
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Marengo City Council met May 13

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City of Marengo City Council met May 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor John Koziol called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Mayor Koziol led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Present this evening are Mayor John Koziol; Aldernen Mike Miller, Michael DeSerto, Dennis Hammortree, Brett Martin, and Steve Mortensen. Also present are City Administrator Joshua Blakemore, Interim Chief of Police Paul Fritz, Acting City Attorney David McArdle, and representing Finance Director Jennifer Snelten is Megan Lopez. Aldermen Todd Hall, Nicole De Boer, Matt Keenum, and City Engineer Tim Hartnett were absent.



APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 22, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes Alderman Mike DeSerto made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike Miller, to approve the minutes from the meeting. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Mortensen, Miller, DeSeito, Hammortree and Martin

Nays: 0

Absent: Keenum, DeBoer and Hall 

The motion passed.

APPROVAL OF LIST OF BILLS Alderman Steve Mortensen made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike Miller, to approve the list of bills, in the amount of $716,681.04. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Hammortree, Mortensen, Miller, Martin and DeSerto 

Nays: 0

Absent: Hall, DeBoer and Keenum 

The motion passed.

Mayor Koziol thanked Alderman Brett Martin for his serving as Alderman, and presented him with a plaque.

RECOMMENDATION BY MAYOR, and motion to appoint Joseph Mills and Jared Secor to fill vacant Aldermanic seats, Wards 3 and 4 respectively, ending April 30, 2021 Mayor Koziol made the following recommendations to fill the vacant seats for the 3rd and 4th wards on the Council: Joseph Mills, Ward 3 and Jared Secor, Ward 4.

Alderman Steve Mortensen made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike DeSerto, to appoint Joseph Mills and Jared Secor to fill vacant Aldermanic seats for Wards 3 and 4 respectively, ending April 30, 2021. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Hammortree, DeSerto, Mortensen and Miller 

Nays: 0

Absent: Hall, DeBoer and Keenum 

The motion passed.


Attorney McArdle performed the "swearing in" of the newly elected and appointed aldermen. They are as follows:

Mike Miller - Elected - Ward 1 

Michael DeSerto - Elected - Ward 2 

Joseph Mills - Appointed - Ward 3 

Jared Secor - Appointed - Ward 4


a. American Legion Poppy Days Proclamation by Mayor Koziol The American Legion Poppy Days are scheduled for the 17th and 18th of May.

Alderman Steve Mortensen made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike Miller, to approve the American Legion Poppy Days. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Hammortree, Secor, DeSerto, Miller, Mills and Mortensen 

Nays: 0

Absent: Keenum and DeBoer 

The motion passed.

b. Motion to Approve of Mayor's Appointment of Officers and Commissions Mayor Koziol presented the following list of positions and persons to the Council for approval:

City Administrator Interim Chief of Police City Attorney Police Pension Board Planning & Zoning Comm.

Joshua Blakemore Paul Fritz David McArdle (ZRF & M) Dawn Wagner (2 year term - expires 2021) Michael Bieniek (5 year term - expires 2024) John Wiedmaier (Term expires 2020, completing the remaining term of Ryan Gieske) Ron Foley (3 year term - expires 2022)

Fire & Police Commission

Alderman Mike DeSerto made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike Miller, to approve the Mayor's appointment of Officers and Commissions. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Miller, DeSerto, Mortensen, Mills, Secor and Hammortree 

Nays: 0

Absent: DeBoer and Keenum 

The motion passed.

C. Motion to Approve the Annual Report of Police Pension Fund for FY 2018/2019 The annual report was reviewed by the Council.

Alderman Steve Mortensen made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike DeSerto, to approve the Annual Report of the Police Pension Fund for FY 2018/2019. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: DeSerto, Secor, Miller, Mortensen, Hammortree and Mills 

Nays: 0

Absent: DeBoer and Keenum 

The motion passed.

d. Motion to Approve a Resolution Authorizing the Use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for FY 2019/2020 Administrator Blakemore advised that this is the annual document that is filed with the State regarding the receipt of Motor Fuel Tax Funds. These funds cover the purchase of road salt and patching materials. The appropriated amount this year is $70,000.

Alderman Steve Mortensen made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike Miller, to approve a Resolution Authorizing the use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for FY 2019/2020. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Hammortree, Mortensen, DeSerto, Miller, Mills and Secor 

Nays: 0

Absent: DeBoer and Keenum 

The motion passed.

e. Request for Direction on Participating in a Portion of Coon Creek Road Repaving Project with Riley Township Dave Diamond, Riley Township Road Commissioner, approached the City regarding a repaving project on Coon Creek Road. Their request is whether the City would be interested in participating in the project, as the City is responsible for 930 +- feet of Coon Creek Road. The total cost of the project (with the low bidder) is $188,122.03. The proposed City of Marengo portion is $10,400.

The Council recommended holding a decision on this matter until the next meeting,

MAYOR'S STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Koziol spoke about the availability of road funding (last year we had $45,000 available and this year we will have $130,000), and also noted that this is the first year since 2000 that we have met the police pension funding level that is required by the State of Illinois.


Megan Lopez, representing Finance Director Jennifer Snelten, had nothing further to report.

Interim Chief of Police Paul Fritz thanked the Council for the appointment. The Police Department report was in the board packet.

City Administrator Joshua Blakemore welcomed Acting Chief Fritz, as well as new Aldermen Jared Secor and Joseph Mills. The aldermen have received the formal bound copy of the FY 19/20 Budget. Interviews for water foreman are ongoing. Included in the board packet is information on GASB 75 - “Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefits Other than Pensions”, the new accounting standard for public OPEB plans. Any further information on this can be directed to Jennifer Snelten.

City Attorney David McArdle noted that the Council would be going into Executive Session.


Alderman Mike DeSerto questioned if the use of our Economic Development and Lobbying persons has generated any movement or inquiry to the City. Administrator Blakemore updated the Council on what has been happening with both. He reviewed some meetings that have occurred with various developers for different areas within the City.


a. Discussion of Pending or Imminent Litigation Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (11) Alderman Mike DeSerto made a motion at 7:28 PM, seconded by Alderman Steve Mortensen, to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of a discussion of pending or imminent litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(11). The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: DeSerto, Secor, Mills, Miller, Hainmortree and Mortensen

Nays: 0

Absent: Keenum and DeBoer 

The motion passed.


Present (at 8:15 PM) are Mayor John Koziol; Alderinen Jared Secor, Dennis Hammortree, Joseph Mills, Mike DeSerto, Steve Mortensen and Mike Miller. Also present are Attorney David McArdle and Administrator Joshua Blakemore.


a. Motion to Authorize Strand Engineering to Proceed with the Formal Decommissioning Request to the IEPA Subject to the Condition that the WWTP Remain Certified at 1.8 MGD. Administrator Blakemore updated the Council on what is happening regarding the IEPA and the possible removal of the Sonolyzer. Written documentation is being requested from the IEPA, and when received, the decommissioning will be done immediately.

Alderman Mike Deserto made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike Miller, to authorize Strand Engineering to proceed with the Formal Decommissioning Request to the IEPA subject to the Condition that the WWTP remain Certified at 1.8 MGD. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Hammortree, Secor, DeSerto, Miller, Mills and Mortensen 

Nays: 0

Absent: Keenum and DeBoer 

The motion passed.


Alderman Steve Mortensen made a motion at 8:18 PM, seconded by Alderman Mike DeSerto, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed with a voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:18 PM.
