McHenry County Mental Health Board met March 27.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Board Members present: Mike Baber, Cathy Ferguson, Lynn Kasicki, Sam Melei, Dawn Pruchniak, Sarah Wilson, Paula Yensen; Board Members absent: Connee Meschini
Others present: Laura Fry, Scott Block, Terry Braune, Jane Wacker, Pat Peterson and other interested parties
1. Call To Order – Cathy Ferguson called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Roll Call was taken.
2. Public Comment - Laura Fry, Live4Lali - brought a signup sheet for free Naloxone training available to any McHenry County citizen or organization.
3. Presentation – None.
4. Approval Of Minutes - For Action
Sam Melei motioned to approve the minutes. Sarah Wilson noted a Scribner’s error on packet page 6 of the February 24, 2018 meeting minutes. The date for the Town Hall meeting recorded as May 17 should read May 8. Sam Melei changed his motion to approve the Amended Minutes of the February 24, 2018 Strategic Planning Meeting and the Minutes of the February 27, 2018 Regular Board Meeting. Seconded by Sarah Wilson. A Voice Vote Was Taken. All in favor. Motion carried.
5. Reports
A. President's Reports – C. Ferguson
Cathy pointed out the Events and Announcements and Annual Town Hall Meetings on May 3 and May 8. She announced that Ray Lapinas has resigned his Board position effective Friday, March 23, and has taken a position at the Epilepsy Foundation. The Board concurred that Ray should be formally recognized and would like to wait until Connee returns to do so.
Understanding that a new Board member will probably not be appointed until June, Cathy noted concerning the Board Site Visits that Dawn has agreed to be assigned New Directions, Lynn has agreed to be assigned NISRA and Cathy has agreed to be assigned NWCASA. Cathy, per MHB bylaws, talked with Connee and in her absence has appointed replacements for Ray’s two committee chairperson positions. As Chair of Ethics and Compliance - Dawn Pruchniak, as Chair of Bylaws - Sam Melei. These will be effective until June 2018 when reappointments are scheduled.
B. Director's Report - S. Block
Scott reported:
• On February 28th MHB ED and Vice President, Cathy Ferguson, attended the McHenry County Council of Governments’ Meeting to support State’s Attorney Kenneally’s presentation on the Opioid/Heroin crisis.
• On March 13th MHB ED attended Centegra Health System’s Community Leader Breakfast for both private and public sectors. Scott was able to address the recent MHB and Centegra partnership activities.
• On March 19th MHB ED attended the McHenry County Volunteer Center Meet the Media event which was hosted at the MHB. Approximately 65 people attended representing 40 agencies. Scott talked about the MHB experience working with Media. All were able to network and access media contact information.
• On March 21st MHB ED attended, by invitation, an Options & Advocacy Board Meeting and provided an overview of the MHB’s operation and focus, etc. He encouraged other agencies to consider an invitation.
• On March 8th the Substance Abuse Coalition, the State’s Attorney and New Directions Addiction Recovery Services provided the McHenry County Medical Society with a presentation on Opioids/Heroin. The event was attended by approximately 200 physicians and the MHB provided posters for physicians to take and display at their practices. New Directions received a donation on behalf of the physicians and Centegra has made an effort to prescribe less opiates. The State’s Attorney provided an update on the multi-county lawsuit started on behalf of this effort. Cathy noted that State’s Attorney Patrick Kenneally changed the tone of the meeting with his strong presentation that demonstrated how pervasive this problem is in the County.
• In February/March the MHB and local QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) trainers facilitated QPR Suicide Prevention Trainings for 1,062 Wauconda D118 students and 150 students at Cary Grove High School. They also conducted risk assessments that identified students who presented as having a need for services. Since its inception more than 5000 have been trained. MHB is looking to onboard 12-15 new trainers this summer.
• MHB Buildings and Grounds Update: the next meeting is scheduled for April 30th at 4 pm. Agenda items will include a review of Facility Condition Assessment, items to prioritize FY19 budget and Annex occupancy plans post McHenry County Community Foundation and post debt satisfaction in FY19.
• MHB, Wold RuckPate and Canyon Consulting Inc. are finalizing the contract for the water drainage project and work is expected to start around April 8.
