
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Huntley Board of Trustees met May 10.

Village of Huntley Board of Trustees met May 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call To Order:

A meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Huntley was called to order on Thursday, May 10, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex, Village Board Room, 10987 Main St., Huntley, Illinois 60142.


Present: Mayor Charles Sass; Trustees: Ronda Goldman, Timothy Hoeft, Niko Kanakaris, Harry Leopold, John Piwko and JR Westberg.

Absent: None

In Attendance: Village Manager David Johnson, Assistant Village Manager Lisa Armour, Management Assistant Barbara Read, Director of Development Services Charles Nordman, Director of Finance Cathy Haley and Village Attorney John Cowlin.

Pledge Of Allegiance: Mayor Sass led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comments: None

Items For Discussion And Consideration:

a) Consideration – Approval of the May 10, 2018 Bill List in the amount of $ 721,253.94

Mayor Sass asked if the Village Board had any comments or questions regarding the Bill List; there were none.

A Motion was made to approve the May 10, 2018 Bill List in the amount of $ 721,253.94

Motion: Trustee Piwko

Second: Trustee Kanakaris

Ayes: Trustees: Goldman, Hoeft, Kanakaris, Leopold, Piwko and Westberg

Nayes: None

Absent: None

The motion carried: 6-0-0

b) Consideration – An Ordinance Granting Approval of Relief to Accommodate Two (2) Additional Ground Signs for Gateway Commons, 11900 Oak Creek Pkwy

Director of Development Services Charles Nordman reviewed a Power Point presentation and reported that Huntley Gateway Commons Condominium Association, 11900 Oak Creek Pkwy, has submitted a sign permit application for two (2) ±33 square foot double-sided directory ground signs that will list the businesses within the two buildings at the Gateway Commons development. The proposed ground directory signs will replace the recently removed pylon signs originally placed throughout the business park to identify the businesses within the respective portion of the adjacent buildings. The two ground signs are to be installed adjacent to the driveways providing access to the site from Oak Creek Parkway, one on the east side of each driveway.

The two matching aluminum, double-sided ground signs will each include a directory of the businesses for Building A (the southernmost of the two Gateway Commons buildings) and the northernmost Building B.

The Gateway Commons business park site currently has two ground signs: one, a monument sign, located on the west side of the site’s westernmost driveway entrance; and the other, a permanent real estate sign advertising vacancies within the facility, located at the center of the site adjacent to Oak Creek Parkway.

Staff Analysis-

The Village’s Sign Regulations, Section 156.124 Ground Signs (D) permits a single ground sign per lot and (E) stipulates signs to be mounted on a masonry or stone base, with the width of that base to be no less than 50% of the width of the sign. Therefore the proposed ground signs require the following relief:

• A total of four (4) ground signs on the subject site.

• The ground signs to be mounted on pairs of three inch (3”) square posts rather than a masonry or stone sign base with a width no less than 50% of the sign width.

Staff recommends the following conditions be added should the Village Board approve the request for the two (2) Directory Signs:

1. The petitioner shall obtain a sign permit for the two (2) Ground Signs from the Development Services Department upon receiving approval from the Village Board.

2. The Ground Signs shall be located no closer than ten (10’) feet from the property line.

3. The required landscaping (two square feet for every one square foot of signage) shall be installed around the sign base.

4. The signs shall be maintained in good condition at all times.

Financial Impact-

The petitioner must pay the applicable appeal and sign permit fees for the two ground signs.

Legal Analysis-

The Village Board’s authorization for this request is required in accordance with Section 156.128 of the Zoning Ordinance.

Director Nordman reported that the petitioner is in attendance to answer questions.

Mayor Sass asked if the Village Board had any comments or questions.

Trustee Westberg stated his concern regarding the sign blocking the site line for drivers coming out on the driveway. Director Nordman reported that staff will check the site lines prior to the installation.

Trustee Kanakaris asked if the temporary sign will be illuminated; the petitioner responded no that the sign will not be illuminated.

There were no other comments or questions.

A Motion was made to approve an Ordinance Accommodating the Required Relief for the Installation of Two Additional Ground Signs on the Gateway Commons site located at 11900 Oak Creek Parkway.

Motion: Trustee Leopold

Second: Trustee Goldman

Ayes: Trustees: Goldman, Hoeft, Kanakaris, Leopold, Piwko and Westberg

Nayes: None

Absent: None

The motion carried: 6-0-0

c) Consideration – Resolution Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the

International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150

Village Manager David Johnson thanked the Union’s negotiating team of Nick Karmis and John Klassen and Human Resources Manager Chrissy Hoover and Director of Public Works and Engineering Timothy Farrell for the time spent in negotiating the successful contract for the Village’s Public Works Department Streets and Underground Division in February 2018. Positions included in the bargaining unit include all full-time and regular part-time employees in the Streets and Underground Division in the following job classifications: Mechanic, Maintenance Worker, General Utility Worker, and Crew Leader. Currently, this Division consists of 12 employees.

The final draft of the proposed agreement was included in the Village Board’s packet, which was ratified by the bargaining unit on April 30th and has tentatively been agreed to by the Village’s bargaining team. Final Village Board approval of the agreement is necessary to complete the collective bargaining process. The proposed agreement expires on December 31, 2021.

Financial Impact-

The agreement is consistent with assumptions made in the Village’s future financial models.

Legal Analysis-

The agreement has been reviewed by the Village’s Labor Attorney and is in order for Village Board consideration.

