
McHenry Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Fox River Grove Consolidated School District 3 Board met April 16.

Webp meet

Fox River Grove Consolidated School District 3 Board met April 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Call To Order And Pledge Of Allegiance

Board President Devin Bright called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

II. Roll Call

Members present were Tom Mollet, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester and Steve Pickering. Absent were Board members Laura Byrd and Sara Brubacher. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Tim Mahaffy and Principals Dr. Sandy Ozimek and Mr. Eric Runck. Absent was Mrs. Heather Trom, Director of Special Education.

Board President Bright stated that Items H and I under New Business will be moved up and presented under Item D. in order to respect teacher’s time and to get them out of the meeting a little earlier.

III. Welcome To Visitors, Guests, Comments & Questions

Audience members included Larry Merkel, Jessica McKenzie, Alisa Bruns, Marge Tietz, Sarah Ireland, Bill Spakowski (Single Path), Theresa Meshes, Michele Drage and Angela Nollet. All were welcomed to the meeting.

No one signed in to address the Board.

Board member, Sara Brubacher, entered the meeting at 7:02 p.m.

IV. Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Steve Pickering to approve the consent agenda, approve and open to the public the regular minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of March 19, 2018 and approve the closed minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of March 19, 2018, approve the March, 2018 Treasurer’s Report, approve the bills and payroll from March 17, 2018 through April 13, 2018 and approve the March 2018 Activity Accounts Report. Gerry Blohm seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering and Tom Mollet. Voting nay – None. Motion approved.

V. Request For Records Under The Freedom Of Information Act

The District received two FOIA requests. The first one was from Sargent Shriver Center on Poverty Law requesting MOU or agreement with the police department through which we employ any resource officers. The request was received on 4/5/2018 and was complied with on 4/5/2018.

The second request was from NBC 5 Chicago requesting which schools have resource officers and policies and guidelines for each resource officer. The request was received on 4/10/2018 and complied with on 4/10/2018.

VI. Old Business

Coaches/Sponsors for 2017-2018 School Year – None.

VII. New Business

Review Current and Estimated 2018-19 Enrollment and Class Size – Dr. Mahaffy presented an update on the current enrollment and FY19 sheet that was included in the Board packets. We are estimating 39 students for Kindergarten in the fall. There are 17 out of district placements which includes ECE. We are currently looking at an in-house enrollment of 407 students for FY19.

IT Managed Services for 2018-19 -- Dr. Mahaffy, along with Mr. Bill Spakowski of Single Path, reviewed the one year renewal for IT Managed Services. The District has been using Single Path the past two years and everything has gone smoothly. The only difference in this agreement versus previous agreements is the number. The increase is tied to CPI at 2.1% (.7% for FY18). Tech support has been streamlined with the use of tech tickets. The Administration meets with Single Path once a month. We have a full time, 40 hour per week in house tech engineer (Alex Kim) as well as the Single Path Level 2 and Level 3 tech support that is included in the agreement. Dr. Mahaffy feels it is working out really well. Mrs. McKenzie also does a great job supporting the tech program.

A motion to approve the Single Path IT Managed Services Agreement with a 6/30 renewal to be the CPI not to exceed 4% was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Gerry Blohm. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet and Sara Brubacher. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

2018 Summer Maintenance Plan – Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the Summer Maintenance List with the Board. Major items include: additional projects/maintenance work with Ringers Landscaping, digitalizing the sound and lighting system at the MS, sealcoating at the MS and cleaning and finishing the wood floors in the gym and multi-purpose room. Other summer maintenance items include: cleaning supplies, maintenance supplies, paint for both buildings, fixing exposed wood on stairs on mobiles, order and install security shades at ARS, build steps in computer lab so students can use the interactive whiteboard, fixing register foyer by door 8 and repair linoleum by door 6 in the MS, raise kiln exhaust so window can close and order floor mats for multi-purpose room. The summer help includes one painter (Don Lewan) and six students or whoever we can hire comes to $18,314.

