Harvard Community Unit School District 50 Board of Education met March 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Present: Julie Lehmann, Mindy Shafer, Sharon McMillan, Sandra Theriault, Richard Crosby, Kristina Duber, Hugo Roldan Also Present: Dr. Tafoya, Dr. Larson, Michael Prombo Recording Secretary: Toni Harmon
"I move to adjourn to closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors, or specific volunteers of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor, or a volunteer of the District or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), amended by P.A. 101-459, the sale or purchase of securities, investments, or investment contracts. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(7), security procedures, school building safety and security, and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public or public property. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8), and discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)." Motion: Shafer Second: Theriault Aye: Shafer, Theriault, Crosby, McMillan, Duber, Roldan, Lehmann Nay: None Aye – 7, Nay – 0 Motion Carried
The District 50 School Board appreciates and welcomes all visitors to tonight's meeting. We ask that visitors sign in so we can thank you for attending.
This is the time in our meeting when we invite the public to address the school board with issues and concerns. While the board is very interested in your comments, this is not a time for discussion or debate; we cannot respond to comments or answer questions at this time.
A member of the District 50 administrative staff will follow up within 48 hours of this meeting to determine if you would like to discuss the issue further. In the interest of time, we ask that you keep your comments brief and limit them to five minutes.
Since our board meetings are recorded for re-broadcast to the public, your comments will be recorded as well. We ask that you keep your comments civil and professional. We reserve the right to stop anyone who does not comply with this request. If you are interested in making a comment, please raise your hand. When called on to speak, please give your name. Thank you!
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve the Open and Closed Session Minutes from the January 15, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board, as presented."
Motion: Theriault
Second: McMillan
Aye: Theriault, McMillan, Crosby, Roldan, Shafer, Lehmann
Nay: None
Abstain: Duber
Aye – 6, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve the Open and Closed Session Minutes from the January 29, 2020 Special Meeting of the Board, as presented."
Motion: Shafer
Second: Theriault
Aye: Theriault, Crosby, Duber, Roldan, Lehmann
Nay: None
Abstain: Shafer, McMillan
Aye – 5, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve the Open and Closed Session Minutes from the February 19, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board, as presented."
Motion: Shafer
Second: Theriault
Aye: Shafer, Theriault, Crosby, McMillan, Duber
Nay: None
Abstain: Roldan, Lehmann
Aye – 5, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve the Open Session Minutes from the February 27, 2020 Special Meeting of the Board, as presented."
Motion: Shafer
Second: Theriault
Aye: Shafer, Theriault, Crosby, McMillan, Duber, Lehmann
Nay: None
Abstain: Roldan
Aye – 6, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve the Open and Closed Session Minutes from the March 9, 2020 Special Meeting of the Board, as presented."
Motion: Crosby S
econd: Theriault
Aye: Crosby, Theriault, McMillan, Duber, Shafer, Lehmann
Nay: None
Abstain: Roldan
Aye – 6, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve the following consent agenda reports, Budget Activity Report, Bills Payable Fund Summary, Bills Payable List, Insurance Cafeteria Report, Accounts Payable Report, and the Personnel Report, as presented."
Motion: Shafer
Second: Crosby
Aye: Shafer, Crosby, Roldan, Duber, McMillan, Theriault, Lehmann
Nay: None
Aye – 7, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
A. Purchase of Chromebooks
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve the purchase of 700 HP Chromebooks from Rialya Tech LLC in the amount of $131,915.00, as presented."
Motion: Theriault
Second: Crosby
Aye: Theriault, Crosby, McMillan, Roldan, Shafer, Duber, Lehmann
Nay: None
Aye – 7, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
B. Chromebooks - buyout
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve the Harvard CUSD50 Class of 2020 purchasing their existing Chromebooks for $50.00 each."
Motion: Shafer
Second: Theriault
Aye: Shafer, Theriault, Crosby, Duber, McMillan, Roldan, Lehmann
Nay: None
Aye – 7, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
C. Fundraisers
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to remove from the agenda the Jefferson Elementary School Pizza Products Fundraiser March 19 - April 2, 2020, to raise funds for 2020 field trips; and the Harvard Junior High School Student Council Hoodies & Hats Day Fundraiser March 30 - April 3, 2020, to raise funds for the Student Council Brewers Game Field Trip on April 30, 2020."
Motion: Duber
Second: Shafer
Aye: Duber, Shafer, McMillan, Theriault, Roldan, Crosby, Lehmann
Nay: None
Aye – 7, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
Discussion: It was determined that fundraisers will be tabled due to the COVID-19 situation.
D. Release of Closed Session Minutes of the Harvard Community Unit School District #50 Board of Education
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to withhold the Closed Session Minutes of the September 5, 2019 Special Meeting of the Board, September 18, 2019 Regular Meeting of the Board, October 16, 2019 Regular Meeting of the Board, November 20, 2019 Regular Meeting of the Board, December 18, 2019 Regular Meeting of the Board, December 30, 2019 Special Meeting of the Board, the January 15, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board, and the January 29, 2020 Special Meeting of the Board due to confidential information.
