
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Crystal Lake Sustainability Committee met January 15

Webp meeting 11

City of Crystal Lake Sustainability Committee met Jan. 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. at the Municipal Complex in Crystal Lake.

II. Roll Call/Attendance

Present were the following committee members: Chair John Kavalunas, Emilie Hoffman, Terry Dieckhoff, Jen Oliver and Nicky Strahl. Members of the public in attendance were Scott Hennings, Dean Farr, Joe Scherb, Will Walker, Sofia Liszka, Ron Liszka, Steve Blatt, Kim Buscemi and Nick Hammonds, Management Analyst.

III. Public Comment

Dean Farr introduced himself as a frequent guest of the Sustainability Committee’s meetings. Joe Scherb introduced himself as a frequent guest focused on bicycling and bike friendly initiatives. Sofia Liszka introduced herself as a current college student studying economics and sustainability. Ron Liszka introduced himself as Sofia’s father, joining her for the meeting. Will Walker introduced himself as an applicant for the Committee who has experience in agriculture and sustainable practices. Steve Blatt introduced himself as a Crystal Lake resident who is concerned about the environment and chemical contaminants used in driveway sealing products. Scott Hennings introduced himself as a former member of the Committee and discussed his position with McHenry County. Kim Buscemi introduced herself as a member of the Crystal Lake Park District and her role in coordinating the Bike With Your Neighbor event.

IV. Approval of the Minutes from December 18, 2019

Terry Dieckhoff moved to approve the minutes from the December 18, 2019 meeting as amended. Emilie Hoffman seconded the motion. Upon voice vote, motion passed.

V. Bike With Your Neighbor Scheduling and Rain Date Scheduling

John Kavalunas began the discussion of the Bike With Your Neighbor (BWYN) 2020 event. Currently, the date of the event is planned for June 7, 2020, with a rain date on June 28, 2020. He provided the history of the event, which originally began as Bike With the Mayor, and evolved to include a scavenger hunt and to be inclusive of the whole community, not just biking with the Mayor. John stated that the Committee has partnered with the Park District for about six years, and he introduced Kim Buscemi with the Crystal Lake Park District.

Kim Buscemi discussed the possibility of partnering the BWYN with other Park District events to improve turnout for the events. She discussed the “Monarchs and Music” event, which promotes pollinators and butterflies. John Kavalunas stated that his concern lies with having too many things going on at once, and not enough space in the parking lot and beach. John stated that the Committee has been building a solid base of email for possible participants, as well as working with Tina Serra at Husmann Elementary to promote the event. Kim Buscemi stated that the additional emails and outreach conducted by the Committee is a positive sign for increasing attendees for the event.

Jen Oliver asked Kim Buscemi about how many events are planned at the beach for the 2020 summer. Kim Buscemi discussed multiple events that could coincide with the BWYN. Emilie Hoffman stated that she is interested in the idea of combining events, but that the BWYN would need to be scheduled with the right fit. The bike theme of the BWYN would need to be compatible with the other Park District event. John Kavalunas stated that it might be worthwhile to combine events in the future.

Nicky Strahl discussed the positive aspects of having continuity with the event, since combining may cause the BWYN to get lost in the mix. Combining events could possibly deter from the Committee’s focus and dilute the goal of the event. Ron Liszka stated that a Park District event may complement the BWYN by allowing guests to choose to ride their bikes, and family members that do not want to ride can stay at the beach and enjoy other activities.

John Kavalunas discussed the reasoning for the Committee holding the event on a Sunday afternoon so as to avoid conflicting with sports events and church. John then discussed the timeline of the event. Terry Dieckhoff stated that he would like to see how the event goes this year since the Committee has expanded outreach efforts. Jen Oliver discussed how the timeline of the event would need to be modified if the BWYN was combined. Jen Oliver asked about June 13th availability, and Kim Buscemi stated that the Park District is having their beach bash that day, with canoe races, lifeguard games, and reduced beach entrance fees.

John Kavalunas inquired the Committee to vote on whether or not to combine the BWYN with a Park District event. Terry Dieckhoff, Jen Oliver, Emilie Hoffman, and Nicky Strahl all voted to hold the BWYN on its own date. John Kavalunas abstained from voting on the measure.

Sofia Liszka discussed how linking the scavenger hunt with an environmental theme, an eco-hunt, could increase turnout and help the focus of the event to be clear. John Kavalunas stated that he likes the idea of the BWYN and Eco-Hunt. He then stated that he would like to keep the rodeo portion of the event. Kim Buscemi stated that the Park District Police will provide the rules of the road again and lead the kickoff of the event. John Kavalunas, Nicky Strahl and Jen Oliver offered their assistance to Kim Buscemi to help coordinate the event beginning in April and May.

John Kavalunas stated that apparel and bike lights were popular prizes at the event. He stated that he was surprised that people were not very interested in the bike helmets. Kim Buscemi stated that she will have the waivers ready again this year, which have been approved by the Park District’s legal staff. Kim will also review the drink and ice cream coupons. John Kavalunas and Jen Oliver discussed how the school district should be enlisted, specifically with Tina Serra’s help, to promote the event. Emilie Hoffman asked the Committee if they had considered painting rain barrels as another feature of the event. The Committee agreed to keep this item as a possible addition, with either one or multiple rain barrels for children to paint when they return from the bike ride.

