Village of Port Barrington Board of Trustees met April 29.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
President Yeaton called to order the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees at 6:01 PM. The following Trustees were present: Grothendick, Corrigan, Cillo and Vogeler. Trustees Herstedt and Thomasson were absent. Donna Erfort recorded minutes.
The purpose of this meeting was to consider Ordinance 2019-04-03, approving a setback variance for 423 Riverside Drive in Port Barrington. There was no further discussion from previous meetings.
Trustee Vogeler motioned to approve Ordinance 2019-04-03. Trustee Grothendick seconded the motion. Roll call was taken; 4 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstain, 2 Absent. Motion approved.
Cindy and Herb Waltenspiel, owners of 423 Riverside Drive, expressed their appreciation to the Board.
Trustee Vogeler motioned to adjourn the Special Meeting. Trustee Grothendick seconded. Roll call was taken; 4 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent. Motion approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.