A motion to approve the 2018 Summer Maintenance Plan as presented was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Tom Mollet. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher and Gerry Blohm. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

Capital Outlay Plan for FY19 -- Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the 5-year School District 3 Capital Outlay Plan. The Board will only be approving the amount for FY19 tonight. Both Dr. Mahaffy and Mr. Miller also meticulously reviewed the 10 year Life Safety Plan. Most items have decreased in price due to the completion of the items being done in house under maintenance. Capital Outlay projects include: replacement of asphalt walkway near the mobiles at Algonquin Road School ($15,000), cafeteria tables ($13,000) and main building hot water heater if we need it ($15,000) at the Middle School and the replacement of bus 1 ($55,946), replacement of the food service truck ($40,000), Meal Time upgrade for Food Services ($5,260), wireless upgrade ($50,073), Life Safety Projects ($1,000) and LED lighting for the parking lots and outside of buildings ($30,000) for a total cost of $225,279. Dr. Mahaffy stated that the wireless upgrade will probably net $30,000 instead of the $50,000 listed. Single Path will be overseeing the entire installation and management of this system. The District should also continue to receive discounts through E- Rate.

A motion to approve the Capital Outlay Plan for FY19 was made by Gerry Blohm and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm and Devin Bright. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

2018-19 K-5 Mathematics Curriculum -- Dr. Ozimek stated that the proposal would be to purchase a print and digital math curriculum for Kindergarten through 5th grades. After considering our District’s current success with My Math and identifying the remedied gaps, the Math Committee proposed the purchase of an updated 2018 version of My Math. Rationale for purchasing My Math includes: the curriculum addresses the math new Illinois Learning Standards, unanimous decision by the committee, gaps have already been identified and remedied, provides guided and independent practice and resources to differentiate instruction, the financial investment in manipulative kits has already been made, formative and summative assessments are available, McGraw-Hill has added performance assessments, the curriculum focuses on higher-level thinking and problem-solving with Brain Builders and student and teacher materials and resources are accessible from any internet capable device. The purchase price of $25,712 includes $13,597 in free materials.

A motion to approve the purchase of the K-5 My Math 5-Year package for $25,712 was made by Kristine Hester and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright and Kristine Hester. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

2018-19 ELA Middle School Curriculum Update -- Mr. Runck, along with Mrs. Bruns, Mrs. McKenzie and Mr. Merkel, shared recommendations to update the Middle School ELA curriculum. The review process began in the 2016-2017 school year. The ELA team did not want a canned program but a novel-based program. The process basically includes four steps: planning, articulating and developing (process), implementing and evaluating. All ELA staff was included in the planning stage. Mrs. McKenzie described a cross walk which was completed by comparing what is currently being done and what they wanted to do to make sure any gaps were eliminated. Mrs. Bruns and Mr. Merkel shared what an actual unit and assessments look like. If approved tonight, this is what it would look like on the website if a parent went to see curriculum. There is no capital cost but was a major review and revision to this curriculum. Kudos to the team for working on this curriculum.

A motion to approve the 2018-19 ELA Middle School Curriculum update was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Kristine Hester. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

District 3 Communication Plan for 2018-19 -- Dr. Ozimek stated that included in the Board packets was a draft of the Communication Plan. This plan was a result of discussions throughout the year especially in the Board training meeting where we focused on the goals and the future direction of the District. One of the big items that came out of that discussion was the engagement of our stakeholders in our schools and how we go about doing this. This Communication Plan should be reviewed annually to make sure that it still fits the needs of the District. Dr. Ozimek stated that she began by reviewing what other school districts had for their Communications Plan. She also tapped resources provided by the National School Public Relations Association. Dr. Ozimek stated that the Communication Plan is intended to do the following: 1) implement a communication program that directly helps the District fulfill its mission, 2) foster strong relationships with District stakeholders, 3) provide focus and direction for messages in support of the District’s goals, and 4) Enable the District to present itself accurately to all stakeholders. Five goals along with their strategies were discussed: 1) develop and maintain positive, collaborative relationships with all school community members to strengthen support of Fox River Grove School District 3, 2) use a variety of media to maximize awareness and support of the district’s goals, objectives and programs, 3) establish strong, positive connections between the district and our community, 4) achieve coordinated internal and external communication systems and 5) maintain and promote a positive image and reputation for our school district. At the end of the plan was a responsibility matrix of action steps and person responsible. Much discussion followed. The Board thanked Dr. Ozimek for all her work and research.

A motion to approve the District 3 Communication Plan for 2018-19 was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Kristine Hester. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering and Tom Mollet. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

Non-Certified Wage Increase for 2018-19 -- Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the 2018-2019 non-certified wage recommendation sheet that was included in the Board packets. He is recommending a 3% base increase for returning staff which comes to $25,479. The FY18 total wages was $939,305.36 and the FY19 estimated total wages is $924,902.82. This is a $14,402.54 savings from FY18 due to turnover. The group includes 36 employees for a total of 31.22 FTE. Dr. Mahaffy also presented a history of non-certified wages and bumps from FY03 forward.

