
McHenry Times

Thursday, March 6, 2025

City of Marengo City Council met March 26

Webp hall

City of Marengo City Council met March 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor John Koziol called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Mayor John Koziol led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Present this evening are Mayor John Koziol; Aldermen Matt Keenum, Mike Miller, Mike DeSerto, Nicole DeBoer, Daren Mobley, Jared Secor and Steve Mortensen. Also present are City Administrator Joshua Blakemore, Interim Chief of Police Paul Fritz, City Attorney David McArdle and Finance Director Jennifer Snelten. Alderman Dennis Hammortree was absent.


A resident thanked the City for taking the steps necessary to protect the citizens of Marengo. He questioned if the City was going to look into starting a CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) program. Administrator Blakemore said that the City would look into the program.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES -- March 9, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike DeSerto, to approve the minutes from the March 9, 2020 Regular meeting. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Keenum, Mortensen, DeBoer, Miller, Secor, DeSerto and Mobley


Absent: Hammortree

The motion passed.


a. Motion to Accept a Proposal for Audit Services from George Roach & Associates in an amount not to exceed $18,750 for FY 19/20 and $19,000 for FY 20/21

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Jared Secor, to accept the proposal for audit services from George Road & Associates, in an amount not to exceed $18,750 for FY 19/20 and for $19,000 for FY 20/21. The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye: Mobley, Secor, DeSerto, DeBoer, Mortensen, Miller and Keenum


Absent: Hammortree

The motion passed.

b. Motion to Accept a Proposal from the Langton Group, in an amount not to exceed $43,470 for the year 2020, and in an amount of $44,709 for the year 2021, for Lawn Maintenance Services Director of Public Works, Dan Streit, reviewed the information that was received from 2 vendors. After reviewing the particulars from each company, he is recommending going with the Langton Group, and signing a 2 year contract for mowing services.

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike Miller, to accept a proposal from the Langton Group, in an amount (for the year of 2020) not to exceed $43,470, and in an amount (for the year of 2021) not to exceed $44,709, for Lawn Maintenance Services. The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye: Keenum, Mobley, DeSerto, Miller, Secor, Mortensen and DeBoer


Absent: Hammortree

The motion passed.

c. Motion to Accept a Proposal from Luco Land Development for Storm Sewer Repairs and  Replacements in an amount not to exceed $12,591.60 Director of Public Works, Dan Streit, reviewed the information for storm sewer repairs and replacements at two locations (Intersection of Page & Prairie and a section on Grange Road). There is currently $15,000 in that account for such repairs. The recommendation is to go with Luco land Development, in an amount not to exceed $12,591.60.

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Steve Mortensen, to accept a proposal from Luco Land Development for storm sewer repairs and replacements in an amount not to exceed $12,591.60. The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye: Miller, DeSerto, DeBoer, Mortensen, Keenum, Secor and Mobley


Absent: Hammortree

The motion passed.

d. Motion to Approve the Zoning Map Updates for 2020 Administrator Blakemore reminded the Council members that the City is required to update the zoning map every year with any annexations, special use permits, and things along that line.

Alderman Keenum stated: “I have my intention of keeping my voting on the firearm facility consistent, and as a result, I plan on voting no for that item, but I don't want to vote no for all. This is a matter of principal. Can we isolate (that item)?“ Attorney McArdle recommended adding Alderman Keenum's comment to the minutes.

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike DeSerto, to approve the Zoning Map Updates for 2020. The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye: DeSerto, DeBoer, Mobley, Miller, Mortensen and Secor

Nay: Keenum (per the above statement)

Absent: Hammortree

The motion passed.

e. Discussion and Direction on draft for FY 20/21 General Fund Budget

Administrator Blakemore reviewed briefly the information provided. The General Fund should end the year in very good shape. There will be discussion in April regarding surplus funds and potential areas to allocate them. There should not be a lot of differences for the coming year regarding revenues. Regarding expenditures, the Police Department shows an increase due to the replacement of an officer, step increases, and COLA adjustments. Finance Director Snelten advised the Council that the City is in receipt of the property tax figures from the County, show the 4% (requested this year) as approved, along with an additional $3.00. Alderman DeBoer asked about creating a line item for any expenses incurred by the COVID-19 virus, and Administrator Blakemore said the City is tracking all expenses incurred so that in the event that we are able to submit those items for reimbursement, we will have the documentation. Alderman DeBoer asked if there was any discussion on a possible extension to the deadline for submitting the budget/appropriations ordinance, and Administrator Blakemore said that there has been talk, but no formal decision has been made at this time.

