
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Marengo City Council met March 9


City of Marengo City Council met March 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor John Koziol called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Mayor John Koziol led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Present this evening are Mayor John Koziol; Aldermen Matt Keenum, Mike Miller, Mike DeSerto, Nicole DeBoer, Darin Mobley and Steve Mortensen. Also present are City Administrator Joshua Blakemore, Interim Chief of Police Paul Fritz, Director of Public Works Dan Streit, City Attorney David McArdle and Finance Director Jennifer Snelten. Megan Lopez, Assistant to Finance Director Snelten, was also in attendance. Aldermen Dennis Hammortree and Jared Secor were absent.



APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 24, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes 

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike DeSerto, to approve the minutes from the meeting. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Keenum Mortensen, DeBoer, Miller, DeSerto and Mobley 


Absent: Secor and Hammortree 

The motion passed.

APPROVAL OF LIST OF BILLS Alderman Matt Keenum made a motion, seconded by Alderman Nicole DeBoer, to approve the list of bills in the amount of $222,259.14. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Mortensen, DeBoer, Miller, Mobley, DeSerto and Keenum 


Absent: Secor and Hammortree 

The motion passed.


a. Motion to Waive the Formal Bid Procedure, accepting a proposal from BS&A, and Authorizing the Mayor and Staff to sign all necessary agreements for new accounting, utility billing, and building department software in an amount not to exceed $98,505. Ms. Lopez reviewed the various proposals that were received from the various vendors for the new financial software. The current provider, Decision Systems, no longer provides updates to the system, so the City approached 5 companies to get comparisons of products and costs. After comparing the various options, the staff is recommending going with BS&A, at a cost of $98,505. There is an annual support amount of $7,415.00, which is just slightly more than the $6,998 being paid to Decision Systems. Kevin Schaefer, the representative with BS&A, was present and answered questions from the Council. The funds to cover this expense will be taken from surplus general funds.

Alderman Darin Mobley made a motion, seconded by Alderman Steve Mortensen, to waive the formal bid procedure, accepting a proposal from BS&A, and to also authorize the Mayor and staff to sign all necessary agreements for new accounting, utility billing, and building department software in an amount not to exceed $98,505. The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye: Mobley, DeSerto, DeBoer, Mortensen, Miller and Keenum 


Absent: Hammortree and Secor 

The motion passed.

b. Update and report from Economic Development Consultant Teresa Nortillo Ms. Nortillo was unable to attend the meeting, but had submitted a report. Administrator Blakemore reviewed the information in the report and answered questions.

c. Motion to Approve an Ordinance placing a temporary moratorium on the enforcement and collection of impact fees Administrator Blakemore updated the Council on communications with the various taxing bodies and their feedback on the temporary moratorium proposal for the remainder of 2020. He also provided information for other communities, showing their fees. A review of this information showed that Marengo was one of the highest. Information will be collected and reviewed by staff during the building season.

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Darin Mobley, to approve an ordinance placing a temporary moratorium on the enforcement and collection of impact fees. The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye: Keenum, Mobley, DeSerto, Miller, Mortensen and DeBoer 


Absent: Hammortree and Secor 

The motion passed.

d. Motion to Approve an Obligation Retirement Resolution for Motor Fuel Tax for FY 19/20 for 2010 bonds 

e. Motion to Approve an Obligation Retirement Resolution for Motor Fuel Tax for FY 19/20 for 2019 bonds Finance Director Snelten explained the need to pass the resolutions to appropriate for the MFT funds used to pay the debt service obligations on both the 2010 bonds and the 2019 bonds.

Attorney McArdle advised that both items could be voted on as one motion.

Alderman Steve Mortensen made a motion, seconded by Alderman Nicole DeBoer, to approve an Obligation Retirement Resolution for Motor Fuel Tax for FY 19/20 for both the 2010 Bonds and the 2019 Bonds. The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye: Miller, DeSerto, DeBoer, Mortensen, Keenum and Mobley 


Absent: Secor and Hammortree 

The motion passed.

March 9, 2020 Regular City Council Minutes


Mayor Koziol had no report.


Finance Director Jennifer Snelten had no report.

Public Works Director Dan Streit advised that the new truck had been ordered and should be received in about 16 weeks.

Interim Chief of Police Paul Fritz spoke about the ongoing training that the officers are receiving. The officer that was recently hired, Jason Michalek has resigned. They have started the search to fill the position, and found that of the 5 candidates on the current list, 3 have taken other positions, 1 is still interested and the last individual has not responded back. Due to the lack of candidates, there is a strong possibility that new testing may be necessary in the near future.

City Administrator Joshua Blakemore thanked the Council for their support on the new finance software project. The budget process is ongoing, and he hopes to be able to present the General Fund Budget proposal at the next regular Council meeting. The bids for audit services are due Friday. The Public Hearing scheduled for Monday has been cancelled. It involved the possibility of a craft cannabis grower on the West edge of town. He found a problem in that the location is across from Indian Trails and the ordinance does not allow any type of cannabis facility to abut a residential area. There are two options available. One is to add a text amendment to the original ordinance to remove that restriction and the second would be to have the petitioners seek a variance to that provision, due to the distance between the property and Indian Trails.

City Attorney David McArdle advised that the Council would be going into Executive Session.


Alderman Mobley asked if there is any type of maintenance plan for the existing sidewalks on Prospect Street, to try and avoid any deterioration until the new sections are completed. Administrator Blakemore stated that he will check with Public Works Director Streit and examine the area.

Alderman DeBoer questioned if the petitioner for the craft growing property was also considering opening a dispensary in the front building on that property. Administrator Blakemore advised that when questioned, the petitioner did not express an interest at this time in opening a dispensary at that location.


a. Discussion of Pending or Imminent Litigation Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (11)

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion at 7:49 PM, seconded by Alderman Steve Mortensen, to enter into Executive Session for a discussion of pending or imminent litigation pursuant to 5 İLCS 120/2 (c) (11). The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye: DeBoer, Keenum, Mortensen, DeSerto, Miller and Mobley 


Absent: Hammortree and Secor 

The motion passed.

March 9, 2020 Regular City Council Minutes


Returning from Executive Session at 8:01 PM, are Mayor John Koziol; Aldermen Mike DeSerto, Matt Keenum, Darin Mobley, Nicole De Boer, Mike Miller and Steve Mortensen. Also present are City Administrator Joshua Blakemore and City Attorney David McArdle.


Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion at 8:02 PM, seconded by Alderman Matt Keenum, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed with a voice vote.