A motion to approve the non-certified wage increase of 3% for the 2018-2019 school year was made by Gerry Blohm and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering and Sara Brubacher. Voting nay – none. Abstaining – Tom Mollet. Motion approved.

FY19 District Preferred Plan for Health Insurance – Dr. Mahaffy stated that per the negotiated agreement, the Board needs to annually identify the District’s Preferred Plan for health insurance. The insurance committee met with Gallagher Benefit Services last Thursday, April 12th. District 3 has had really good experience over the past two years. The current renewal rate in the PPO shows a decrease of 2.3% and a decrease of 10.4% in the HMO. District 3 had the best rate modification in the Cooperative. The Committee is recommending the PPO 500 to remain as the District’s Preferred Plan for Health Insurance. The PPO 750 and the HMO 20 will also be available to staff.

A motion to approve the PPO 500 as the District’s Preferred Plan for Health Insurance for FY19 as presented was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Gerry Blohm. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Sara Brubacher, Tom Mollet and Gerry Blohm. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

Annual Resolution for Participation in the McHenry County Regional Safe School Program -- A motion to approve the Resolution for Participation in the McHenry County Regional Safe School Program for 2018-2019 was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Tom Mollet. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm and Devin Bright. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

Changes to the 2018-19 Parent/Student Handbooks -- Dr. Mahaffy stated that last Tuesday (4/10/18) the Joint Advisory Committee meeting was held to review the Parent/Student Handbooks, the Wellness Policy, Grants, etc. Most recent changes to the handbooks came from Springfield due to new laws or court cases and recommendations from staff and Administration.

Both the ARS and MS Parent Student Handbooks will have revisions to the cover page and table of contents, fees, dates, calendar, supply lists or names relevant to the 2018-2019 school year and any revisions necessitated by new laws or requirements.

Mr. Runck reviewed the following sections which were either revised or rewritten: Section 2.4 – Required Health Examinations and Immunizations, Section 2.7 – Students with Food Allergies, Section 3.4 – Home and Hospital Instruction, Section 3.5 – Administering Medicines to Students, Section 5.2 – Dress Code, Section 5.4 – Use of Electronic Devices, Section 5.12 – Academic Expectations, Section 5.15 – Student Written Work Guidelines, Section 5.16 – Math Placement, Section 5.19 – Physical Education, Section 5.20 – Discipline Guidelines, 5.24 – Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment, Section 5.26 – Sexual Harassment & Teen Dating Violence Prohibited, Section 6.4 – Student Privacy Protections, and Section 6.9 – Student Records and revisions to Appendix B and D.

Much discussion followed regarding Appendix B and the recommendation to update ineligibility wording for participation by removing “D+” from the requirement. Mr. Runck stated that the rationale for this is the rigor of our current grading scale – 72 to 73 is a C- and in most districts this would be a D+.

Mr. Runck stated that currently in Appendix D a student cannot have two D’s or D-‘s in any class or any failing grades. It used to state D+, D or D- but the recommendation was the removal of the D+.

Mr. Bright commented that we are an educational institution and we are trying to push academics and he is perfectly fine with leaving the D+ in Appendix D.

Board member Kristine Hester stated that she understood that the recommendation came out of trying to align District 3 with the other schools in our conference so there would be equality of percentages.

Board President Bright stated that he feels having a slightly higher percentage is a good thing.

Mr. Runck stated that he has listened and had discussions with both staff and the coaches. He goes both ways as well. We need to emphasize that we are student athletes and the student part comes first. This year the number of students impacted by having D+’s was two. Some years this number has been higher where students had received two D+’s. He feels this is when it began to bother the coaches and also the teachers.

Board member Blohm is glad that we have high expectations for our students. His concern is that he would not want one of our students not being allowed to play a sport when someone across the river can because of whatever grade you want to make a 72% or a 65%. He does not want lower performing students by District 3 standards to be penalized when if they lived over there everything would be fine.

Board members Mollet and Pickering stated that they would go along with what Mr. Bright stated.

Mr. Bright further stated that with the curriculum discussions tonight there are support mechanisms available to help students with their performance.

