Alden-Hebron SD 19 School District Board met July 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
President Norton called the regular meeting of the Board of Education of Alden-Hebron
Community Consolidated Unit School District #19 to order at 7:02 P.M.
PRESENT: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Stauss
ABSENT: Mr. Eskridge, Ms. Smith
Dr. Debbie Ehlenburg, Superintendent, Tim Hayunga-MS/HS Principal, Tiffany Elswick-ES Principal, Pat Syens- Treasurer, Colleen Geils-Media Specialist.
5/29/18: Thank you from Circuit Judge Michael Feetterer for sending him a copy of the Service Learners’ book “Make Education Your Addiction”. The Service Learners went to the courthouse and observed Judge Feetterer’s Drug Court.
5/30/18: FOIA from Illinois Retired Teachers’ Association asking for names of retirees for this year. Satisfied on 6/1/18.
6/6/18: Thank you from Marla Peters for the plant she received for her retirement as well as for the kindness and support she received while teaching in Hebron.
6/13/18: Thank you to Cyndie Erckfritz from students and staff from Wheaton Christian School for her act of kindness. At the end of May, on one of those very hot days, they had a couple of buses traveling up to a camp in Lake Geneva when one of their buses had trouble. The bus pulled into the new bank parking lot and all of the kids unloaded and were waiting in the parking lot. Cyndie saw them and stopped to check on them. She brought them all water and offered to take the kids the rest of the way to their camp.
6/13/18: Thank you from the McHenry County Substance Abuse Coalition to Colleen Geils, the Service Learners and AH Schools for the donation to the Coalition and for their commitment to educating students on the dangers of addiction.
Public Comments:
Staff Comments
Board Comments
Consent Agenda
*A. Approval of May 15, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes
*B. Approval of May 2018 Expenditures
*C. Treasurer’s Report for May 2018
*D. Approval of Current Invoices & Payroll
*E. Personnel Report
*F. Illinois Prevailing Wage Act Resolution
*G. Approve HVAC service Contract for Mechanical Inc. for FY19
Mr. Stauss moved, Mr. Winkelman seconded to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Stauss
Nays: None
Absent: Mr. Eskridge, Ms. Smith
Motion Carried
Tiffany Elswick-ES Principal – as presented
Mrs. Elswick added that summer camp is underway at the Elementary School and that the kids seem to be enjoying it very much.
Mr. Tim Hayunga-MS/HS Principal – as presented
Mr. Hayunga distributed a document to the BOE of all course offerings at the High School level. He also shared that Alden-Hebron HS was awarded a “Bronze Medal” from US News & World Report, naming AHHS one of the “Best High Schools in Illinois”.
Dr. Debbie Ehlenburg – Superintendent – as presented
Dr. Ehlenburg informed the BOE that District 19 was awarded the Preschool for All Grant, which is the program that already operates in the District. However, grants were not received for the Birth to Three program or for the Preschool Expansion (a full-day preschool). Discussion ensued regarding the great need in the community for full-day preschool program, she asked the BOE for their thoughts on the possibility of developing such a program for FY19. BOE members then directed Dr. Ehlenburg to explore options and ideas for starting a full-day preschool program at District 19 and include the costs in the FY19 budget. Also, Dr. Ehlenburg had Mr. Hayunga and Mrs. Elswick share suggested handbook changes for the 2018-2019 school year with the BOE.
In addition:
*The Annual Safety Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 24 at 6:00 pm. Mr.
Madsen agreed to be the BOE representative at the meeting. Invitations to the PD and the FD will be sent out this week.
Mr. Stauss moved, Mr. Madsen seconded to approve the date for the Annual Safety meeting as July 24, 2018.
Motion Carried
*Mr. Madsen moved, Mrs. Combs seconded to keep funding for the 2018 JAC the same amount as 2017.
Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Stauss.
Nays: None
Absent: Mr. Eskridge, Ms. Smith
Motion Carried
*Mr. Winkelman moved, Mr. Madsen seconded to approve handbook changes for 2018-2019 School Year.
Motion Carried
Mr. Norton attended the May Village meeting where the following items were discussed: painting and repairing of the water tower, which may interrupt internet service; establishment of a zoning and planning commission; hiring of another full-time police officer.
Mr. Winkelman attended the June Village meeting where the following items were discussed:
Village President Martinez interviewed by the NWHerald regarding water rates; work being done on the sidewalks in town.
Ms. Syens stated that 63% of revenue has been received.
Building and Grounds Report-as presented.
Dr. Ehlenburg stated that sealcoating of the ES parking lot is supposed to be done Wednesday, June 20.
Dr. Ehlenburg informed the BOE that Mrs. Erckfritz, Transportation Director is at the Transportation Conference in Peoria. Summer school transportation is going well.
2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban
2:170 Procurement of Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Services
4:20 Fund Balances
4:80 Accounting and Audits
4:140 Waiver of Student Fees
6:10 Educational Philosophy and Objectives
6:30 Organization of Instruction
6:60 Curriculum Content
6:120 Education of Children with Disabilities
6:130 Program for the Gifted
6:135 Accelerated Placement Program
6:190 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities
6:230 Library Media Program
6:240 Field Trips
6:250 Community Resource Persons and Volunteers
7:50 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools
7:330 Student Use of Buildings—Equal Access
7:340 Student Records
8:25 Advertising and Distributing Materials provided by Non-School Related Entities
Public Comments:
Dr. Ehlenburg asked that all present would keep the Vanderstappen family in their thoughts as they cope with the loss of the family dairy barn.
Staff Comments
Board Comments
Mr. Madsen moved, Mr. Stauss seconded to go into executive session at 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance of specific employees, and semi-annual review of Executive Session minutes.
Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Stauss
Nays: None
Absent: Mr. Eskridge, Ms. Smith
Motion Carried
Returned to open session at 8:10pm.
Mr. Winkelman moved, Mr. Madsen seconded to accept support staff pay increases as presented.
Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Stauss
Nays: None
Absent: Mr. Eskridge, Ms. Smith
Motion Carried
Mr. Madsen moved, Mr. Winkelman seconded to accept ES, MS/HS Principal pay increases as presented.
Ayes: Mr. Norton, Mr. Winkelman, Mrs. Combs, Mr. Madsen, Mr. Stauss
Nays: None
Absent: Mr. Eskridge, Ms. Smith
Motion Carried
Mr. Winkelman moved, Mr. Stauss seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:13pm.
Motion Carried.