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Fox River Grove Consolidated School District 3 Board met May 21.

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Fox River Grove Consolidated School District 3 Board met May 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Call To Order And Pledge Of Allegiance

Board President Devin Bright called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

II. Roll Call

Members present were Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, and Steve Pickering. Absent were Board members Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm and Tom Mollet. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Tim Mahaffy and Principals Dr. Sandy Ozimek and Mr. Eric Runck and Director of Special Education, Mrs. Heather Trom.

III. Welcome To Visitors, Guests, Comments & Questions

Audience members included Jackie O’Mara, Jane Szybowicz, Jessica McKenzie, Penny Cole, Jen Arendt, Dave Baker, Theresa Meshes, Ashleigh Romozzi and Emilie Hoffman and Dan Kritta from Wold Ruck-Pate. All were welcomed to the meeting.

Board President Bright thanked the PTO on behalf of the staff and students for their generous donation of $11,000 for the second phase of the wireless projectors. The PTO gives a lot of time and effort to District 3 and it is very much appreciated. The PTO also contributed an additional $250 to P.E. and Art in each building to enhance their programs. These enhancements helped create the art show, plays and band performances to share with the community. The PTO also provides many other great activities throughout the year.

Board member, Sara Brubacher, entered the meeting at 7:06 p.m.

Mrs. Meshes, of the PTO, stated that the PTO is very pleased to be able to give this money to District 3. Most of the funds are raised through the lottery, the Spring Fling and other smaller fundraisers throughout the year.

The Board and Administration again thanked the PTO for all their efforts.

The Board also recognized Track Coaches, Dave Baker and Alex Achey, all their volunteers and the 85 students who were on this year’s track team. There were a total of 35 students (21 girls and 14 boys) who participated at the State Track Meet. Kudos to everyone on a very successful season! The 85 students on the track team represented one-third of the student body.

No one signed in to address the Board.

IV. Spotlight On Education

Mrs. O’Mara shared a Water Tower presentation created by some of her students for Project Green. This project was created to design a source of water for the green house in the courtyard. Through much trial and error and many challenges, they now have had success in the collection of rainwater. Mrs. O’Mara invited everyone to stop by to see this watering system as well as their vertical garden. Vegetables grown in the garden are given to the lunch program. Kudos to Mrs. O’Mara for her passion for these students and projects.

V. Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Steve Pickering to approve the consent agenda, approve and open to the public the regular minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 16, 2018 and approve the closed minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 16, 2018, approve the April, 2018 Treasurer’s Report, approve the bills and payroll from April 14, 2018 through May 18, 2018 and approve the April 2018 Activity Accounts Report. Kristine Hester seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering and Laura Byrd. Voting nay – None. Motion approved.

VI. Request For Records Under The Freedom Of Information Act

The District received three FOIA requests. The first one was from Smart Procure requesting all purchasing records from 12/15/17 to current. The request was received on 4/12/2018 and was complied with on 4/13/2018.

The second request was from SMART Local 125 requesting information on projects containing sheet metal for the District. The request was received on 4/12/2018 and complied with on 4/13/2018.

The third request was from Illinois Renewables requesting current energy agreements and/or any contract with the IEC. The request was received on 5/15/18 and complied with on 5/15/18.

VII. Old Business

Coaches/Sponsors for 2017-2018 School Year – None.

VIII. New Business

Facility Improvement Review and Discussion – Dr. Mahaffy stated that as a result of the Facilities Committee, Mr. Dan Kritta and Ms. Emilie Hoffman from Wold Ruck-Pate presented initial ideas for next generation learning environments at both ARS and the MS. The goal of this planning presentation is to see if the District is on the right path for summer 2019 work. Trends and pictures of real world experiences for STEM/STEAM spaces, labs, furniture, flooring, paint colors, etc. were presented at the meeting. If the Board decides to look into these concepts further, more detailed discussions regarding what are the real needs of the District, how much and what space would be utilized, accessibility, budget, etc. would be initiated.

Dr. Mahaffy stated that he sees these new learning environments as dual purpose – one serving to enhance our curricula in the area of STEM/STEAM and the other to meet the learning styles of today’s learner. Dr. Mahaffy has asked Ruck Pate to set up more tours for Administration, Board members and some staff to look at the various type of learning environments.

Mr. Bright does not want to shut this conversation down. He noted that two Board members were absent. Personally, he likes the reconfiguration of space and trying to make them more usable. He does not see that this needs to be propelled into a project that we are doing next month. He would agree with pushing forward on the concepts and the visiting of other schools.

Board members in attendance were in favor of seeing other schools and their STEM/STEAM spaces.