Mrs. Hester stated that she appreciates the high standards and the rigorous grading scale but does see what Mr. Blohm is stating. We do not exist in a vacuum and, in athletics, we exist in another conference. Some students work really hard to get the 73% which in District 3 would make them ineligible but in Cary they could participate.

Mr. Bright did a straw poll of those in favor of leaving the grading criteria as currently listed or who was in favor of relaxing it by raising hands – 3 members raised their hands in favor of leaving the D+ and 2 members were in favor of the change. One member did not participate in the straw poll.

Dr. Mahaffy also likes the rigorous grading scale and likes the students being pushed to do well. There will be students based upon the content that they are learning that will dip into a D+ once in a while even though the effort is there. Dr. Mahaffy feels it will catch more students on the positive side of this because they will not sit on the edge going through the season with a D+. This D+ will be a warning to them to improve their grade. It might get the student through one grading period and the student will go one way or the other. He feels the change would be more of a positive influence. This would make our students more equitable in participating with the other student athletes in the conference. He does still appreciate that District 3 has a more accelerated grading scale.

Mr. Runck stated that students who have a D+, D or D- are called into the office every Friday. Parents are monitoring their student through Power School.

Mr. Runck stated that the handbook lists 72% to 73% as a D+, 67% to 71% is a D and 65% to 66% is a D-. Most schools have 70% as a C-. Grades can be talked about over and over. Currently, any form of two D’s would make the student ineligible.

Mr. Blohm appreciates our strong standards and we should have strong standards based upon our community. He does not want someone to be hindered when if they moved across the river they would all be good playing sports. He wants equity with whom the District plays sports. The removal of the D+ meets his criteria of equity.

Dr. Mahaffy stated that with the removal of the D+ still keeps District 3 at a higher academic athletic standard than most other schools.

Mr. Bright conducted another straw poll -- those in favor of leaving Appendix B with the D+ as is or with the modification that would not include the D+ -- 3 to 3. Dr. Mahaffy stated that this was not a majority so Appendix B will remain as is with the D+ but this was the straw poll.

Dr. Ozimek stated that the following sections in the ARS Parent/Student Handbook were either revised or rewritten: Section 2.3 – Required Health Examinations and Immunizations, Section 2.7 – Students with Food Allergies, Section 3.4 – Administering Medicines to Students, Section 3.5 – Home and Hospital Instruction, Section 5.3 – Dress Code, Section 5.6 – Use of Electronic Devices, Section 5.7 – Absences and Excuses, 5.10 – Lunchroom Procedures, 5.18 – Physical Education, 5.19 – Student Discipline, 5.23 – Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment, 5.24 – Sexual Harassment & Teen Dating Violence Prohibited, Section 6.5 – Student Privacy Protections, Section 6.9 – Student Records and revisions to Appendix C.

A motion to approve the changes to the 2018-2019 MS Parent/Student Handbook as presented striking the change to Appendix B – Extra-Curricular/Athletic Team Guidelines (update ineligibility wording for participation by removing “D+” from the requirement) was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Tom Mollet. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher and Devin Bright. Voting nay – Gerry Blohm and Kristine Hester. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the changes to the 2018-2019 ARS Parent/Student Handbook as presented was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Kristine Hester. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

VIII. Policy -- None.

IX. Administrative Report

Board Dashboard – Dr. Mahaffy briefly reviewed the Board of Education Dashboard. Upcoming agenda items for May include the tentative amended budget and the final school calendar. The tentative levy is trending at 2.2% and will be finalized in January. The Special Board Meeting will be held on May 7th at Prairie Grove District 46 at 7:00 p.m. The agenda will include reviewing and updating all the boards on shared services, technology and curriculum. There has been talk among the Districts (3, 26, 46, 47 and 155) to see if this meeting is still needed every other year.

Building Principals – Mr. Runck gave Kudos to Mr. Pickering, his volunteers and students for putting on another great performance this year. PARCC testing is complete and the MS had very good attendance during the testing. There was a pep assembly scheduled for Friday to reward the students. The staff and students are enjoying a theme week this week to allow them to relax a bit this week after testing. Mr. Runck thanked the PTO for funding the upcoming roller skating unit. This is in replacement of the climbing wall. Mr. Runck also thanked our art teachers, Ms. Arnold and Mr. Benrus, Mrs. Steeves and our students for displaying their work at the art gallery at the FRG library. Our first track meet will be on April 19th weather permitting

Dr. Ozimek stated that on April 23rd with the help of the PTO sponsorship, ARS will be having a World Music Workshop and Assembly. Students will be learning from people who play steel drums and other world instruments during their music periods. The MS band will be at ARS to perform on April 26th and to start recruiting the 4th graders for next year. The 4th graders will be going to Fermi Lab on April 27th. ARS is wrapping up PARCC testing as well. MAP testing will begin on May 1st.