Mayor Sass asked if the Village Board had any comments or questions; there were none.

A Motion was made to approve a Resolution Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150.

Motion: Trustee Hoeft

Second: Trustee Leopold

Ayes: Trustees: Goldman, Hoeft, Kanakaris, Leopold, Piwko and Westberg

Nayes: None

Absent: None

The motion carried: 6-0-0

d) Transmittal – Preliminary FY2017 and First Quarter for FY2018 Financial and Investment Reports for the Village of Huntley

Director of Finance Cathy Haley reported that in the Village Board’s packet the following items were included for review and acceptance:

1. FY2017 Preliminary Year-End Review

2. FY2018 First Quarter Financial and Investment Report Review

3. FY2018 Revenue and Expense Detail

Overall General Fund Revenue for FY2018 is coming in near budgeted parameters. While the total collections show at 11%, this does not include any dollars for property tax revenue and only includes one month of sales tax revenue. Below is the line item detail for the General Fund.

General Fund Expenditures:

General Fund Expenditures account for the general operations of the Village, including Police, Development Services, Public Works (Streets, Engineering, Buildings & Grounds and Fleet). It also includes the Village Manager’s Office, Finance, Human Resources and Information Technology. At the end of the first quarter for FY2018, General Fund Expenditures are at 23.93% of budget. Overall, the General Fund is operating within the parameters of budgeted dollars.

Mayor Sass asked if the Village Board had any comments or questions.

Trustee Leopold asked if the Village has received any property tax revenue after the Outlet Center TIF expired. Village Manager Johnson stated that the Village should receive some tax revenue this year. Trustee Leopold asked if there will be a significant amount lost once the property is vacant.

Trustee Leopold asked if the Village has seen any change since the start of the new water and sewer rates; Village Manager Johnson reported that the new rates went into effect on May 1st so the rates will first be seen on the July bills.

Trustee Westberg asked about Video Gaming revenue; Director Haley reported that in the TIF District the revenue has increased and throughout the rest of the Village it has remained stable. Director Haley reminded that Village Board of the increased license rate.

There were no other comments or questions.

A Motion to Accept and Place on File the First Quarter for FY2018 Financial and Investment Reports for the Village of Huntley

Motion: Trustee Leopold

Second: Trustee Kanakaris

Ayes: Trustees: Goldman, Hoeft, Kanakaris, Leopold, Piwko and Westberg

Nayes: None

Absent: None

The motion carried: 6-0-0

e) Consideration – An Ordinance Amending the FY2017 Budget

Director of Finance Cathy Haley reported that the Village of Huntley adopted Ordinance (O) 2017-12.62 approving the budget for Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2017. Based upon FY2017 preliminary financials for the audit, a final year-end budget amendment is required.

Staff Analysis-

FY2017 had four funds out of 21 total funds that require amendments. Those funds were the Capital Projects Fund, the Cemetery Fund, the Liability Insurance Fund and SSA# 5. The following identifies those individual line items subject to the budget amendment:

As was anticipated and approved at the October 19, 2017 Village Board meeting, the Holiday Light Decorations would require a budget amendment within the Capital Fund. While the fund absorbed some of this purchase, the Capital Projects line item ended over budget, requiring this year-end amendment of $26,590. It should be noted that revenues in the Capital Projects also came in well ahead of budgeted parameters which overall had a positive impact of over $89,000 on fund balance.

The Cemetery Fund also exceeded budgeted expenditures with more activity during FY2017 than originally anticipated. Revenues in the Cemetery Fund were also above budgeted parameters. This increased fund balance by $14,329 more than the original budget expectations.

The Liability Fund went over due to claims being more than originally anticipated. However, there was an offset to this expense on the revenue side of the equation. MICA requires the full payment of all claims prior to issuing a reimbursement check to the Village for that portion covered by insurance.

Finally, Special Service Area #5 exceeded the original budget amount due to some follow-up maintenance needed at the Southwind Wetland Area.

In total, this budget amendment equals $52,567, which is.19% of the total FY2017 budget for the Village.

Financial Impact-

The impact from the excess expenditures over appropriation adjustments will increase the budget amount. However, these adjustments were included in staff projections during this past budget process and have been incorporated into the Fund Balance projections for FY2018. None of these amendments will affect the General Fund budget.

Legal Analysis-

Sikich, the Village’s audit firm, has reviewed the amendment.

Mayor Sass asked if the Village Board had any comments or questions; there were none.

A Motion was made to approve an Ordinance Amending the FY2017 Budget.

Motion: Trustee Leopold

Second: Trustee Westberg

Ayes: Trustees: Goldman, Hoeft, Kanakaris, Leopold, Piwko and Westberg

Nayes: None

Absent: None

The motion carried: 6-0-0

Village Attorney’s Report: None

Village Manager’s Report:

Trustee Goldman asked if the MC Ride numbers were within the general parameters of 2017; Assistant Village Manager Lisa Armour reported that the numbers were similar to 2017.

Village President’s Report:

Mayor Sass reported that the next McCOG meeting will be held in Ringwood and will be the Annual Meeting.

Unfinished Business: None

New Business: None

Executive Session: None

Possible Action On Any Closed Session Item: None

Adjournment: There being no further items to discuss, a Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:18 p.m.

Motion: Trustee Piwko

Second: Trustee Westberg

The Voice Vote noted all ayes and the motion carried.