• MHB Ethics & Compliance Update: the next meeting is scheduled for April 11th at 4 pm. Agenda items will include a review of 1st Quarter Provider Outcomes and FY18 Compliance Audits to date. Compliance Audits completed: Epilepsy Foundation, Family Alliance, Harvard Senior Center, Live4Lali, McHenry County Sheriff’s Dept., NAMI, New Directions, and Pioneer Center.
• MHB Finance and Audit Update: the March Finance and Audit Meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum and the April Meeting is cancelled due to the Board Meeting schedule. Finance and Audit related activities, including the FY19 draft budget, will be addressed at the Regular April Board Meeting. Staff plan the budget from the amount received last year, $10.9M, but are not sure how the $500,000 abatement will impact this.
• Marvin Lindsey, CEO of Community Behavioral Healthcare Association of Illinois (CBHA) and CBHA representatives attended the March 26th Network Council Meeting. The regular agenda was suspended to allow time for CBHA to review the proposed revisions to Rule 132/140, the FY19 state budget, the newly developed Independent Practice Association and the future of Medicaid services.
• MHB Staff members, Pat Peterson and Kris Doherty are representing the MHB and McHenry County at the 5K Human Race on April 22nd. All funds raised will benefit United Way. See Pat Peterson for details.
C. Finance and Audit Committee - S. Melei
Jane provided the report for the Finance and Audit Committee. The Committee was unable to meet this month due to lack of quorum. She noted that on packet page 26 the Accrued Salary Payable and Excess Revenue over (under) Expenditures each changed by $6 which carried through to Salaries and related expenses, Administration and also to Beginning Fund Balance on packet page 36. There is nothing else that is distinct to mention other than a revised packet page 37. At the time the report was posted it was missing the Current Expenses totals. The report was amended to include these and was provided to Board members as a handout.
The ERP System is no longer loosing time as far as the schedule goes. County staff are working to make up this time. Jane and MHB staff are feeling more comfortable with the process and how it will work for the MHB. Scott added that the Core Team has welcomed Jane’s experience, expertise and input as being invaluable to the planning.
D. Network Council - C. Ferguson
The Network Council met yesterday as Scott noted in his ED Report. Cathy noted that Chris Gleason has resigned as Chairperson due to his Rosecrance promotion. Joanne Furnas of AID was elected as Chairperson and Emily Fencl of Clearbrook as Co-Chairperson. Committee reports will occur next month.
E. Board Liaison Reports
Scott reviewed changes to the Board Liaison Program including information on packet page 23, item1. FY18 Board Site Visits and packet page 25, item 2. 2018 Board Site Visit Report. Changes were made per suggestions made at the Board Strategic Planning Meeting. The timing of the visits were changed to run through May so as not to coincide with funding time. A verbal or written report can be provided to the Board and the expectation is for a single meeting. Cathy noted that the agencies appreciate that the MHB taking the time to get to know them.
6. Consent Agenda - For Action
A. 201803-16 Treasurer's Reports for the Period Ending
1. Treasurer's Report for the Period Ending Nov. 31, 2017v4
2. Treasurer's Report for the Period Ending Feb. 28, 2018
B. 201803-17 MHB Monthly Bills - $768,515.81
1. MHB Monthly Bills
C. 201803-22 FY 2017 Annual Report
1. Draft FY17 Annual Report
Paula Yensen motioned to approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, and C. Seconded by Sam Melei. A Roll Call Vote Was Taken. Mike Baber – Yes, Cathy Ferguson – Yes, Lynn Kasicki – Yes, Sam Melei – Yes, Dawn Pruchniak – Yes, Sarah Wilson – Yes, Paula Yensen - Yes. All in favor. Motion carried.
7. Old Business - For Discussion/For Action
A. 201803-23 MCMHB Agency/Consumer Training Guideline Modification
Scott explained the scholarship program shown on packet page 61 and the reason for presenting this modification is simply to take out the tiered dollar amount of funding to ease the administrative tracking work and allow for the maximum level of scholarship provided regardless of size of agency funding. Sarah Wilson motioned for the Board of Directors to direct the Executive Director to amend the previous scholarship levels per MHB fiscal year to a maximum of $1,000 per MHB funded agency, regardless of their MHB funding level, or per consumer of McHenry County services. All requests are subject to MHB budget availability. Seconded by Mike Baber. A Roll Call Vote Was Taken. Mike Baber – Yes, Cathy Ferguson – Yes, Lynn Kasicki – Yes, Sam Melei – Yes, Dawn Pruchniak – Yes, Sarah Wilson – Yes, Paula Yensen - Yes. All in favor. Motion carried.
