House Rep. Steve Reick
House Rep. Steve Reick
House Rep. Steve Reick (R-Woodstock) said during a press conference last week that he did not agree with Gov. J.B. Pritzker's budget proposal, calling it a shame that the governor would hold school funding hostage pending a tax increase.
In February, Pritzker proposed a budget linking Illinois education funding increases to his graduated-rate income tax plan. His proposal drew bi-partisan concerns about money for state school districts, as voter rejection in November would result in roughly $150 less being distributed statewide and only the highest-need schools receiving additional funding under Pritzker's plan.
Reick said he recently spoke with officials in the Harvard school district who were worried about the budget proposal.
"They may or may not get full funding," Reick said. "They may be forced to cut back on capital projects because of their inability to use evidence-based funding model to bring funding to schools in Harvard district."
Reick said when he was listening to the governor’s speech, he couldn’t help but think of the line, "Nice funding formula you’ve got here. It would be a shame if something happened to it."
"I cannot believe the governor would withhold school children, especially in school districts hostage," Reick said. "This is irresponsible. If he wants Republicans to work with him on crafting a truly balanced budget, he must take into account priorities. For him to use it for this purpose is totally disingenuous on his part."