Motion: Crosby
Second: Roldan
Aye: Crosby, Roldan, Duber, Shafer, McMillan, Theriault, Lehmann
Nay: None
Aye – 7, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
E. IHSA Renewal
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to renew Harvard High School's Illinois High School Association membership for the 2020-21 school year."
Motion: Roldan
Second: McMillan
Aye: Roldan, McMillan, Shafer, Duber, Crosby, Theriault, Lehmann
Nay: None
Aye – 7, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
F. Groundskeeping (Lawn mowing Contract)
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve the Harvard CUSD50 2019 Lawn Mowing rollover contract to JJJA Maintenance and Construction, Inc., Harvard, IL in the amount of $767.25 per event (approximately 23 events for a total of $17,646.75), as presented."
Motion: Theriault
Second: Crosby
Aye: Theriault, Crosby, McMillan, Roldan, Shafer, Duber, Lehmann
Nay: None
Aye – 7, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
G. Overnight Field Trips
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to table the Harvard High School Boys Soccer Program Team Camp Trip to Burlington, IA June 12-14, 2020."
Motion: Duber
Second: Crosby
Aye: Duber, Crosby, Theriault, McMillan, Roldan, Shafer, Lehmann
Nay: None
Aye – 7, Nay – 0
H. Appointment of District Treasurer
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve the appointment of Luchika Lamick as the Harvard Community Unit School District treasurer for the Fiscal Year 2020-21."
Motion: Shafer
Second: Theriault
Aye: Shafer, Theriault, Crosby, McMillan, Duber, Roldan
Nay: None
Abstain: Lehmann
Aye – 6, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
I. e-Learning
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve the Harvard CUSD50 e-Learning Program, as presented."
Motion: Roldan
Second: Crosby
Aye: Roldan, Crosby, Duber, Theriault, McMillan, Shafer, Lehmann
Nay: None
Aye – 7, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
Discussion: More detailed information will be shared once approved by the ROE.
J. Single-Year Employment Contracts for Returning Administrators
SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve the single-year employment contracts and salary increases for returning Administrators for the 2020-21 school year: Amber Bowgren, District Bilingual and Dual Language Coordinator; Paul Brass; Richard D. Crosby Elementary Assistant Principal; Mary Cooke, Director of Curriculum, Assessment and Grants; Courtney Fejedelem, Director of Extended Day Programming; Kathleen Ferguson, Richard D. Crosby Elementary Principal; Judy Floeter, Jefferson Elementary Principal; Nikki Gardner, Washington Elementary Principal; Joyce Gronewold, Director of Student Services; John Hollingsworth, Harvard High School Assistant Principal; Sean Huffstutler, Director of Buildings and Grounds; John Hummel, Director of Technology; Ryan Manning, Harvard Junior High School Assistant Principal; and, Andrew Walters, Athletic Director. It was determined that the contracts for Maura Bridges, College and Career Coordinator, and Michael Patterson, Harvard High School Dean will be presented for approval at the April 15, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board.”
Motion: Duber
Second: Shafer
Aye: Duber, Shafer, Theriault, Crosby, McMillan, Roldan, Lehmann
Nay: None
Aye – 7, Nay – 0
Motion Carried Discussion: Due to math errors, Bridges’ and Pattersons’ contracts will be presented for approval at the April Regular Meeting of the Board.
A. Agriculture/Horticulture Committee
B. Building Trades Committee
C. Curriculum Committee
D. Facility Committee
April 15, 2020 - 5:00 pm
E. Finance Committee
F. Insurance Committee
G. Labor Relations Committee
H. Negotiations Committee
I. Policy Committee
J. Superintendent Evaluation Committee
On February 5, 2020, FOIA Officer Toni Harmon received from Joe Coughlin at 22nd Century Media a request for all records — including but not limited to his contract and application and factual internal communication — associated with the hiring of interim principal Tom Cardamone from October 2019 to present day, Feb. 4, 2020, Communication -- written and digital -- between Harvard CUSD 50 and Lake Forest District 67 between October 2019 and present day, Feb. 4, 2020, and Internal communication mentioning Tom OR Cardamone between December 2019 and present day, Feb. 4, 2020. On February 18, 2020 Toni Harmon sent the information electronically.
State guidance: no grades shall be given unless it enhances a student’s standing.
All employees to remain on payroll
100 hotspots have been distributed; 60 additional hotspots are on order.
Buildings are not to be occupied in adherence to CDD recommendations.
April 8, 2020 - 4:30pm Facility Planning Special Meeting
April 15, 2020 - 7:00pm Regular Meeting of the Board
April 30, 2020 - 6:30pm Superintendent Evaluation Special Meeting