f. Discussion and Direction of Employee Compensation during COVID-19 Emergency Administrator Blakemore opened the discussion, explaining steps the City has taken regarding employee compensation. One item is a mandate regarding employer responsibilities regarding employee sick time that will become effective April 1st. There is a gap from March 21st to March 31st The City decided, at the time of the Governor's orders to stay at home, was to send non-essential employees home. They were told that while they are home, they will be paid for the 14 days (or 80 hours). This will be re-evaluated once a formal mandate from the State was received. The Governor's mandate takes effect on April 1. The City told the employees that they would be getting paid for the time they were off, without having to use paid time off. The City is keeping track of the persons and hours affected.

Attorney McArdle recommended the Council make a motion to adopt the procedure enacted by the City at the start of the COVID-19 situation (March 23rd) verifying that the non-essential employees sent home would be paid for their time off without it being charged against any of their benefit paid time off. Alderman Keenum questioned where in the budget will that money be taken, and what was the reason behind sending certain employees home.

Attorney McArdle explained that the rule is that you (the employee) not only have to work for an essential government (such as the City of Marengo), but you also have to be an essential employee within that government, or you are ordered to stay home. That determination has to be made by the City as to who is essential and who isn't.

Administrator Blakemore clarified that payment would be taken from the employee's salary line item. It would not be considered a cost above and beyond what is already budgeted. Alderman DeBoer asked if the monies paid to employees during this time would be eligible for reimbursement, and Finance Director Snelten stated that while the payment of wage would not be eligible for reimbursement, the City would receive a tax credit for the Social Security portion that the employer pays, and reminded everyone that the City is keeping track of this information.

Alderman Steve Mortensen made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike DeSerto, to adopt the procedure enacted by the City (at the start of the COVID-19 situation on the 23rd of March) whereby the non essential employees would be paid for their time off without having to use any of their benefit paid time off. The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye:  DeBoer, Keenum, Mortensen, DeSerto, Miller, Secor and Mobley


Absent: Hammortree

The motion passed.


Mayor Koziol reminded the Council that the next regular meeting will be on April 13th, 7 PM, but was unsure if this will be an open meeting, or a telephone/conference call. He will keep everyone updated.


Finance Director Jennifer Snelten had nothing further. 

Director of Public Works Dan Streit spoke about building permits, and that they are answering calls as they come in. They have limited staff at the WWTP, and are checking with contractors for help if the need should arise. Interim Chief of Police Paul Fritz advised that it is business as usual. Their PPE items are good except that they are short on hand sanitizer, but should receive a delivery soon. He has been in contact with the State Police regarding what businesses are considered essential, and how others are enforcing the rules.

City Administrator Joshua Blakemore thanked the City Staff for their help in keeping the City running.

Alderman Nicole DeBoer asked if there were any reported COVID-19 cases in Marengo, and was told that there were none known at this time. The Chief receives reports from FEMA.

City Attorney David McArdle stated that he had nothing at this time.


Alderman Keenum expressed his appreciation to the Mayor and the City Staff for all they are doing to keep the City moving forward.

Alderman DeSerto advised the City Council that he has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. An employee of his reported flu-like symptoms to the company on the 17th of March, and the company decided to send all employees home and have a company come in and disinfect the entire building. Since then, he and his family have been on personal quarantine. His symptoms started on the 21st of March with a high fever, at which time he self-isolated himself from his family at home. He went in on the 22nd of March to be tested and received word yesterday that he did test positive. He is happy to report that all the members of his family are symptom free. He commended Mayor Koziol and the City staff for their quick action taken regarding the virus. If anyone has any questions about the virus, please give him a call at 815-790-2906.

Alderman Secor asked about a situation regarding Marengo Guns the large foot traffic, and Chief Fritz explained what had transpired at that location and what steps the police and the owner were taking to rectify the problem. Mayor Koziol stated that when people were made aware that Marengo Guns was not going to be shut down, and the large crowds reduced dramatically.


Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion at 8:05 PM, seconded by Alderman Jared Secor, to adjourn the Special meeting. The motion passed per verification from the City Clerk.
