Huntley Park District Board Workshop met April 11.
President Jerry Nepermann called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
Committee of the Whole
North school property development presentation: Mike Skala presented information to the Park Board of Commissioners in order for the Board to draft a formal position statement for the Village of Huntley as required by the Village’s planned unit development procedure. Mr.
He reviewed the procedure of presenting the development concept to the planning commission, Village Board and several neighborhood meetings. Concerns from the neighbors were: the fire station and emergency vehicle traffic, the density of residents and the height of the four apartment buildings. The neighbors were comfortable with the commercial building along Rt. 47. Mr.
A site plan was shared with the Park Board. Mr.
Commissioner Awe asked how many parking spaces are on the project site. Mr.
Commissioner Wold asked if the project would be built in phases. Mr.
Commissioner Blasky asked about the direction plan for each entrance to the site. Mr.
Mr. Skala indicated that IDOT feels that with the projects potential increase in traffic, a traffic light may be warranted at the corner of Mill St.
Commissioner Awe asked if a Developer Donation would be required. Mr.
Commissioner Wold asked what the next steps are in the development process. Mr.
President Nepermann asked if vehicles wanting to travel north on Rt. 47 would exit the site going west on Mill then north on Lincoln then east on Main to get to Rt. 47. Mr.
Commissioner Wold commented that the overall design looked good.
Director Palmer asked about additional deceleration lanes.
The Board came to a consensus on the following Formal Position Statement:
The developer, Mr. Skala, has presented the site information to the Park Board on April 11, 2018. The Board consensus is that the development is appropriate for the site and it appears to be conducive with the adjacent park property. There is a potential concern at the corner of Mill Street and Route 47 regarding traffic congestion if that intersection remains without a signal.
Purchase orders to be considered:
The Board directed that Purchase Orders 20180055 to Covenant Enterprises in the amount of $10,210 for the removal and replacement of the Mill Street entrance sidewalk and 20180063 to Roeder Implement Inc. in the amount of $22,900 for a Case skid steer be placed on the consent agenda for approval as presented at the April 25, 2018 Board meeting.
Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Kellas and seconded by Commissioner Wold.
All ayes,
Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:47pm.