McHenry County Network Consortium will meet on December 13.
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
Call to Order:
Roll Call:
Additions or Correction to Minutes
Approval of Minutes: March 8, 2018
Financial Update Report:
1. A5 Branding & Digital Marketing Proposal
2. Graham Spencer Marketing Proposal
Public Input:
Old Business:
New Business:
1. Approve 2019 Budget
2. Evans, Marshall & Pease Audit – $4,070.00 (Processed 10/18)
3. Approve Sentinel 2018 Annual Invoice - $11,400.00
4. Approve SmartNet Renewal (Dec18-Nov19) – Paragon Micro $7,257.60 (3 quotes received)
5. Approve Meeting Schedule and Location
Technical Committee Update: