City of Woodstock Zoning Board of Appeals met June 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
CALL TO ORDER: A special meeting of the City of Woodstock Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order by Chairman Timothy Huffar at 7:01 PM on Monday, June 10, 2019 in the Council Chambers, Woodstock City Hall, 121 W. Calhoun Street, Woodstock. A roll call was taken.
COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Lawrence Winters, Zak Klehr, Tom Tierney and Chairman Timothy Huffar.
COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Rick Bellairs, Howard Rigsby and Richard Ryan.
STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Darrell Moore and Executive Assistant/Chief Deputy Clerk Jane Howie.
OTHERS PRESENT: Ms. Ashley Behm and Mr. Matthew Nauert, property owners.
PUBLIC COMMENT – In accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, the general Public may address the Commission regarding any matter on the agenda or not on the agenda. No comments were provided by the public.
PUBLIC HEARING: Opened at 7:03 PM. Chair Huffar swore in Ms. Behm and Mr. Nauert.
a) 1303 Queen Anne Street – Variation to allow a reduced setback for a deck in a side yard abutting a street.
Ms. Behm stated they are requesting a variance for a 20’x24’deck, which will be designed to work with a portable ramp and assist in accommodating access for a wheelchair-bound relative, who is unable to get into their home at this time. The resident’s backyard is mainly taken up by the garage and driveway. They’d like the deck on the side of the house near the three large trees, which would also allow a safe parking place and easy access. The residents have requested additional length for a temporary ADA ramp, which could be attached to the deck. When not in use, the ramp will be stored under the deck. Ms. Behm explained where the ramp will be positioned on the deck when in use; near the deck stairs.
Ms. Behm explained that at this time their relative doesn’t have access to the front door due to un-level ground and the distance between parking and the front door. T. Tierney asked why the need for the proposed deck to be 20’x24’ and whether those dimensions can be reduced. The petitioners explained that the deck is designed to allow for ample space for a wheelchair to maneuver on the deck and also to be able to store the ramp underneath. Additionally, a jog-out is necessary because of the gas and electric meter; however, the precise deck pier location could be adjusted. Some of the guidelines are from Nicor and the National Electric Code.
L. Winters is concerned about the look in the neighborhood with the deck on the side yard. The petitioners stated that the lot across from the deck is a vacant lot. Ms. Behm said many of the decks in the neighborhood are not in back yards, it just depends on available space in neighbor’s yards. In addition, the neighbors were notified of this request to build a deck in the side yard.
T. Tierney confirmed that the deck will have direct access into the house.
Ms. Behm mentioned that the trees offer partial screening; perhaps some bushes could be added to hide the deck, as well. Ms. Behm went on to say that they will be attaching lattice to the bottom of the deck to hide the underneath area, with a swinging lattice door to allow easy access to the ramp. In response to a question from Z. Klehr, Ms. Behm explained the reasoning behind the request of a deck with temporary ramp vs. a permanent ramp. The petitioners believe this plan is the best option for what they’re trying to accomplish.
Public Hearing closed at 7:30 PM.
Motion by T. Tierney, second by Z. Klehr, to approve a variation of the Woodstock Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7A.2: Area and Bulk Requirements to allow:
1. A Setback in a side yard abutting a street of 13.2 feet, instead of the required 25- foot setback for a deck in the R District.
Ayes: L. Winters, Z. Klehr, T. Tierney and Chair T. Huffar. Nays: None. Absentees: R. Bellairs, H. Rigsby and R. Ryan. Abstentions: none. Motion carried.
The Findings of Fact were completed and are attached to these Minutes.
Motion by T. Tierney, second by L. Winters, to adjourn this Special Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Ayes: L. Winters, Z. Klehr, T. Tierney and Chair T. Huffar. Nays: None. Absentees: R. Bellairs, H. Rigsby and R. Ryan. Abstentions: none. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 PM.