Dr. Mahaffy mentioned that he will be attending a Village Planning Meeting on April 23rd for the centennial of the Village – 100 years.

Director of Special Education – Nothing to report at this time.

X. Committee Reports – none.

XI. Announcements, Notices And Communications – thank you cards were shared with the Board.

XII. Executive Session

A motion to adjourn from the regular session of the April 16, 2018 Board Meeting and go to executive session at 9:30 p.m. to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the District was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Kristine Hester. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering and Tom Mollet. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

XIII. Action Following Executive Session

A motion to return from executive session to open session of the April 16, 2018 Board Meeting at 9:45 p.m. was made by Sara Brubacher and seconded by Tom Mollet. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher and Gerry Blohm. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the resignation of part-time food service staff, Evelyn Blau, at the end of the 2017-18 school year was made by Kristine Hester and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm and Devin Bright. Voting nay. None. Motion approved.

A motion to approve Michael Fruhauff as a school bus driver for the 2018-2019 school year pending completion of all state and district required bus driver requirements was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Tom Mollet. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright and Kristine Hester. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve Michael Fruhauff as part-time food service staff for the 2018-2019 school year was made by Tom Mollet and seconded by Kristine Hester. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve Beth Ostlie as School Psychologist for the 2018-2019 school year was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Tom Mollet. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering and Tom Mollet. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the re-employment of tenured faculty for the 2018-2019 school year – Stephanie Barham, Matt Benrus, Shaina Bowden, Alisa Bruns, Norene Carr, Kathleen Cooker, John Danley, Susan Dilsaver, Kathy Gira, Greg King, Lora LeGrand, Katrina Loundy, Larry Merkel, Kim Neilson, Paulette Nichols, Jackie O’Mara, Susan Pettigrew, Amy Piecuch, Kim Scherzer, Jane Szybowicz, Marge Tietz, Amy Weicheck and Debra Yester – was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Gerry Blohm.. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet and Sara Brubacher. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the re-employment of non-tenured faculty becoming tenured for the 2018- 2019 school year – Cherie Jones and Garrett Pfeiffer – was made by Sara Brubacher and seconded by Tom Mollet. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher and Gerry Blohm. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the re-employment of non-tenured faculty for the 2018-2019 school year – Alex Achey, Melissa Arnold, Kim Cox, Laura Dietrich, Ted Holtz, Karli Kurschardt, Vicky Rohe, Amanda Zielke and Dena Crissie – was made by Kristine Hester and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm and Devin Bright. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to re-employ the following non-certified staff for the 2018-2019 school year – Linda Barham, Sabina Basiorka, Bob Blau, Lois Bowman, Corey Bruns, Dana Carr, Ediemarie Carr, Linda Cassidy, Penny Cole, Kim DiPaolo, Salvatore Errera, Kelly Ford, Deb Fruhauff, Leticia Garcia, Vivian Glenz, Eva Ippolito, Sarah Ireland, Don Lewan, Lisa Liparoto, Beth Lombardino, Karen Machroli, Glenda Marshall, Rick Miller, Janet Mollet, Matt Nelsen, Denise Rose, Terrie Smialek, Kim Solimini, Beth Tabacsko, Barbara Walther, Ed Weisenburger and Daniel Zbacnik – was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Sara Brubacher. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Steve Pickering, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright and Kristine Hester. Voting nay – none. Abstaining – Tom Mollet. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the 2018-2021contract for the Director of Special Education, Heather Trom, was made by Tom Mollet and seconded by Kristine Hester. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Tom Mollet, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve Samantha Wheeler as part time food service staff for the 2018-2019 school year was made by Tom Mollet and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering and Tom Mollet. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

XIV. Adjournment

A motion to adjourn the meeting of April 16, 2018 at 9:49 p.m. was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Gerry Blohm. A voice vote was taken. Voting aye – All ayes. Voting nay – None. Motion approved.

XV. Next Regular Meeting – May 21, 2018



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