City of Crystal Lake City Council met Oct. 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Call to Order Mayor Shepley called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Roll Call Mayor Aaron Shepley, Councilmembers Ellen Brady, Ralph Dawson, Haig Haleblian and Brett Hopkins and Cameron Hubbard were present. City Clerk Nick Kachiroubas was present.
Councilwoman Brady moved to approve Councilwoman Ferguson's attendance at the meeting via telephone. Councilman Dawson seconded the motion. On roll call, all voted yes. Motion passed.
Also present were City Manager Gary Mayerhofer, City Attorney John Cowlin, Assistant Director of Finance Laura Herrig, Director of Community Development Michelle Rentzsch, Director of Public Works Mike Magnuson, City Engineer Abby Wilgreen, Fire Rescue Chief Paul DeRaedt, and Chief of Police Jim Black.
Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Shepley led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Minutes Councilman Hopkins moved to approve the minutes of the October 1, 2019, Regular City Council meeting, Councilman Haleblian seconded the motion. On roll call, all voted yes. Motion passed.
Accounts Payable Councilman Hopkins moved to approve the Accounts Payable in the amount of $2,355,727.90. Councilman Haleblian seconded the motion. On roll call, all voted yes. Motion passed.
Public Presentation Mayor Shepley asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak on matters of general public interest or concern not included in the regular agenda, advising they would be given an opportunity to speak when the agenda item was considered.
Jacqueline Muhammad, Outreach Director for Congresswoman Lauren Underwood, provided the City Council with an update regarding locations of local offices and other means to reach Congresswoman Underwood. Ms. Muhammad also provided an update regarding projects and legislation the Congresswoman is currently working on.
Mayor's Report
City Council Reports
Consent Agenda Councilwoman Brady moved to approve a Consent Agenda, adding Items 12 and 18. Councilman Hopkins seconded the motion. Mayor Shepley asked if anyone in the audience wished to comment on any of the listed items, noting that without any objection, they would most likely be approved. No one wished to speak. On roll call, all voted yes. Motion passed.
12. Adopted a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the McHenry County Gang Task Force.
18. Adopted a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an intergovernmental agreement between the Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the City of Crystal Lake regarding the EMS supplemental payment program.
10. Retailer Job Creation and Investment Grant Funds Request (up to $10,000 in matching_grant funds) - El Molino Pizzeria and Bakery. 1024 McHenry Avenue, Unit D & E Mizrain Yeverino, one of the owners of El Molino Pizzeria and Bakery, provided the City Council with a history of the business. The business has been located in Crystal Lake for eight years, moving to a location on McHenry Avenue last year. They are expanding to the space next door to accommodate a seating/dining area. Community Development Director Michelle Rentzsch stated that the business meets grant criteria requirements.
Councilwoman Brady moved to award up to $10,000 in Retailer Job Creation and Investment Grant Funds to El Molino Pizzeria and Bakery, located at 1024 McHenry Avenue, Unit D & E, and to adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Grant Agreement with El Molino Pizzeria and Bakery. Councilman Hubbard seconded the motion. On roll call, all voted yes. Motion passed.
11. Capital Improvement Project and Complete Streets Proposed Policy - Discussion Only City Engineer Abby Wilgreen provided the City Council with an overview of grants the City would like to apply for in the future to help with costs for capital improvement projects. Ms. Wilgreen provided a summary of proposed improvement projects for City Council feedback.
Mayor Shepley asked if Councilmembers had an issue with any of the projects as a discussion starting point. If not, City staff can move forward.
Councilman Dawson indicated he was in favor of the projects, with priority given to projects for which the City receives grant funding.
Possible Projects include:
Installation of mini-roundabouts at three intersections on Golf Course Road. Councilmembers had no issue with this project.
Sidewalk installation with a traffic signal upgrade at Main Street at the Jewel Shopping Center Back Entrance.
