
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Marengo Community High School District 154 Board met May 21

Webp meetingroom04

Marengo Community High School District 154 Board met June 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President Henning called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Present: Henning, Dujmovich, Ranzino, Martin, Torman, Volkening and Kanaly.

Absent: None

Administration: Engelbrecht, Fink (arrived at 7:11pm)

Guests: Craig & Anita Mitchell, Mark & Lisa Weiksner, Matt Erbstosser

Press: None

Public Comments: Comments about Coaches for Varsity Baseball and Volleyball

Moved by Dianna Torman and seconded by Todd Volkening to approve the following consent agenda items:

The Minutes of the April 23, 2018, regular meeting

To Approve and release the executive session minutes of April 23, 2018

To pay the financial obligations of the District as presented

To approve the April Treasurer’s report

To accept the John Swanson Trust, Union American Legion Scholarship & Franks Family Fine Arts Fund of April 30, 2018.

Review and Approve the Kooi & Pingel Education Loan Trust Summary Reports

To approve of Varsity Boys Basketball Team overnight trips to Bushnell, IL and Canton IL in June

To approve the Independent Contractor Agreement renewal for athletic training services with Marengo Physical Therapy.

To approve the Quarterly Report of Pupils No Longer Enrolled in School.

Roll Call Vote: 7 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.

Moved by Farrah Ranzino and seconded by Jodie Kanaly to Approve displaying the FY 2018 Amended

Budget for public viewing beginning May 22, 2108. Roll Call Vote: 7 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.

Moved by Todd Volkening and seconded by Jodie Kanaly to set the FY18 Budget Amendment Hearing for Monday June 25, 2018. Voice Vote:

Motion Carried.

Moved by Jodie Kanaly and seconded by Todd Volkening to accept donations as presented. Voice Vote:

Motion Carried.

The Personnel Report was tabled to executive session.

The School Improvement Initiatives was presented by Angela Fink, with BOE discussion.

Moved by Farrah Ranzino and seconded by Jodie Kanaly to approve the proposed Board Policy changes and additions as presented. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved by Todd Volkening and seconded by Jodie Kanaly to approve requesting bids for seal coating, repairs and replacement of paved surfaces. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

The Approval for Kooi and Pingel awards tabled. Move to Executive Session.

Moved by Todd Volkening and seconded by Farrah Ranzino to approve seeking bids for the purchase and installation of a kitchen walk-in cooler. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved by Tony Martin and seconded by Jodie Kanaly to award banking services to First National Bank.

Voice Vote: Motion Carried with all aye votes except Dianna Torman who abstained.

Moved by Tony Martin and seconded by Farrah Ranzino to approve VANCO payment solutions for processing online payments. Voice Vote: Motion Carried

Superintendent/Board report:

1. Discussed the distribution schedule for 2017 Real Estate Taxes.

2. Discussed the summer office hours.

3. Discussed Teachers summer work day for Thurs, May 24th.

4. Discussed the graduation list for issuing diplomas.

5. No discussion on the May newsletter.

6. No discussion on the SBD Articles.

7. No discussion on the upcoming dates list for May 22 – June 3rd

Moved by Jodie Kanaly and seconded by Farrah Ranzino to go into executive session at 9:10 p.m. to discuss parent requests, personnel and negotiations. Roll Call Vote: 7 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.

The Board returned to the regular meeting at 9:46 p.m.

Moved by Farrah Ranzino and seconded by Jodie Kanaly to approve the awards and notifications for

Kooi and Pingel loans for the Class of 2018. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

Moved by Todd Volkening and seconded by Dianna Torman to approve the Personnel Report as amended. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.

There being no other business, Tony Martin moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
