
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Woodstock Opera House Advisory Commission met March 19

Webp meeting 05

City of Woodstock Opera House Advisory Commission met March 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

The meeting of the Advisory Commission of the City of Woodstock was called to order at 4:30 pm by Keith Johnson on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at Stage Left Cafe. A roll call was taken.

Those present were: Maggie Amis, Michael Levitan, Elaine Riner, Paul Rausch, Daniel Campbell, John Puzzo, Keith Johnson, Anthony Houston (4:38 pm), Holly Stika, Max Green

Absent: John Puzzo, Roger Zawacki

Approval of Minutes

E. Riner motioned to approve the minutes, P. Rausch seconded. All ayes. The February 19, 2019 meeting minutes were approved.


A. Member Reports

Keith Johnson – Chair

$2,200 almost $2,400 was raised for Stage Left Café. All of the different users of the space donated.

Michael Levitan – Member at Large

No Report

Paul Rausch – Member at Large

No Report

Anthony Huston – Member at Large

Steele Pan Festival is April 13th at Creekside Middle School. Anthony’s group won “Not for Profit of the Year” at the Annual Woodstock Chamber Commerce Dinner.

Maggie Amis – Woodstock Fine Arts Association

Anna Celenza is Thursday and she is speaks on history. WFAA gave ten $1,000 scholarships away. They have begun keeping touch with recipients. April 25th is the talent showcase. This is a free event. The Spring Luncheon is May 3rd at Boulder Ridge Country Club.

Elaine Riner – Woodstock Musical Theatre Company

Nunsense opens on the 29th, it has a small set/cast/staff and rehearsals have gone well. They are hoping for more ticket sales. They are working with TSP to merge and finalize becoming T121.

John Puzzo – Friends of the Opera House

Lighting of the Square made $2,400. The Red, White, and Blues event was very successful and the Friends are seeking to have another in May, but in the community room with a singular musician. The January Thaw made significantly more than anticipated at $1,400 with their 50/50 and a Basket Raffle.

B. Past WOH Activities


C. Future WOH Activities


D. Recommendations for Request for WOH



Daniel stated February was a hard month for the Opera House. There were not many events, but Caroline Rhea went wonderfully and she took a real liking to Woodstock. The Chicago Barristers was not a particularly well attended show, but with three weeks of advertising it did fulfill the mission to bring relevant and different art to the community.

Elaine brought up concern of the stage floor seeing if it was part of CIP. Daniel noted the issue in the stage with the sag and that this has been an issue for almost ten years. Elaine stated she recognized the roof leaking takes precedence, but this is an issue to address sometime. Daniel stated there’s a potential to do a small repair, but that the opera house is going to wait until the structural assessment that is being set up is complete. This will also reveal other projects that need to be taken on and give a better course of action for the opera house. Keith asked if it would be something to add to next year’s report. Daniel stated waiting until the structural assessment is complete will then lead into a better idea of what to do. At this point Keith asked if the next agenda can be amended so that Daniel has a formal spot to speak on Opera House business rather than it falling into the Old Business section of the agenda.

Next the report that was sent to City Hall was briefly discussed and what the contents were. Each member would like a copy of that report sent to them, as Keith, Daniel, and Betsy are the only ones with copies at this time. Future Council Meeting will determine whether or not Judith Svalander will join the advisory board. Keith has contacted the Mayor, has not heard back yet, but is assured he will respond in a timely manner.


Daniel discussed National Theatre live and that it is live-taped broadcasts and we are one of the theatres allowed to show it. It will have performances from Bolshoi Ballet, Stratford Fest, and National Theatre. We will be picking up more titles in the fall and currently have 11 slated for the season with ticket packages available. Frankenstein is the first performance on April 20th. Paulette Gitlin and Daniel are discussing possibly doing an artist series over the summer using the screen. WFAA graciously paid for the screen that is 12ft x 22ft, and it will fill most of the stage. A new projector was bought as well. These will be installed the first week of April and brought in via the side stage window with the help of Public Works.

City Band Concerts will resume in June. Daniel stated they want a few more guest artists this year, and will also petition the Mayor to allow beer/wine in the park. He is also looking into adding 6 Friday evening 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm concerts in July and August out in the park. Mike brought up that these events are not marketed well and have not been in many years and is there a better way to get some for it. John wanted to know what Promote Woodstock does and if this is the type of event they are supposed to be promoting. Daniel clarified that Promote Woodstock has a board including members Marine Larson and Mike Turner and that their roles are in branding and marketing for Tourism and Business Development. John voiced his concern that the group has been paid $791k and that there are many open businesses on the Square, so who is holding this group accountable. Elaine then commented that they randomly put up events. This time they did Nunsense, they don’t always put up all of their shows on Promote Woodstock’s website. Elaine then went on to explain that many of the groups in the City of Woodstock had been asking for a marketing firm to come in, and that many years after it was initially brought up, Promote Woodstock came to fruition. Daniel at this point recommended that marketing become an item on the agenda to discuss. Everyone agreed.

Surcharges were discussed. Everyone agrees the $3 needs to stay with the opera house and not go to city general funds. Elaine brought up that the patrons are coming from all over and their funds should go to the place they visit. Keith wondered if there was a way to create a separate account just for fees. Daniel proposed keeping the fee under the title historic preservation, everyone agreed. John wants to build in a safeguard that the fees can only be used for the opera house, so it does not end up like the lottery system. Anthony questioned why the fee title cannot be more direct instead of a historic preservation fee. Everyone was advised to speak to their groups on the matter.

T121 updated bylaws and both companies are looking to be combined with the former dissolved by August. Members will be meeting for agreement for the season announcement, Beth is working on the finances, and after July 1st, T121 will go for 501C status. At the annual meeting in June, they will decide further on member requirements and vote on a board on August 8th.

Motion to adjourn. J. Puzzo motioned and M. Levitan seconded. Meeting adjourned 5:34 pm