Mayor Shepley asked why the pedestrian crossing could not be located at the intersection of Congress and Main Street. Ms. Wilgreen indicated that intersection is where the UP storage yard is located and has three tracks and a crossing at that location would cut the storage yard in half. Mayor Shepley and Councilwoman Brady indicated they understood this, but it is unfortunate. Councilwoman Ferguson asked about working with the Conservation District in advance of working on the grant.
Ms. Wilgreen said staff would work with the railroad regarding the installation of a fence to prohibit pedestrians from crossing by the storage yard and would also work with the Conservation District.
3. Installation of a traffic signal or full roundabout and possible pedestrian accommodations along Three Oaks Road/Lutter Drive/Sands Road.
Councilmember Dawson said the Village of Cary is very interested in the project and encouraged staff to contact them. Ms. Wilgreen said staff will contact Cary and the township regarding the project.
Councilwoman Brady asked about the pedestrian accommodations. Ms. Wilgreen indicated the City had been contacted by several bike and pedestrian advocates regarding pedestrian accommodations that connect Three Oaks Recreation Area to the existing pedestrian path in the Village of Cary. She said it could be tricky, but can be looked into
Councilman Haleblian indicated he thinks this is the most dangerous intersection in Crystal Lake.
Councilmembers had no issue with this project.
4. Installation of traffic calming measures (i.e. bump-outs or speed tables) on Berkshire Drive (McHenry Avenue to Virginia Road).
Ms. Wilgreen indicated staff receives many resident calls regarding speeding and other complaints about this corridor.
Councilwoman Brady asked what a bump out is. Ms. Wilgreen said it is a manner to slow traffic down with curb extensions in strategic locations along the roadway. She indicated speed bumps are not allowed in the City Code, but speed tables can be looked at.
Councilmember had no issue with this project.
5. Installation of an upgraded traffic signal at Route 176 and Oak Street, the addition of pedestrian improvements along Oak Street North to City limits, and the possible addition of left-turn lanes on Oak Street (IDOT approval needed).
Ms. Wilgreen indicated new traffic signals are in the CIP, and this would be an opportunity to ask IDOT regarding left-turn lanes and fill in sidewalk sections.
Councilmembers had no issue with this project.
6. Construction of a full roundabout at Crystal Lake Avenue/Walkup Avenue and Grant Street intersection.
Mayor Shepley stated that this option makes sense at this location, especially during peak hours. He has concerns with pedestrian impact – there is a lot of foot traffic. Ms. Wilgreen said there are regulations that must be followed regarding pedestrians and the City would be working with experts in this area. He said this option looks good.
The question was asked what the difference is between the full roundabout as opposed to the mini-roundabout, and how long construction would take at this location. Ms. Wilgreen said one construction season, with the center island and widening the corners. Traffic control will be challenging at this location.
The question was asked regarding the pedestrian crossings in relation to the roundabouts. Ms. Wilgreen stated that they are moved from the circle by design. Councilwoman Brady suggested someone be there once the project is completed, there are a lot of high school students. Mayor Shepley said he has seen roundabouts work very well on busy college campuses, but there may be a learning curve. Ms. Wilgreen indicated there would be a lot of education to help.
Mayor Shepley asked about the intersection at Crystal Lake Avenue and Williams Street. Ms. Wilgreen indicated this intersection would be looked at with the installation of the roundabout.
Councilmembers had no issue with this project.
7. Installation of Traffic Signal on Main Street at Three Oaks Recreation Entrance.
Ms. Wilgreen explained the intent of the signal would be to help pedestrians cross Main Street, a variation of what is currently there.
Councilman Hopkins asked for background on this project. City Manager Gary Mayerhofer indicated this location is busy and there have been times cars do not stop for the flashing signals that are there now.
Councilman Dawson said he lives near Walkup Avenue and cars frequently do not stop for the flashing signals to cross into Veterans Acres Park. He said he is in total support of this project.
Mayor Shepley said he felt the same way.
Councilmembers had no issue with this project.
Ms. Wilgreen explained the Complete Streets Policy, many parts the City is already following on an informal basis. The formalizing of the policy would allow the City to receive additional points when applying for Surface Transportation funds. The Complete Streets Policy would be brought forward at the next Council meeting for adoption.
