
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Holiday Hills Village Board met November 19

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Holiday Hills Village Board met Nov. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

President French called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

Roll Call

Board members present: President Lou French; Trustees Kathy Andrews, Terri Beaudoin, John

Chesler, Lisa Maier, Rich Young

Board member absent: Cheryl Thompson

Staff present: Director of Village Maintenance Doreen Dzialo, Treasurer Melanie Gatza, Police

Chief James Walton, Building Inspector Chris Johnson, Collector Lisa Phelps

Pledge of Allegiance

President’s Report (Lou French)

Motion to accept Tax Levy: President French requested a motion to accept the Tax Levy


Motion: Andrews

Second: Young

Ayes: Andrews, Beaudoin, Chesler, Maier, Young

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Absent: Thompson

Motion carried

Discuss peninsula properties with possible vote: President French reported that the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) gave the Fox Waterway Agency properties that create a peninsula separating the Fox River and the channel along Holiday Drive. He said that the Fox Waterway Agency intends to put the properties on the market. President French stated that he would like for the village to buy the properties and create a nature walk without upsetting the natural integrity of the wooded area. A price has not been settled upon, but he thinks the village could get all the properties for approximately $24,000 to be paid monthly with no interest. He said that Director Dzialo and Trustee Maier are currently investigating grant opportunities to create a walking trail. Director Dzialo interjected that she will apply for a $300,000 urban forestry grant but she must wait until after 01/01/2019. Trustee Andrews asked President French how many lots make up the entire property to which President French said that it is either 22 or 24 and that he still needs to see deeds and documents concerning the lots. He added that there is a chance the village could be forced to extend Riverview Drive if the village does not secure the property since official maps show Riverview extending farther than it is in reality. Trustee Maier added that trees are important in a floodplain and that if the properties go to private buyers there is a chance they would clear the lots. President French then said that the Fox Waterway Agency is not giving the village much time to make a decision and that he will have more definitive information at the next village meeting.

Clerk’s Report (vacant) Request approval of following Board Meeting minutes submitted by Maura Kirchner (Clerk’s Aide): October 15, 2018 Motion: Chesler Second: Beaudoin Ayes: Beaudoin, Chesler, Maier, Young Nays: none Abstain: Andrews Absent: Thompson Motion carried

Treasurer’s Report (Melanie Gatza) Approve financial report: Treasurer Gatza gave a brief report stating that there is a little over $80,000 in general funds and $99,000 in Motor Fuel Tax fund. She said the village is operating slightly over budget. President French stated that $11,000 for recent culvert work came from general funds but will be taken from MFT funds and returned to general funds once some engineering is done. Request motion to approve financial report. Motion: Chesler Second: Beaudoin Ayes: Andrews, Beaudoin, Chesler, Maier, Young Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Thompson Motion carried

Approve warrant: Request motion to approve warrant. Motion: Young Second: Chesler Ayes: Andrews, Beaudoin, Chesler, Maier, Young Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Thompson Motion carried

President French advised the board and officials that if they typically get paid the beginning of the month, timesheets must be submitted by the first of the month. He said that if timesheets are late paychecks or expenses will be issued on the date of the board meeting. He also requested that for individuals who typically get paid on the day of board meetings to have their timesheets submitted by the Friday prior to the meeting.

President French stated that the clerk’s salary will be divided between Collector Phelps ($100 per month) and Clerk’s Aide Kirchner ($50 per month).

Treasurer Gatza stated that the village will not hire out for an audit this year and that she filed for an extension since she needs some time to gather what she needs in order to do the audit herself. President French stated that the village will save approximately $5000 by keeping the audit inhouse.

Building Inspector’s Report (Chris Carlsen and Chris Johnson) No report

Village Maintenance Report (Doreen Dzialo) Report on Community Development Block Grant (CDBG): Director Dzialo reported that it took four meetings and three years worth of paperwork, but the village has been awarded $100,000 of the $205,000 requested. Director Dzialo publicly thanked all residents who took the time to fill out and return the income surveys that were requested to apply for the grant. She said that there is a possibility of receiving approximately $5000 additional from Housing and Urban Development (HUD) once they review the application. President French stated that Director Dzialo as well as the board have been working hard to see that the village receives as much income as it should from local businesses and grants.

Police Department Report (Chief James Walton) No report

Standing Committees

Buildings and Grounds (John Chesler) Ratify funds to donate to JourneyCare in Mr. Francis Fortman’s name (not to exceed $100): Trustee Chesler asked for a motion. Motion: Young Second: Andrews Ayes: Andrews, Beaudoin, Chesler, Maier, Young Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Thompson Motion carried

Community Relations (Cheryl Thompson) Absent Note: Due to Trustee Thompson’s absence, President French gave the report. Request Christmas budget (not to exceed $400): Prior to the vote, President French informed the audience that the Village Hall will be decorated in a “North Pole” theme the following

Sunday and that any volunteers to help would be welcome and appreciated. President French asked for a motion. Motion: Beaudoin Second: Andrews Ayes: Andrews, Beaudoin, Chesler, Maier, Young Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Thompson Motion carried

Environmental (Lisa Maier) No report

Finance (Teresa Beaudoin) No report

Planning and Development (Rich Young) No report

Village Codes (Kathy Andrews) No report

Public Comment A resident asked about whether the proposed park on the peninsula property would be for residents only. President French stated that he did not believe that the village could close it to nonresidents. Discussion followed.

A resident stated that she applauds the idea of buying properties and creating a nature preserve but she expressed concern about some lots within the property that are privately owned. President French said that he does not have a definitive answer to this but the privately-owned lots could not be part of the village’s nature preserve. Discussion followed concerning flooding and what to use for a path. President French also said that the park would be closed during flooding and it would be seasonal.

A resident suggested checking with Land Conservancy of McHenry County regarding grants for the proposed nature preserve. She stated that they helped Trout Valley obtain a butterfly garden grant. Trustee Maier stated that there are several groups in McHenry County with smaller grants available and she is looking into them.

A resident stated he received a notice from McHenry County regarding his yard. President French asked him for a copy and he and the building inspector will study the notice.

A resident asked if headway had been made regarding nonoperating vehicles on a property on Cedar and Oak. President French said that he and Chief Walton will address the situation and he will check with a village attorney to find out how to address it legally.

Old Business No Old Business

New Business Trustee Andrews stated that the previous Village Clerk asked her to see to it that her name is removed from village documents. She also said that the former clerk requested that meeting minutes be uploaded to the village website. President French said that he will contact the village’s website administrator and ask her to work closely with Collector Phelps to get meeting minutes uploaded.

Trustee Chesler brought up the dumpster that is currently in the village parking lot. President French said that it was being picked up the following day.

Trustee Young reported the passing of former Village President and Trustee Ken Anderson. He said that he and others are planning a fundraiser to aid Mr. Anderson’s widow, Ms. Bonnie Anderson. He also said that Ms. Anderson could use neighborly support. President French added that he has been in touch with 3D Bowl and that they are open to holding a fundraiser there.

The annual village Christmas party was discussed and it was determined that it will be held on 12/15/2018.

Executive Session No Executive Session

Adjournment Motion: Young Second: Andrews Ayes: Anderson, Beaudoin, Chesler, Maier, Young Nays: none Abstain: none Absent: Thompson Motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
