
McHenry Times

Friday, November 22, 2024

Village of Port Barrington Board of Trustees met December 18

Meeting 06

Village of Port Barrington Board of Trustees met Dec. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Yeaton called to order the regularly scheduled Meeting of the Board of Trustees at 7:02pm. The following Trustees were present: Grothendick, Herstedt, Cillo, Corrigan and Vogeler. Trustee Thomasson, was absent.

President Yeaton asked the Board to set the agenda affirming no conflicts of interest and Trustee Grothendick motioned to set the agenda. Trustee Corrigan seconded and the motion was approved unanimously.

Trustee Cillo motioned to approve the consent agenda including minutes of the September 18, 2019 Regular Board Meeting, November 20, 20119 Regular Board Meeting and the December 4, 2019 Special Meeting. The Treasurer’s report for November 2019 was also included. Trustee Grothendick seconded. Roll call was taken; 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent. The motion was approved.

President Yeaton asked the Board to move on Bills Payable through December 18, 2019. Trustee Vogeler motioned to approve the bills payable and it was seconded by Trustee Corrigan. The Bills Payable were approved by roll call vote. Upon roll call, the vote was: 5 Ayes, Nays: 0 Absent 1. Motion approved.


Rusty Issleb stated that street sweeping was performed. Rocks were placed at the end of Eastwood as a temporary barrier. A sign was ordered to place there with reflective barriers. Ordinance 2019-12-3 was before the Board regarding off-site parking and shared parking. Trustee Vogeler motioned to approve. Trustee Cillo seconded. Roll call was taken: Grothendick, Herstedt, Cillo, Corrigan and Vogeler voted Aye. Trustee Thomasson, was absent. 0 Nays. Motion approved.


Trustee Grothendick stated that demo radios were not yet received. Alpha Prime submitted a proposal and demo radios will be offered by them also.


Trustee Herstedt stated that the schedule was set for January. Additional police presence would be available and the police will participate in the Santa Parade.


Trustee Cillo stated that the Village Appreciation Party was well attended.

A special event permit was requested by Hermann’s for an ice fishing derby on January 19, 2019 from 6am to 1pm.

The Santa Parade starts at 12pm on 12/22/19 followed by a party at the Village Hall. FORESTRY

Rusty stated that branches came down in the high winds.

There is a dead ash tree that must come down. The homeowner insists it is a Village owned tree. Rusty believes it is on their property.

Trustee Corrigan is working on Tree City USA certification paperwork.


The Tax Levy Ordinance 2019-12-4 was before the Board. Trustee Corrigan motioned to approve. Trustee Grothendick seconded. Roll call was taken: Grothendick, Herstedt, Cillo, Corrigan and Vogeler voted Aye. Trustee Thomasson, was absent. 0 Nays. Motion approved. Trustee Corrigan stated he is working on providing addresses of vehicle tax non-compliance for the Building and Zoning software.


Ordinance 2019-12-5 was before the Board regarding Finance and Revenue Taxation providing a 2% excise tax on cannabis. Trustee Vogeler motioned to approve and Trustee Cillo seconded. Roll call was taken: Grothendick, Herstedt, Cillo, Corrigan and Vogeler voted Aye. Trustee Thomasson, was absent. 0 Nays. Motion approved.

Trustee Vogeler stated that the CRS application forms were being reviewed after January 1, 2020.

Frank DeSort was contacted by a representative from the bank regarding the Cheeseman property. The property will not be buildable after demolition.

The Village Hall upgrades are complete.

Frank DeSort is printing out reports from the new Building and Zoning software that are useful.


There was no new information on this subject. VILLAGE ENGINEER

President Yeaton and Trustee Grothendick met with Manhard and Integrated Lakes Management to get quotes for a dye test on the ponds and rills at Riverwalk. They will create a proposal. They suggested installing test wells on Village property to know if or where the dye is moving before it gets to homes. Trustee Grothendick stated the Village must know if the active rill exacerbates the distribution of the dye in the ponds. President Yeaton stated that the half-life of the dye depends on the temperature so doing it in winter will provide a different result than warmer weather. Also, the homeowners would have colored water for a shorter time in warm weather if it appears. Trustee Vogeler stated concern about side-stepping the Riverwalk HOA. Trustee Grothendick stated that he spoke to the HOA. The Village must make decisions based purely from an engineering perspective but would invite the HOA for future meetings, if appropriate.


Donna Erfort stated that the Grant Accountability Transparency Act was considering removing MFT and thereby reduce the amount of paperwork being fulfilled.

There was a request for parking at 523 Normandy for 10 days. It is a cul-de-sac so the request was denied. If they park in the straight-away they must provide plate information.


President Yeaton attended the Fox River Flood Control Commission at the Bartlett Nature Center. A report will be submitted to the State by 12/31/19. The state is being divided into coalitions. President Yeaton will be on a coalition for our area.


Two Trustees are need to work on a draft for Special Event permits that match the ordinance. There was discussion of a mega permit vs. a regular special event and what would happen if a regular event turns into a mega event. Trustee Corrigan stated that a mega event is defined by 1,000 people in attendance at one time, 400 vehicles and one or more tent structures. Trustees Grothendick and Vogeler will volunteer and Donna Erfort will assist also.

Trustee Grothendick is working on the Employee Handbook. President Yeaton will give the notes to Becky Bateman to review.

Trustee Corrigan stated that several years ago ComEd had a program to replace ComEd equipment bulbs with LED lighting. They sent a spreadsheet of all the poles and lights. Approximately 65 qualifying poles belonged to the ComEd at the time. President Yeaton spoke to the new representative that listed just some of the poles and questioned who owned the poles. President Yeaton requested the original spreadsheets be sent to the new contact.


Trustee Grothendick met with the snowmobile club members to review trail use. They discussed insurance through the club for any damage to trails but it must be on the official Illinois Snowmobile Association map of trails to qualify by December 15th, 2019 and was not. The Riverwalk HOA was concerned about it being on the map and that it would create more traffic. The Board didn’t like the idea of being on the map, but without it there is no insurance coverage. Another meeting will be scheduled.

Trustee Corrigan asked to clarify the conditions of the clean-out permit issued to Riverwalk for the rills. Asked for an email with the 13 points that were required. The permit was specifically to not turn the water on. President Yeaton stated it was for clean-out only. The rill was higher than down-flow at one point so grading was required.

The meeting was open to the floor at 8:08pm.

Jody Thelin stated that the turn at Oak and Eastwood has impaired visibility due to hedges there.

Jeff McLennan, the Riverwalk HOA President, asked for a meeting with two Board members, two of their board members, their engineers and the Village Engineer regarding the permit for rills. He believes that no permit was required to turn the water on in the rills. He believes no email correspondence referenced turning on the water. President Yeaton asked Mr. McLennan if the HOA would want a Trustee and not herself to attend. He responded that he wanted only 2 Board members to attend to avoid it being a formal meeting. President Yeaton responded that Trustee Grothendick and she would be available and a meeting would be arranged.

Trustee Vogeler motioned to adjourn. Trustee Grothendick seconded. Roll call was taken; 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent. Motion approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 pm.
