the Board shall file a certified copy hereof with the County Clerk, and it shall be the duty of the County Clerk to abate a portion of said tax levied for the year 2017 in accordance with the provisions hereof and as shown hereinabove in Section 3 hereof. 

Section 5. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Resolution. 

Section 6. Repeal. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed and this Resolution shall be in full force and effect forthwith upon its adoption.

Adopted February 26, 2018.

A motion to approve the Resolution transferring funds from the Educational Fund of Consolidated School District Number 3, McHenry County, Illinois, to the Bond and Interest Fund of said School District and abating a portion of the tax heretofore levied for the year 2017 to pay debt service on the General Obligation Refunding School Bonds, Series 2014, of said School District was made by Laura Byrd and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Laura Byrd, Steve Pickering and Tom Mollet. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

Dr. Mahaffy stated that Administration has interviewed six candidates so far and have made four offers to school psychologists for next year. Three candidates said District 3 would be their first choice but they have other offers that were higher than ours and they took those offers. The last candidate did not give a reason but indicated no. Dr. Mahaffy reached out to many districts in the area regarding what they pay and 14 districts responded. He basically asked the districts what was their starting pay for a school psychologist as well as if they were having trouble hiring one. District 3 pays second from the bottom when compared to these districts. Dr. Mahaffy found that some districts are putting language into their contracts for hard to fill positions especially for the special services areas. McHenry District 156 has authorization to offer whatever they need to for the hard to fill position. Currently, they just hired two psychologists (one at $79,000, one at $77,000). Marengo District 165 has language in their contract that “the District reserves the right to offer “Fair Market Value” which is not on the salary schedule in special education positions such as Speech Therapists and Psychologists where a market shortage exists”. Another district gives an additional $5,000 compensation plus 3 additional days paid per diem. Hononegah stated that they would pay $58,395 but their current psychologists makes $90,000. They have not had to hire anyone lately. School psychologists are out there but they come at a premium. Dr. Mahaffy is looking for some leeway in order to make an offer more in line with market value. He stated that since these positions are part of the CBA, he would need to work with the Association on a Memorandum of Understanding if the Board is interested in doing this. If the District cannot offer a higher salary and needed to hire through a third party agency (like at the beginning of this year), the salary would come to $105,300 for a full time psychologist.

Mr. Bright questioned how would the District define “hard to fill” and how do we define “market rate”. Dr. Mahaffy felt it was easier to define “hard to fill”. If the District offered the job to a few solid candidates and you truly believe they wanted to be here and you make an offer, and we get turned down by two candidates, there needs to be a threshold whereby we have done our due diligence. We have made offers and we have been turned down due to salary. This would not be globalized – it would need to be a hard to fill position. This would be targeting the hiring of new employees with unfilled positions not someone threatening to leave the District. This would require a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) until we get to the next contract where some language could be structured. Dr. Mahaffy has been in contact with our legal firm.

Mrs. Trom stated that speaking from the special services department, psychologists have their pick of districts. In regard to speech pathologists, there are more positions open than there are speech pathologists graduating from college. These programs are very stringent and they are only allowing so many candidates into these programs. These are very hard positions to fill. Social workers varies upon the year. There is a lot more opportunity for these individuals between the private sector and schools to fill positions. OT and PT positions are also getting hard to fill due to all the requirements now needed for their certifications and degrees.

A motion giving approval to the Administration to work with the Association to create a process to offer fair market value for hard to fill positions was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Laura Byrd, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet and Kristine Hester. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

Dr. Mahaffy stated at the Special Board of Education meeting held on Saturday, January 20th, the Board reviewed the Parameters, the Belief Statements and the Mission Statement created in 2000 for the District. Any revisions were created from all the ideas gathered at that meeting. Listed below is the updated Mission Statement, Belief Statements and Guiding Principles (formerly called Parameters) –

Fox River Grove School District 3

Mission Statement

Fox River Grove School District 3 is committed to providing educational excellence in a safe, positive, and challenging environment that addresses all students’ unique learning styles, strengthened by a collaborative effort between school and community in a fiscally responsible manner.

Fox River Grove School District 3

Belief Statements

• We believe in providing the best educational experience for all students which promotes lifelong learning.

• We believe all children can learn and reach their full potential.

• We believe learning is cultivated in a safe, nurturing, and respectful environment.

• We believe a highly qualified, committed, and motivated staff is critical to optimal learning.

• We believe in continuous evaluation and improvement of the academic achievement in the district.

• We believe open and effective communication creates active partnerships.

• We believe we should be efficient stewards of the community’s resources.