Review Current and Estimated 2018-19 Enrollment and Class Size – Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the Estimate of Class Size sheet that was included in the Board packets. There has been little change from last month. We are currently at 36 registered students for Kindergarten. Since registration, there are still approximately 100 students that need to register for FY19. We will be bringing online registration for the FY20 school year. The District is looking at a total enrollment of 418 students next year.

Review Resolution Restricting Funds for Capital Improvement and Life Safety Type Projects – Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the Resolution (paper copy included in Board packets) designating funds for the projects recommended to the Board from the Facilities Committee. As discussed at previous Board meetings with the auditors, it is the recommendation to set aside a portion of the District’s prior fiscal year’s operating surplus as a “reserve for replacement” for projects. In order to officially do this, a Resolution must be approved by the Board. Most of the $1.3M is out of Operations and Maintenance and a smaller amount out of the Transportation Fund for a new bus. No expenditure has been approved yet for the monies from the Operations and Maintenance Fund.

A motion to approve the Resolution Designating and Committing Certain Monies within the Operations and Maintenance and Transportation Funds for Capital Improvement and Life Safety Type Projects by Fox River Grove Consolidated School District No. 3, Fox River Grove, Illinois was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Laura Byrd and Sara Brubacher. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

Mr. Runck reviewed the list of paid stipend positions for the 2018-2019 school year. They are: John Danley, Athletic Director (1/2 position), 8th grade boys basketball and Emergency Tech Assistant (1/2 position), Amanda Zielke, Athletic Director (1/2 position) and cheerleading sponsor, Garrett Pfeiffer, 8th grade girls basketball, 7th grade boys basketball and 7th grade girls volleyball, Don Lewan, 7th grade girls basketball, Matt Benrus, co-ed soccer, Art Club and Yearbook Sponsor, Janet Mollet, 8th grade girls volleyball, Dave Baker, 1⁄2 cross country and girls track, Alex Achey, 1⁄2 cross country, Jackie O’Mara, 8th grade sponsor, Steve Pickering, MS Play/Musical, Susan Pettigrew, Newspaper and Emergency Tech. Assistant (1/2 position), Ted Holtz, Band Activities, Jazz Band and Middle School Chorus and Norene Carr, Beta Club Sponsor and Scholastic Bowl. At this time, we are still looking for someone to coach boys’ track. This position will now be posted externally.

A motion to approve the paid stipend positons for the 2018-2019 school year as presented was made by Laura Byrd and seconded by Kristine Hester. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher and Devin Bright. Voting nay – none. Abstaining – Steve Pickering. Motion approved.

Superintendent Mahaffy reviewed the two summer programs for 2018 – a volleyball camp for 5th- 8th graders from July 23 to July 26, 2018 under the direction of Mrs. Janet Mollet and a beginning musician’s band camp from July 16th to July 23rd, 2018 under the direction of Band Teacher, Mr. Ted Holtz. Once these camps are approved by the Board, it allows the camp sponsors to distribute their flyers.

A motion to approve the summer camp programs as presented for 2018 was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Kristine Hester. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Steve Pickering, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Devin Bright and Kristine Hester. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the final School Calendar for 2017-2018 was made by Kristine Hester and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the need to move the June Board meeting to June 18th rather than June 25th, 2018. This is the 3rd Monday of the month.

A motion to approve the amended Board of Education Meeting Dates was made by Sara Brubacher and seconded by Laura Byrd. A voice vote was taken. Voting aye – all ayes. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve 2018-2019 school lunch price at $2.90 to meet the federal requirements for Paid Lunch Equity was made by Sara Brubacher and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering and Laura Byrd. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the 2018-2019 YMCA Professional Services Agreement for before and after school care at Algonquin Road School was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Sara Brubacher. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Laura Byrd and Sara Brubacher. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

IX. Policy -- None.

X. Administrative Report

Board Dashboard – Dr. Mahaffy briefly reviewed the Board of Education Dashboard. Agenda items for the June Board meeting include review the 2017-2018 School Improvement Plan and approval of Prevailing Wage, if available. A facility improvement update will be presented. The CPI-U is trending at 2.2 for the 2019 Levy. This will be finalized in January. There was one correction on the Dashboard. Mrs. Trom is now on a three year contract which goes to FY21.

Dr. Mahaffy stated that we are anticipating another resignation for approval in June. We have a lot of candidates for the social work position and phone interviews will be completed this week. We still have three teacher aide positions to fill (two at ARS and one at the MS) as well as one more lunch person.

