
McHenry Times

Friday, December 27, 2024

Fox River Grove School District 3 Board met June 18.

Meeting 11

Fox River Grove School District 3 Board met June 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:


Board President Devin Bright called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Members present were Steve Pickering, Kristine Hester, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm and Devin Bright. Absent was Board member Tom Mollet. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Tim Mahaffy and Principals Dr. Sandy Ozimek and Mr. Eric Runck and Director of Special Education, Mrs. Heather Trom.


Audience members included Jessica McKenzie, Theresa Meshes, Heather Castaing, Michelle Gagliano and Jen Arendt. All were welcomed to the meeting.

No one signed in to address the Board.


A motion was made by Steve Pickering to approve the consent agenda, approve and open to the public the regular minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 21, 2018 and approve the closed minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 21, 2018, approve the May, 2018 Treasurer’s Report and approve the June 2018 bills and payroll from May 19, 2018 through June 15, 2018. Laura Byrd seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – None. Motion approved.




Coaches/Sponsors for FY19 – None.


Review Current and Estimated 2018-19 Enrollment and Class Size – Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the Estimate of Class Size sheet that was included in the Board packets. Enrollment has remained steady with two sections across the board with the exception of third grade being at three sections.

The average class size at ARS is 19 and 24.63 at the Middle School. We are currently estimating 39 students for Kindergarten. We will be registering one new 8th grader.

8th Grade Parent Request to Reimburse Additional Expenses from 8th Grade Dance – Dr. Mahaffy stated that the budget for the 8th grade dance is $800. Many times this amount is under budget due to parents not turning in receipts. This year, however, once all the receipts were turned in the amount came to $290.27 over budget. Dr. Mahaffy felt that he does not have the authority just to cut checks with the budget that was given. He would need the Board to give approval.

Mr. Bright questioned Mrs. Gagliano as to why they went over budget. She stated that the biggest thing was that parents were told at the beginning that there were extra funds leftover from previous years. She further stated that Beth and she did not keep a tight tab on what was going on since they were told all these extra funds were there. Mrs. Gagliano stated that once they had all these receipts they should have gone to Mrs. O’Mara to get approval for going over the budget. They should have kept a closer eye on the budget but since there was all this extra money there, they did not.

Dr. Mahaffy wanted to make a little correction here. He does not see that as a reason to go over the budget in his opinion. There was no one who said because there is extra money in the 8th grade fund to go ahead and spend it. There was no authority to exceed the budget amount.

Mrs. Gagliano stated that they did not have the authority and should have come to Mrs. O’Mara or the Administration to ask for that. They were under the assumption that there was extra money there and it was their fault for not saying something before then. Mrs. Gagliano further stated that they made it a point to tell the parents to make sure to turn in all receipts. Some parents in years past did not turn in all their receipts. This year was different since there was all this extra money -- everyone turned in all their receipts.

Dr. Mahaffy believes the context of that conversation was to make sure parents turn in their receipts because we usually do not spend up to the $800 budgeted amount. There was no authority to exceed the $800.

Mr. Blohm stated that there is money in the fund but some checks and balance oversight did not occur. He feels that the parents used this money wisely and it went to a good cause. Maybe moving forward there needs to be some oversight of some sought to avoid this in the future.

Dr. Mahaffy responded to Mr. Blohm that it is not the responsibility of the District to keep track of how much is spent by parents. The parent committee needs to handle the oversite. The District will make this as clear as possible in the future.

Mr. Bright sees this expenditure as no different from any other expenditure. From his perspective, Dr. Mahaffy, as the Business Manager, did reclassify some of Mrs. O’Mara’s expenses to free up a little more money to fill this $300 gap. Mr. Bright stated that there is a budget there for a purpose. He wonders what message it would send to the parents of future 8th grade classes who want to go over the $800 budget as well or any other employee who goes over their budget. Mr. Bright felt that it was a wonderful event. He hopes everyone used the tax exempt letter and that any overages were appropriately returned to the stores. Mr. Bright stated that he has money in this and therefore, cannot vote on this topic. Mr. Bright stated that he will withdraw his own personal reimbursement so there can be a higher reimbursement rate.

Mrs. Hester stated that she feels there might have been some miscommunication along the way with the dance budget. She was just going on what was presented at tonight’s Board meeting. She feels it was interpreted differently.