The Committee agreed to reserve June 7, 2020 as the date of the BWYN, with a rain date of June 28th.

VI. Review City and County Transportation Projects – Scott Hennings

John Kavalunas stated that the Committee had asked if Scott Hennings could attend the meeting to provide an update on City and County transportation projects. Scott Hennings introduced himself as a Planner with the McHenry County Department of Transportation. Scott Hennings provided an overview of the jurisdiction of City and County roads, and he discussed the long range planning that is used to capture what the County believes will be the transportation needs over the next 20 years.

John Kavalunas asked how the County keeps track of priority projects in the City and County, and also the “score keeping” involved. Scott Hennings discussed how the projects are prioritized. Safety is always the number one concern, where road condition is taken into account. Scott discussed how citizen input and political input is a factor in project priority as well. John Kavalunas asked about how the projects are funded in the County. Scott Hennings, stated that the County utilizes multiple taxes to fund projects. John Kavalunas asked Nick Hammonds how the City funds these projects. Nick Hammonds stated that the City funds the projects in similar ways to the County, and Scott Hennings discussed the differences between City and County funding.

John Kavalunas asked about the Complete Streets policy and how projects factor into the policy. Scott Hennings discussed the Complete Streets policy and specific projects as part of the policy. Scott also discussed the re-striping of Rakow Road and how the County does not consider the shoulder to be a bike lane, but that that it has been widened.

Dean Farr asked if eco-friendly initiatives are considered as part of transportation projects. Scott Hennings stated that the County has continued to expand on eco-friendly considerations as a part of each project, which also includes retrofitting previous transportation projects. Scott Hennings stated that the County is experimenting with maintaining native plants and hopes to expand on this continually.

John Kavalunas inquired about the City’s score keeping for projects. Nick Hammonds stated that City staff uses multiple score factors to prioritize projects, similar to the County. Scott Hennings stated that the City is a leader in the use of Best management Practices when it comes to stormwater runoff and other environmental initiatives as part of transportation projects.

VII. Greenest Region Compact (GRC): Review Priority Objectives, Plastic Bag Objective Discussion, and Complete Streets Discussion

Below are the current priority objectives:

-Complete Streets Policy: Greg Glover

-Energy Star certification for Municipal Properties: John Kavalunas and Terry Dieckhoff 

-Communication of Sustainability Committee initiatives, actions and goals: Lara Smith 

-Promote and support local businesses that practice sustainability: Emilie Hoffman 

-Plastic bag bans: Nicky Strahl and Joe Babiarz

Nicky Strahl stated that she has researched plastic bag fees and bans in Chicago, as well as City’s in other states. She discussed the details of comparing plastic bag use before and after a plastic bag fee or tax is implemented. She stated that restaurants and other stores, not just grocery stores, are part of the single-use bag issue. She stated that there was a 30 percent drop in single-use bag use after the tax/fee was implemented in Chicago. Emilie Hoffman and Will Walker asked Nick Hammonds how

the City is proceeding with evaluation of plastic bag taxes or fees. Nick Hammonds discussed the City’s process for research and evaluation.

Emilie Hoffman stated that she plans to connect with the Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce to collaborate on the environmentally friendly business initiative. Emilie will reach out to the Chamber to have them attend a Sustainability Committee meeting in the future. John Kavalunas asked if Emilie could create a model for the initiative to discuss at the February meeting. Emilie Hoffman stated that she will provide a green business model for the Committee to review.

VIII. Bicycle Friendly Business Contacts

John Kavalunas stated that there is no change as of today’s meeting about the status of the bicycle friendly business contacts. Joe Scherb discussed how he and John Kavalunas attempted to get Wheel Werks to get involved, but had no luck up to this point. Joe Scherb stated that he will continue to work on projects in the surrounding area to continue to engage and build momentum toward the designation.

John Kavalunas inquired about funding sources for bike racks. Nick Hammonds stated that bike racks and other features are included as part of street upgrades and construction projects. Having a City Engineer attend a future Committee meeting will help to provide more information regarding funding bike racks and other street upgrades planned for the City. Scott Hennings stated that the Park District may have accepted a grant recently to install a bike repair station.

IX. Anti-Idling for South Elementary

Nick Hammonds stated that the City held a transportation safety committee meeting and discussed anti-idling for South Elementary. Jen Oliver stated that she knows the principal and will provide her contact information to Nick Hammonds. Nick will update the Committee at the February meeting with updates on getting anti-idling signs at South Elementary.

X. Open Discussion

Scott Hennings stated that the County is currently in discussions to implement more bike lanes. A public hearing will be scheduled in the coming weeks and Scott will provide the hearing information for the Committee to attend.

John Kavalunas inquired if the Committee members have thought about a new chair of the Committee.

XI. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

XII. Adjourn

There being no further business, Nicky Strahl moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 p.m. Terry Dieckhoff seconded the motion. On voice vote, all voted aye. Motion passed.