Dr. Mahaffy reminded everyone that information was shared with parents regarding understanding taxes for the District. There was an Advisory Referendum run in the county to see if residents would like their taxes lowered. Over 74% voted to reduce their taxes by 10%. Dr. Mahaffy stated that what was missing from this vote was what the affect would be on School Districts. County Board Chairman, Jack Franks budget is 45% in the area of revenue from taxes. School districts receive 78% to 80% from taxes. Schools have a different revenue stream where the County Board has other types of revenue. They lowered their taxes by 11% on 45% of revenue. This would be devastating for the District -- $580,000. Mr. Franks requested a meeting with nine county School District Superintendents and their Board Presidents. Dr. Mahaffy stated that they replied back as an entire 18 member group recommending meeting at MCC rather than the County Board. Mr. Franks agreed to change the date of the meeting to June 6th but he still wanted to meet at the County Board with the original nine districts. Mr. Franks has indicated that he will help school districts meet the goal of reducing taxes by 10%. Dr. Mahaffy responded to Mr. Franks stating that we are not county schools. The County Board Chairman nor the County Board has any jurisdiction, statutory authority to make any decisions on behalf of the local decision making board which is the school board. More information will be presented after the June 6th Board meeting.

Building Principals – Mr. Runck thanked Mrs. O’Mara for her project with the students. Mr. Runck also recognized art teacher, Mr. Benrus, Mrs. Steeves and Mrs. Stehno from the Fox River Grove Library for working in partnership this school year. Mr. Benrus and his art club students painted the windows to entice students to join the summer reading program. Mr. Runck also thanked the PTO for funding the pottery wheel for our art club students. Mr. Runck thanked his staff for a breakfast/going away celebration for him this morning.

Dr. Ozimek stated there are many field trips this time of year. Second grade went to the Brookfield Zoo on Friday and will be going to Bike Safety Town on Tuesday. The 4th graders will be going to the Discovery Museum in Rockford on Thursday. The Fox River Grove librarians will be coming to ARS on Friday to kick off their summer reading program. Everyone is invited to the Kindergarten graduation on Thursday, May 31st at 12:30 p.m. Dr. Ozimek has been working on the Communication Plan. A new family orientation is scheduled Monday, August 13th at 6:30 p.m. at ARS. This will be for any Kindergarten families and any new families to the District. Kindergarten students will now attend a full day on the first day of school. A communication survey covering various topics will be going out to parents in June once school has ended.

Mrs. Trom wanted to take a minute to celebrate the special education staff as well as all the teachers in the District for having so many end of year meetings due to the mid-year IEP problems. Much work went into the Kindergarten screening and once completed, the staff reviewed changes that could improve the process. Everyone went through everything in the screening process and needs for FY19 were identified and can be addressed as soon as school begins.

XI. Committee Reports – none.

XII. Announcements, Notices And Communications – none.

XIII. Executive Session

A motion to adjourn from the regular session of the May 21, 2018 Board Meeting and go to executive session at 8:36 p.m. to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the District was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher and Devin Bright. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

XIV. Action Following Executive Session

A motion to return from executive session to open session of the May 21, 2018 Board Meeting at 8:55 p.m. was made by Sara Brubacher and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

Dr. Mahaffy wanted to recognize the years of service awards that are presented at the PTO luncheon each year. Employees included: 5 year pin – Claudia Dorsch, Sandy Ozimek and Alex Achey, 10 year pin – Eric Runck, Susan Dilsaver and Kim Neilson, 15 year pin – none, red apple (20 years) – Stephanie Barham and Sue Roche, engraved wooden bell (25) years – none, and engraved golden apple (30 years) – Deb Fruhauff. Retirement gifts (engraved wooden book ends) were presented to Eric Runck (10 years in district), Marge Stefani (18.5 years in district), Sal Errera (9 years) and Sue Roche (20.5 years).

A motion to approve the resignation of part-time MS custodian, Sal Errera, at the end of the 2017- 18 school year was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Sara Brubacher. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering and Laura Byrd. Voting nay. None. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the resignation of District Social Worker, Kim Neilson, at the end of the 2017-18 school year was made by Laura Byrd and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Laura Byrd and Sara Brubacher. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the employment of Michael Fruhauff as a part-time MS Custodian for the 2018-2019 school year was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Kristine Hester. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher and Devin Bright. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the employment of Brian Wall as a 3rd grade teacher for the 2018-2019 school year was made by Laura Byrd and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Steve Pickering, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher and Kristine Hester. Voting nay – none. Abstaining – Devin Bright. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the employment of Emily McDonald as the 3rd/4th grade Special Education teacher for the 2018-2019 school year was made by Kristine Hester and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

XV. Adjournment

A motion to adjourn the meeting of May 21, 2018 at 8:58 p.m. was made by Kristine Hester and Steve Pickering. A voice vote was taken. Voting aye – All ayes. Voting nay – None. Motion approved.

XVI. Next Regular Meeting – June 18, 2018



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