Dr. Mahaffy disagrees with that statement. There was never any impression that the extra funds in the 8th grade fund could be used for the dance in excess of the $800. Nothing ever came to Mrs. O’Mara, Mr. Runck or Dr. Mahaffy. He wants to be clear that there was never a request or an impression to use additional funds. Monies in the 8th grade fund roll year to year. It is not a question of whether or not there is money to pay this additional $300. It is a matter of precedence. It is a budget and it is not the responsibility of the school district to watch their receipts. No one is questioning that people were acting in good faith.

Mr. Blohm feels the District should pay the $300 but moving forward clearer cut statements, procedures, explanations, etc. must be established so we do not incur this again. Language to the effect that any expenditures over the $800 or whatever the dance budget is will not be reimbursed.

Mr. Bright stated that this is already the procedure and it is written down. This procedure and a myriad of other responsibilities are explained to the dance committee. It is stated that the budget is $800.00. No staff member said there was extra money for the dance.

Mr. Bright again reminded Dr. Mahaffy to withdraw his expenses otherwise he has a conflict of interest.

Dr. Mahaffy was originally going to reimburse parents at 74% with 11 individuals submitting receipts. With Mr. Bright withdrawing, there would be 10. The amounts range from $45 to $270.48.

A motion to approve the 8th grade parent request to reimburse additional expenses from the 8th grade dance to something less than $290.27 was made by Gerry Blohm and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Laura Byrd, Gerry Blohm, Steve Pickering and Kristine Hester. Voting nay – Sara Brubacher and Devin Bright. Motion approved.

School Improvement Plan Progress from the 2017-2018 School Year –

Dr. Ozimek reviewed the ARS School Improvement Plan goals and how they were measured during the 2017-2018 school year. Goal 1 – During the 2017-18 school year, teachers would explore and utilize instructional strategies and resources to challenge their high achieving students. Teachers utilized instructional strategies and resources such as Genius Hour and flexible grouping. Goal 2 – During the 2017-18 school year, K-4 teachers would implement Benchmark Advance, the newly adopted English Language Arts curriculum, with fidelity. The first grade teachers found that they needed to supplement the curriculum for their lower level readers and their higher level readers to better meet the students’ needs. There was a lot of things to choose from for the other grade levels to meet the needs of all their students. Goal 3 – During the 2017-18 school year, the K-4 teachers would explore changing the K-4 report cards to standards-based report cards. The original plan was to bring a draft of these report cards to the Board in April. As staff began working on this goal and seeing what it exactly entailed, it was decided to step back and slow down a bit and really outline for each quarter what the expectations are and then start to develop rubrics to measure those. This would be a more objective system. The plan is to continue moving forward with implementation the following year. Goal 4 – During the 2017-18 school year, teachers and students would utilize the Google environment and Chromebooks. Teachers have six Chromebooks in their classroom and are encouraged to borrow from other grade levels when not in use.

Dr. Mahaffy said there will be an extra cart of Chromebooks at ARS this year with the 5th-8th grade students each getting an individual Chromebook at the MS.

Mr. Runck updated the Board on the MS School Improvement Plan goals and measurement of goal attainment for the 2017 - 18 school year. Goal 1 – During the 2017-18 school year, staff will continue the process of implementing the SAMR Model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) to enable our teachers to design, develop, and infuse digital learning experiences utilizing new technologies. The MS is still in process with this and will continue to refine and develop as they go 1:1 at both 5th and 6th grade levels and learn more about Google and other educationally related Apps. Multiple professional developments were held throughout the school year. Goal 2 – During the 2017-18 school year, Middle School English Language Arts (ELA) teachers will come to consensus on developing/updating a curriculum aligned to the Common Core Standards (CCSS) and New Illinois Learning Standards (NILS). The new curriculum includes endurance, leverage and readiness. This goal has been completed and was already presented to the Board of Education. This will be implemented in FY19. Goal 3 – During the 2017-18 school year, the Middle School staff will continue to build standards aligned classroom assessments (formative, interim, and summative). This goal is ongoing. All teachers in the MS have been through the PERA process (Performance Evaluation Review Act).

Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the annual Prevailing Wage Resolution and the McHenry County Prevailing Wage Rates effective September, 2017 with updates with the Board. This process began in 1941. This is a routine action that is required by law each year and is available for inspection at the District Office. We also need to file a copy with the Secretary of State and the Department of Labor and publish the Resolution in the newspaper.