Fox River Grove School District 3

Guiding Principles

• We will treat people with empathy, dignity and respect.

• We will ensure that expenditures benefit the educational process and the community as a whole.

• We will value all ideas and consider all perspectives.

• We will engage appropriate stakeholders in the decision-making process.

• We will communicate our decisions to all impacted stakeholders.

A motion to approve the Mission Statement, Guiding Principles and Belief Statements as presented was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Kristine Hester. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Laura Byrd, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Kristine Hester and Sara Brubacher. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

IX. Policy -- None.

X. Administrative Report

Board Dashboard – Dr. Mahaffy briefly reviewed the Board of Education Dashboard. March agenda items include approval of IESA memberships for FY19 and presentation of the Post Issuance Compliance Report on our outstanding bonds. We are currently working on summer maintenance, capital outlay, curriculum adoption and technology. The 2017 levy was 2.1 and is currently trending at the same rate for the 2018 levy.

Building Principals – Mr. Runck shared several letters with the Board. One was a letter from Rush thanking the Middle School for allowing them to do a movement study with the students with the coordination of Mr. King and Mr. Danley. The study was co-authored by former student, Caitlin Bailey. Letters from DonorsChoose.org thanking the FRG Middle School students for their monetary donation were shared with the Board. The monies were used to purchase books damaged by Hurricane Harvey. There was also a thank you letter from the Salvation Army to Norene Carr and the Beta Club for all the hats and gloves that were collected for their cause. Congratulations to Mark Gonzalez, our MS Spelling Bee champion, for coming in 3rd in Regionals. He will be moving on to the McHenry County competition which will be held on March 7th at McHenry County College. Kudos to both the 7th and 8th girls’ basketball teams for a successful season. The 7th grade team won this evening and will continue on in the tournament tomorrow.

Dr. Ozimek stated that ARS had their Valentine’s Day parties on February 14th. She thanked the parents and volunteers for all their help. ARS also had their Erin’s Law presentation. A couple of students were identified and these students and their families have been put into contact with resources that can help them. This was the first year that letters did not go home to families to opt out their child from the Erin’s Law presentation. This year all students attended the program and ARS did not receive any push back from that.

Director of Special Education – Mrs. Trom stated that the hearing for the District’s SEDOM withdrawal was presented to ISBE on February 7th and all went very well. In the feedback from ISBE, all the districts were very successful. The Districts all have similar items they need to continue to work on making sure we are including the students as much as possible and as many of them are serviced in their home school as possible. ISBE will be auditing over the next few years to make sure the District is compliant and is servicing the students to the best of our ability. The SEDOM withdrawal will be effective this summer.

Dr. Mahaffy stated that the Administration will be bringing to the Board in March an inter- governmental agreement between not only all the feeder school districts but also District 158 as a unit district and District 155. This will allow District 3 to work together under a shared service model with the Region IV schools as well as District 158.

XI. Committee Reports – None.

XII. Announcements, Notices And Communications – None.

XIII. Executive Session

A motion to adjourn from the regular session of the February 26, 2018 Board Meeting and go to executive session at 8:40 p.m. to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the District and student disciplinary matters was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Devin Bright, Laura Byrd, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher and Gerry Blohm. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

XIV. Action Following Executive Session

A motion to return from executive session to open session of the February 26, 2018 Board Meeting at 10:03 p.m. was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Tom Mollet. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright and Laura Byrd. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the unpaid leave of seven days for Food Service Director, Janet Mollet, was made by Laura Byrd and seconded by Kristine Hester. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Laura Byrd and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – none. Abstaining – Tom Mollet. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the resignation of part-time food service worker Angie Gunn at the end of the 2017-2018 school year was made by Tom Mollet and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Laura Byrd, Steve Pickering and Tom Mollet. Voting nay. None. Motion approved.

A motion to approve Sabina Basiorka as a regular education teacher aide for the remainder of the 2017-2018 school year was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Laura Byrd, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet and Kristine Hester. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve Jessica McKenzie as Middle School Principal for the 2018-2019 school year subject to the completion of the Illinois School Principal’s License was made by Laura Byrd and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Laura Byrd, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Kristine Hester and Sara Brubacher. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the 2018-2019 contract for Jessica McKenzie was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Devin Bright, Laura Byrd, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Kristine Hester, Sara Brubacher, and Gerry Blohm. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

XV. Adjournment

A motion to adjourn the meeting of February 26, 2018 at 10:06 p.m. was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Laura Byrd. A voice vote was taken. Voting aye – All ayes. Voting nay – None. Motion approved.

XVI. Next Regular Meeting – March 19, 2018



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