13. Bid Award - Alternate Retail Electrical Supplier Deputy City Manager Eric Helm presented the City Council with information regarding the bid for the electrical supply for the City's non-franchise municipal facilities (i.e. wastewater plants, water plants, etc.). The Northern Illinois Municipal Electrical Collaborative (NIMEC), who the City has successfully worked with in the past, has indicated that electricity prices are at a low point, and it is advantageous to go out to bid and lock-in pricing now that would go into effect in May 2020. David Hoover, of NIMEC, was in attendance should the City Council have any questions.
Mayor Shepley asked Mr. Helm how much cost saving would be had taking advantage of the program. Mr. Helm said it is about $102,000.00 savings annually. Mayor Shepley explained this program does not impact residents, that is a separate program.
Councilwoman Brady moved to award Motion to award the proposal for consultant services for non-franchise municipal facility accounts to Northern Illinois Municipal Electrical Collaborative and adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Northern Illinois Municipal Electrical Collaborative in the submitted proposal amount of $0.0013 of the cost per kilowatt-hour Councilman Hopkins seconded the motion. On roll call, all voted yes. Motion passed.
Mayor Shepley explained the next motion would allow the City to lock in a rate that fluctuates daily. Mr. Helm indicated the agreement would be signed tomorrow if approved.
Councilman Hopkins moved to adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a three-year contract for the purchase of electricity for non-franchise municipal facility accounts to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Dynegy in the amount of 4.485 cents per kilowatt-hour. Councilman Hubbard seconded the motion. On roll call, all voted yes. Motion passed.
14. Bid Award - Wastewater Division Facilities Roof Rehabilitation Councilwoman Brady moved to award the contract for Wastewater Division Roof Rehabilitation to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, DCG Roofing Solutions Inc., and to adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with DCG Roofing Solutions Inc. in the submitted bid amounts with a 10% contingency for unforeseen expenses. Councilman Haleblian seconded the motion. On roll call, all voted yes. Motion passed.
15. Bid Award - Chlorine Gas Purchase and Delivery Councilwoman Brady moved to award the bid to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the purchase and delivery of Chlorine Gas to Viking Chemical and adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a one-year contract with the option for an additional one-year extension to Viking Chemical in the submitted bid amount. Councilman Haleblian seconded the motion. On roll call, all voted yes. Motion passed.
16. Proposal Award - Electrical Services Contract Mayor Shepley clarified the differences in the bid from the previous Electrical Supplier Bid.
Councilwoman Brady moved to award a contract for various Electrical Services to the most responsible and responsive proposer, Ron Jones Electric Inc. and adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a one-year agreement, with options for two additional one-year agreements with Ron Jones Electric Inc. in the proposed amounts. Councilman Haleblian seconded the motion. On roll call, all voted yes, Motion passed.
17. Illinois Joint Purchasing Requisition for Road Salt Councilwoman Brady moved to adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Compass Minerals and participate in the Illinois Joint Purchasing Requisition for the 2019/2020 winter season in the proposed amounts. Councilman Haleblian seconded the motion. On roll call, all voted yes. Motion passed.
19. Annual Audit for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Ed Tracy from Seldon Fox provided the City Council with a summary of the audit process and highlighted the status of several funds, including pension funds. Seldon Fox found no material weaknesses with the audit and issued a "clean" opinion, the highest available.
Councilwoman Brady moved to adopt a Resolution accepting the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City of Crystal Lake for the Fiscal Year ending April 30, 2019. Councilman Hopkins seconded the motion. On roll call, all voted yes. Motion passed.
Mayor Shepley thanked City Manager Gary Mayerhofer and his staff for the hard work in maintaining the City's financial resources. Mr. Mayerhofer thanked Assistant Finance Director Laura Herrig for her efforts throughout the audit process.
Council Inquiries and Requests None.
Adjourn There being no further business, Councilwoman Brady moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 p.m. Councilman Hopkins seconded the motion. On voice vote, all present voted yes. Motion passed.