
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Marengo City Council met May 26

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City of Marengo City Council met May 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor John Koziol called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Present this evening are Mayor John Koziol; Aldermen Matt Keenum, Mike Miller, Mike DeSerto, Nicole DeBoer, Darin Mobley, Jared Secor and Steve Mortensen. Also present are City Administrator Joshua Blakemore, Interim Chief of Police Paul Fritz, City Attorney David McArdle, Director of Public Works Dan Streit, Water Foreman Steve Clesceri, WWTP Foreman Jim Mangum and Finance Director Jennifer Snelten. Alderman Dennis Hammortree was absent.



APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 11, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes 

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike DeSerto, to approve the minutes from the meeting. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Keenum, Mortensen, DeBoer, Miller, Secor, DeSerto and Mobley 


Absent: Hammortree 

The motion passed.

APPROVAL OF LIST OF BILLS Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Darin Mobley, to approve the list of bills in the amount of $67,954.40. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Secor, Mortensen, DeBoer, Miller, Mobley, DeSerto and Keenum 


Absent: Hammortree 

The motion passed.


a. Motion to Approve an Ordinance Granting a Variation from the Marengo Zoning Ordinance to allow for the Installation of Two (2) Greenhouses in excess of 300 square feet in the ER (Estate Residential) Zoning District - 19809 E. Grant Highway, Michael DeSerto Administrator Blakemore opened the discussion regarding the granting of a variance for property located at 19809 E Grant Hwy, the request is for a variance from the existing 300 square feet for this location, currently being in an Estate Residential Zoning district. They are hoping to grow hemp at this location, in the two greenhouses under consideration. They will be growing the hemp for industrial purposes only. The PZC held a hearing on this issue on the 18th of May, and recommended the request to grant the variation not to exceed 4,320.

Alderman Jared Secor made a motion, seconded by Alderman Nicole DeBoer, to approve an ordinance granting a variation from the Marengo Zoning Ordinance to allow for the installation of two greenhouses in excess of 300 square feet, but not to exceed 4,320 square feet, in the Estate Residential Zoning District – located at 19809 E Grant Highway, Michael DeSerto. The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye; Mobley, Secor, DeBoer, Mortensen, Miller and Keenum 


Abstain: Deserto 

Absent: Hammortree

The motion passed.

b. Motion to Waive the Competitive Bid Process and Accept a Proposal from Advanced Automation & Controls Inc for Water Department SCADA upgrades in an amount not to exceed $23,310. Administrator Blakemore explained why this upgrade is being pursued. Water Foreman Clesceri noted that the current system was installed in 1998, and only repairs (as needed) have been made. The upgrades would bring the system up to the current year. WWTP Foreman Mangum spoke about the various malfunctions that have occurred last year, and that to obtain parts, Advanced Automation & Controls were forced to salvage the repair parts from obsolete equipment. The general consensus is that with the improvement in the equipment, the response time in the event of a problem should improve.

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike DeSerto, to waive the competitive bid process and accept a proposal from Advanced Automation & Controls, Inc, for water department SCADA upgrades, in an amount not to exceed $23,310. The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye: Keenum, Mobley, DeSerto, Miller, Secor, Mortensen and DeBoer 


Absent: Hammortree 

The motion passed.

C. Motion to Approve the Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Budget Administrator Blakemore reviewed with the Council the proposed budget for FY 20/21. He reminded the Council that the budget is a guideline for the year, and it is not "etched in stone”. Changes can be made during the year as needed. He expressed the concern the City has regarding the receipt of General Fund Revenue (sales tax, income tax, video gaming & interest) due to the current situation. He spoke briefly on the possible next phase of Prospect Street reconstruction, and will keep the Council updated. If the Council approves the draft, final facts and figures will be printed, bound and circulated internally. If any Council member wishes to receive a “hard” copy of this document, please contact Megan.

Alderman Matt Keenum made a motion, seconded by Alderman Nicole DeBoer, to approve the FY 2020/2021 Budget. The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye; Miller, DeSerto, DeBoer, Mortensen, Keenum, Secor and Mobley 


Absent: Hammortree 

The motion passed.


Mayor Koziol was happy to note that the Governor has agreed for Illinois to move to Phase 3 and reminded all businesses, etc., will be required to follow the IDPH guidelines.


Finance Director Jennifer Snelten noted that the April Budget Trend and Treasurer's reports were included in the board packet. The change in the software for the finance department has started.

Director of Public Works Dan Streit noted that a building permit has been issued for the first duplex at the corner of 176 and Center Drive, in the Deerpass Meadows Subdivision. There is concern expressed by the building department about the use of the brick pavers at various locations in this subdivision, and that there is a problem with some settling of the bricks, and the spaces between them preclude the use of a wheelchair. There is also concern about drainage problems. He is recommending changing the guidelines for this subdivision, to allow for standard 5' concrete sidewalks. When the existing brick pavers are in need of repair, it will be the City's responsibility to upgrade these areas. There are funds, in an existing LOC, to cover this cost.

Interim Chief of Police Paul Fritz had nothing to report.

City Administrator Joshua Blakemore noted that Out Door Dining (as described on Facebook and the City website) will start soon in two locations in downtown Marengo. Two sections of Washington Street will be blocked for traffic and picnic tables will be available for people to eat at. Restaurants not located in the downtown area will be allowed to block off a portion of their parking lots to be used for outdoor dining as well. Various options are being discussed on how to maintain the areas. Over the weekend, the State of Illinois approved their budget and included in that is $29,600,000 Appropriations Grant that had been awarded. The funds for this grant are tied to gaming and cannabis revenue. He received an email (which should have been sent to all the aldermen) from R-1 Study Group, the Rockford Area Planning Committee. They are asking the aldermen to contact them, so they can conduct a marketing analysis involving 3 interchanges within the area, two (2) of which are Rt. 23 and 1-90 and 1-90 and Irene Road.

Alderman DeSerto questioned if there is any preliminary work done on the cost of running water & sewer south on Rt. 23 to the toll way. Administrator Blakemore noted that there was a water and sewer master plan that H.R. Green had put together about 5 years ago.

City Attorney David McArdle advised that the disinfecting of tables is included in the guidelines that were sent out. He is also hoping that legislation will be signed by the Governor, allowing for take-out mixed drinks (in acceptable containers) in the eating areas, as this proposed legislation has been approved by both the Senate and the House of Representatives. He next updated the Council on the HR Green situation. The pleadings are done, and the next step will be written discovery, followed by depositions. The discovery should be completed by November, if all goes according to plans.


Alderman Jared Secor spoke about traffic problems on Washington Street. There is a lot of speeding on that street, as well as vehicles not obeying the stop signs. Chief Fritz will require the officers to step up their enforcement on these situations.

Alderman Matt Keenum asked if there was anything that could be done about dirt bikes and go karts on Washington Street. Chief Fritz advised that they will talk to the individuals when they come across them. Alderman Daren Mobley questioned if it is really necessary to come down hard on the people, and Alderman Keenum responded about an incident several years ago involving a serious accident with one of these units. Chief Fritz advised that in dealing with the individuals, a warning would be issued first, which usually solves the problem.


Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion at 8:01 PM, seconded by Alderman Mike DeSerto, to adjourn the meeting. As there were no dissenting votes, the clerk declared the meeting adjourned.
