
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Huntley Park District Board met January 31.

Webp hall

Huntley Park District Board met Jan. 31.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President Jerry Nepermann called the meeting to order held at 7:05 p.m. Commissioners present included; Bill Awe, Jim Blasky, Keith Wold, and Melissa Kellas. Also present were Thom Palmer, Paul Ostrander, Debbie Kraus, Brad Hisel, and John Cowlin.

A motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Wold and seconded by Commissioner Awe. All ayes. Motion carried.

A motion to approve the January 10, 2018 Board workshop meeting minutes was made by Commissioner Blasky and seconded by Commissioner Awe. All ayes. Motion carried. A motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented was made by Commissioner Awe and seconded by Commissioner Blasky. All ayes. Motion carried.

There were no Purchase Orders

Laura Pisarcik submitted bills, additions, and purchase cards totaling $506,946.19.

Commissioner Kellas inquired about a yearly maintenance agreement for the auditorium seats in the Cosman Theater.

A motion to approve the submitted bills and additions listed above was made by Commissioner Kellas and seconded by Commissioner Wold. Roll Call: Yes – Kellas, Wold, Awe, Blasky Nepermann. No – None. Motion carried.

Staff Reports The following Department Reports were reviewed:

Finance & HR: In addition to Laura Pisarcik’s submitted report, Commissioner Wold inquired about the drop of W2’s for 50 people. Laura will follow up for next month’s meeting.

Parks: There were no additions to Paul Ostrander’s submitted report.

Golf Department Report: In addition to Brad Hisel’s submitted report, Brad reported that the Huntley Spring Resort development is still giving presentations at Pinecrest. There are usually 3 per month and around 70-80 people in attendance. Blair Bedalow is the new Marketing person for Kemper Sports. Brad reported that he is excited about a few new ideas Blair is generating. One thought being a “Noon” Year’s Eve for 2019. Brad also reported that Tom Larsen will be leaving to follow an opportunity as Assistant Pro at Royal Melbourne Country Club in Hawthorne Woods.

Recreation: In addition to Debbie Kraus’ submitted report, Commissioner Wold was pleased to see the new programs; Nerf Elite Battle and Mini Ninja Warriors.

Consent Agenda

1. Approve December 13, 2017 regular Board Meeting minutes

2. Approve December 13, 2017 Annual Board Meeting minutes

3. Approve December 2017 Bills and Additions

4. Approve The American Cancer Society Relay for Life

5. Approve Kiss my Cooley 5K Run

6. Approve Huntley Goes Bald 5K Run

A motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Commissioner Wold and seconded by Commissioner Kellas.

Roll Call: Yes – Wold, Kellas, Nepermann, Blasky, Awe. No – None. Motion carried.

New Business Budget and Appropriation Ordinance A budget and appropriation ordinance shall be prepared in tentative form by some person or persons designated by the district, and in such tentative form shall be conveniently available to public inspection for at least 30 days prior to final action. Final action on the budget and appropriation ordinance will be considered at the March 21, 2018 business meeting A motion to approve the resolution to authorize the filing of the budget and appropriation ordinance was made by Commissioner Wold and seconded by Commissioner Awe. All ayes. Motion carried.

Sun Valley Farm Facility Use Agreement For many years the Board and staff have discussed the fact that the Huntley Historical Society would use the Farmhouse someday. That someday is here. The boiler was replaced several years ago and the electric service was upgraded when the Parks Department moved in temporarily last spring. The house is ready. A previous Facility last Committee meeting on Use November Agreement 16, 2017. has The been only revised change and since the Park committee reviewed it at the that meeting was making the agreement for 4 years rather than 2 years. This was requested by Jim Drendel, President of the Historical Society. Mr. Drendel felt that 2 years was too short of occupancy to apply for grants.

A motion to approve a resolution for the President and Secretary to sign the Facility Use Agreement with the Historical Society for a four (4) year lease with an additional 2 year extension with the mutual agreement of both parties as presented was made by Commissioner Wold and seconded by Commissioner Kellas. Ayes: Wold, Kellas, Awe, Nepermann. Abstain: Blasky. Motion carried.

Commissioner Comments Commissioner Awe suggested that a clock monument for Pinecrest be added to the capitol budget.

Executive Session A motion to enter into executive session to discuss Land Acquisition/Lease in compliance with the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 2 (c) (c5 & c6) by Commissioner Awe and seconded by Commissioner Blasky.

Roll Call: Yes – Awe, Blasky, Nepermann, Kellas, Wold. No – None. Motion carried.

[Executive Session]

A motion to reconvene the regular meeting at 8:22 p.m. by Commissioner Wold and seconded by Commissioner Awe.

Roll Call: Yes –Wold, Awe, Kellas, Blasky, Nepermann. No – None. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Kellas seconded by Commissioner Wold. All ayes. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.

These minutes are subject to approval at the next regular business meeting. Respectfully submitted, Alyce Johnson Recording Secretary
