
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Huntley Park District Board met March 21.

Webp meeting 06

Huntley Park District Board met March 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President Jerry Nepermann called the meeting to order held at 7:04 p.m. Commissioners present included; Bill Awe, Jim Blasky, and Keith Wold. Melissa Kellas was absent. Also present were Thom Palmer, Laura Pisarcik, Paul Ostrander, Debbie Kraus, Brad Hisel, and John Cowlin.

A motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Wold and seconded by Commissioner Blasky. All ayes. Motion carried.

A motion to approve the February 28, 2018 regular Board meeting minutes was made by Commissioner Awe and seconded by Commissioner Blasky. All ayes. Motion carried.

A motion to approve purchase order #20180041 to Acushnet Titleist Golf for $35,532.00 was made by Commissioner Wold and seconded by Commissioner Awe.

Roll Call: Yes – Wold, Awe, Blasky, Nepermann. No – None. Motion carried.

Laura Pisarcik submitted bills, additions, and purchase cards totaling $237,921.86. A motion to approve the submitted bills and additions listed above was made by Commissioner Awe and seconded by Commissioner Wold.

Roll Call: Yes – Awe, Wold, Nepermann, Blasky. No – None. Motion carried.

Staff Reports:

The following Department Reports were reviewed:

Finance & HR: There were no additions to Laura Pisarcik’s submitted report.

Parks: There were no additions to Paul Ostrander’s submitted report.

Golf: There were no additions to Brad Hisel’s submitted report.

Recreation: In addition to Debbie Kraus’ submitted report, Commissioner Wold commented that hiring from within the Huntley Park District for the Stingray Bay Managers position was an excellent idea.

New Business:

Little League Batting Cage Proposal-

Huntley Little League uses Stingray Bay and Warrington Fields for the majority of their games and tournaments. They are requesting batting cages to be placed near these fields to improve upon the amenities offered to their participants. They will pay for the cost of the batting cages. They have requested that Paul and his team assemble and install the batting cages. The Park District would charge them for the assembly and installation.

A motion to approve the batting cage request from Huntley Little League with the following clarifications: netting to be used (no chain link fence), cages would be open to the public when not being used by Huntley Little League, and electricity to be installed was made by Commissioner Wold and seconded by Commissioner Awe. All ayes. Motion carried.

Consider 5K Run Approval by Recreatin Director and Parks & Facility Director-

Currently, we approach the Board of Commissioners for approval of 5K race requests. Most requests are received from not for profit organizations. Current organizations include Cancer Kiss My Cooley, Huntley High School/St. Baldrick, Cal’s Angels/Pediatric Cancer, Loubird/Epilepsy Foundation, Fall Fest, and 4th of July Fest. The organizations promote, manage and oversee the races. The Park District assists with the barricades, cones, additional porta-potties (organizations are billed for them) and recreation staff the day of the race if needed. Organizations requests must also be approved by the Village of Huntley. Most requests are for Betsey Warrington and Deicke Park as there is a certified course. We also receive 1 or 2 requests for Tomaso and the same procedures are required. Funds from 4th of July Fest are put into the HPD Foundation for athletics - $275 in 2017 and $400 in 2016. The organizations promote, manage oversee the run.

A motion to approve the authorization for the Parks & Facility Director and the Recreation Director to approve 5K run requests, variances to sell items and use a starting gun, and given that the 5K run is using a pre-described route as presented was made by Commissioner Wold and seconded by Commissioner Blasky. All ayes. Motion carried.

2018 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance-

The combined annual budget and appropriation ordinance appropriates the monies that are necessary to cover the projected expenses and liabilities the district may incur in the next budget year. The ordinance must be passed and approved within or before the first quarter of each fiscal year.

A motion to approve the 2018 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance as presented was made by Commissioner Awe and seconded by Commissioner Blasky.

Roll Call: Yes – Awe, Blasky, Nepermann, Wold. No – None. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Awe seconded by Commissioner Wold. All ayes. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.

These minutes are subject to approval at the next regular business meeting.