8. New Business - For Discussion/For Action
A. First Mid Insurance Renewal
Scott stated that this is to annually notify the Board that the Staff is exercising the option for a 3rd renewal year. Next year Staff will go out for RFP.
B. Updates to CARF Quality Improvement Plan
1. 201803-18 Revisions to the Regular Board Meeting Agenda and the Board Policy, Rules and Procedures On packet page 66, the Board Policy, Rules and Procedures policy has been amended to change Public Comment to the last item with Members’ Comment just before it so that the last agenda item is Public Comment. The Presentation has been moved to after the Consent Agenda in order to take care of business first and allow for more relaxed presentation time. Lynn Kasicki motioned to approve the revisions to the Board Policy, Rules and Procedures policy as amended. Seconded by Sam Melei. A Roll Call Vote Was Taken. Mike Baber – Yes, Cathy Ferguson – Yes, Lynn Kasicki – Yes, Sam Melei – Yes, Dawn Pruchniak – Yes, Sarah Wilson – Yes, Paula Yensen - Yes. All in favor. Motion carried.
2. 201803-19 Board Self-Assessment Policy
Scott explained implementation of the Board Self-Assessment Policy shown on packet page 69. This was discussed at the Board Strategic Planning meeting. Sam Mei motioned to approve the Board Self-Assessment Policy as presented. Lynn Kasicki seconded. A Roll Call Vote Was Taken. Mike Baber – Yes, Cathy Ferguson – Yes, Lynn Kasicki – Yes, Sam Melei – Yes, Dawn Pruchniak – Yes, Sarah Wilson – Yes, Paula Yensen - Yes. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. 201803-20 Mental Health Board Code of Ethics
Scott noted that the Code of Ethics form on packet page 86 was revised per Board Strategic Planning discussion to avoid any appearance of impropriety but also allow for certain level of community relationship. Mike Baber motioned to approve the Code of Ethics as presented on page 86. Seconded by Sarah Wilson. A Roll Call Vote Was Taken. Mike Baber – Yes, Cathy Ferguson – Yes, Lynn Kasicki – Yes, Sam Melei – Yes, Dawn Pruchniak – Yes, Sarah Wilson – Yes, Paula Yensen - Yes. All in favor. Motion carried.
C. Contractor Evaluation Form
Cathy suggested that the Board members take the Draft Contractor Evaluation Form off the table as it is not within the scope of the Board. It is the ED job to make the assessment and the Board should not micromanage this. Board members cannot judge when a Contractor is not productive, the Staff will know if a Contractor is doing the work.
The County doesn’t do an evaluation of contractors either. Scott provided a draft format but if done on an annual basis it becomes record and may produce risk. Paula voiced agreement that this is not needed. The Board concurred that this item be taken off the table and no longer considered.
D. FY19 County Budget Timeline
The FY19 Budget Timeline is provided for presentation purposes. MHB Staff will bring the draft to the Board in April, it should be entered into the County management system in May. It is typically a 2-3 month process with changes. With the County ERP system changes it may be different, the MHB budget will be complete but the County dates may change. Jane noted that MHB will have to crosswalk budget numbers to ensure accuracy. Scott noted that Staff met today for budget planning and will present facilities conditions assessment to the Buildings and Grounds Committee in April.
E. FY19 Funding Application Timeline
The FY19 Funding Application Timeline is provided for presentation purposes. MHB will approve guidelines next month. June - July will be application process time through August - September with decisions made in October. Scott is recommending only 2 special meetings together with the September and October Regular Board meetings.
9. Public Comment – none.
10. Executive Session [Pursuant To 5 ILCS 120/2(C)(1)] – Personnel MatteR Paula Yensen motioned to move into Executive Session at 7:01 p.m. Seconded by Sam Melei. A Voice Vote Was Taken. All in favor. Motion carried.
Sam Melei motioned to move back into Open Session at 7:50 p.m. Seconded by Dawn Pruchniak. A Voice Vote Was Taken. All in favor. Motion carried.
No Action was taken during the Executive Session.
The Board concurred that Cathy Ferguson could provide ED with direction and feedback on items discussed to be added to the April Regular Board Meeting Agenda for consideration and possible action.
11. Adjourn –
Sarah Wilson motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Sam Melei. A Voice Vote Was Taken All in favor. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 At 6:00 p.m.