A motion to approve the Prevailing Wage Resolution for the 2018-2019 school year was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Gerry Blohm. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Steve Pickering, Kristine Hester and Laura Byrd. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the prepayment of $36,132.94 for the lunch truck to Tom Peck Ford which was previously approved with the Capital Outlay Plan was made by Kristine Hester and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Steve Pickering, Kristine Hester, Laura Byrd and Sara Brubacher. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.



Board Dashboard – Dr. Mahaffy shared student and District data review information that he received through his meeting with Mr. Hank Harvey, Student Services Coordinator and Mr. Neil Lesinski, Principal at Cary Grove High School. Dr. Mahaffy stated that for years it has been difficult to get any comparative data with the other school districts. Dr. Mahaffy stated that it is good to be in healthy competition using numbers only. Composite data (SAT, EBRW College Readiness, PSAT) for current Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores and Freshman from Fox River Grove, Cary Junior High, Saints Peter and Paul and other public schools (students who entered Cary Grove High School from other than the above districts) were presented. Dr. Mahaffy will continue to coordinate with Cary Grove High School in getting data (i.e., test scores, number of students in honors classes, number of students in sports, etc.) in the future. Everyone felt this was a positive meeting. The next step is to meet as an Administrative team and figure out exactly what we want to achieve.

Dr. Mahaffy briefly reviewed the Board of Education Dashboard. Agenda items for the July Board meeting include reviewing the FY18 End of Year Report and approval of bread and grocery pricing. The CPI-U is trending at 2.8 for the 2019 Levy. This will be finalized in January.

Building Principals/Director of Special Education

Dr. Ozimek updated the Board on the Communication Plan. There were 38 parent responses to the first round of the survey. A reminder email was sent out last week and now we are up to 63 responses. The survey will close this coming Friday evening. In terms of staff during the first round, we received 23 responses and a reminder email brought us 24 responses. Dr. Ozimek hopes to present the results of the survey at the July Board meeting. Dr. Ozimek also shared a draft brochure she created to be given to any new families coming to the District. Some of the items included in the brochure are: the District’s Mission Statement, Guiding Principles, Belief Statements, information on Academics, Activities, Technology, phone numbers, etc. Dr. Ozimek has also begun to update the District’s website including more recent information related to PARCC scores, etc. Teachers will also be updating their websites once they return to school. Dr. Ozimek will get back to the Board with information regarding the percent of responses to the Communication Survey for Parents. An email address will also be added to the brochure. The final brochure will be given to the Chamber, Village Hall and real estate agents.

Mrs. Trom – nothing to report at this time.

Mr. Runck stated that the end of year activities went well. The 8th grade activities were awesome. Mr. Runck appreciated everyone who came to the 8th grade graduation. Mr. Runck thanked the Board for giving him the opportunity to work in District 3 the last ten years.

Everyone wished Mr. Runck the best.




A motion to adjourn from the regular session of the June 18, 2018 Board Meeting and go to executive session at 8:10 p.m. to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the District was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Devin Bright, Steve Pickering, Kristine Hester, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher and Gerry Blohm. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.


A motion to return from executive session to open session of the June 18, 2018 Board Meeting at 8:45 p.m. was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Gerry Blohm. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the resignation of 3rd Grade Teacher Laura Dietrich at the end of the 2017- 18 school year was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Steve Pickering and Kristine Hester. Voting nay. None. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the retirement of 2nd Grade Teacher Susan Dilsaver, at the end of the 2017- 18 school year was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Sara Brubacher. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Steve Pickering, Kristine Hester and Laura Byrd. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the employment of Lesley Traub as a .6 FTE School Social Worker for the 2018-2019 school year was made by Laura Byrd and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Steve Pickering, Kristine Hester, Laura Byrd and Sara Brubacher. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the employment of Krista Stevens as a 3rd Grade Teacher for the 2018-2019 school year was made by Kristine Hester and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Devin Bright, Steve Pickering, Kristine Hester, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher and Gerry Blohm. Voting nay – none.


A motion to adjourn the meeting of June 18, 2018 at 8:46 p.m. was made by Gerry Blohm and seconded by Steve Pickering. A voice vote was taken. Voting aye – All ayes. Voting nay – None. Motion approved.



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