
McHenry Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Woodstock Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education met May 5

Woodstock Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education met May 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Mr. Gilmore, President, called the meeting to order via electronic means at 7:10 p.m. and stated the following: The state of Illinois has altered provisions of the Open Meetings Act allowing Boards to conduct business via electronic means and enforce limits on gathering size in accordance with CDC guidelines in regard to the COVID-19 outbreak.


Present: Dr. Bidwell, Dr. Farris, Mr. Gilmore, Mr. Headley, Mr. Homuth, Mr. Miceli, Mr. Parisi, Dr. Moan, Superintendent, Mr. Brian McAdow, Associate Superintendent for Human Resources and Operations, Dr. Justin Smith, Assistant Superintendent for Middle and High School Education, Mrs. Keely Krueger, Assistant Superintendent for Early Childhood and Elementary Education, and Mrs. Risa Hanson, Chief Financial Officer.


3.1 President

Mr. Parisi nominated Mr. Gilmore as Board President and Dr. Bidwell seconded the nomination, with roll call vote as follows:

Mr. Parisi - Yes

Dr. Bidwell - Yes

Mr. Gilmore - Yes

Mr. Headley - Yes

Mr. Miceli - Yes

Dr. Farris - Yes

Mr. Homuth - Yes

3.2 Vice President

Mr. Gilmore nominated Mr. Homuth as Board Vice President and Mr. Headley seconded the nomination, with roll call vote as follows:

Mr. Gilmore - Yes

Mr. Headley - Yes

Mr. Parisi - Yes

Dr. Farris - Yes

Dr. Bidwell - Yes

Mr. Miceli - Yes

Mr. Homuth - Yes


3.3 Secretary

Mr. Headley nominated Mr. Parisi as Board Secretary and Mr. Miceli seconded the nomination, with roll call vote as follows:

Mr. Headley - Yes

Mr. Miceli - Yes

Mr. Homuth - Yes

Dr. Farris - Yes

Dr. Bidwell - Yes

Mr. Parisi - Yes

Mr. Gilmore - Yes


MOTION – Moved by Mr. Parisi and seconded by Dr. Bidwell to approve the Consent Agenda including minutes; routine personnel matters with addendum; appointment of Hearing Officer, Recording Secretary and School Treasurer; schedule of meeting dates and times; amended 2019-2020 school calendar; and a Ford Motor Company training vehicle acceptance agreement, with roll call vote as follows:

Mr. Parisi - Yes

Dr. Bidwell - Yes

Mr. Homuth - Yes

Mr. Headley - Yes

Mr. Miceli - Yes

Dr. Farris - Yes

Mr. Gilmore - Yes

1. Approval of Minutes

1.1 Regular Meeting of April 21, 2020

2. Approval of Routine Personnel Matters


Approve the employment of Anthony Baier as Assistant Principal for the 2020-2021 school year at a salary of $90,000. (NWMS)

Approve the employment of Amy Barr as Math Teacher for the 2020-2021 school year at a salary of $49,038*. (WNHS)

Approve the employment of Jeanne Salazar as Math Teacher for the 2020-2021 school year at a salary of $59,427*. (WNHS)

Approve the employment of Kara Stahl as Speech Language Pathologist for the 2020-2021 school year at a salary of $55,360*. (CMS)

Approve the employment of Marci Plumb in an additional position as Lead School Psychologist at a stipend of $4,055. (District) *

Approve the employment of Melissa O’Leary as Social Worker for the extended school year during the summer, 2020 (Clay)

Salary includes Board-paid contribution to TRS.


Approve the transfer of Madison Ahsmann to a position of 5 th Grade Teacher for the 2020-2021 school year. (WWE)

Approve the transfer of Crystal Christensen to a position of 1st Grade Dual Language Teacher for the 2020-2021 school year. (WWE)

Approve the transfer of Taylor Whiston to a position of 2nd Grade Teacher for the 2020-2021 school year. (WWE)

Approve the transfer of Jacob Fritz to a position of Head Custodian for the 2020-2021 school year at 8 hours per day, 5 days per week. (WWE)

Approve the transfer of Donald Goers to a position of Head Custodian for the 2020-2021 school year at 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, $20.70 per hour. (GWE)


Approve the resignation of Jane Masteller, effective the end of the 2019-2020 school year. (CMS – Speech Language Pathologist)

Approve the resignation of David Riesen, effective the end of the 2019-2020 school year. (District – Behavior Coach)

Approve the retirement of Denise Donahue, effective the end of the 2021-2022 school year. (CMS – Special Education Associate)

Approve the resignation of Jose Ortiz, effective the end of the 2019-2020 school year. (CMS – Dual Language Social Studies Teacher)

Leave of Absence

Approve a leave of absence for Sophia Baier beginning August 12, 2020 and continuing through a return date of January 4, 2021. (WHS – Social Worker)

Approve a leave of absence for Julie Kenney with an anticipated start date of October 23, 2020 and continuing for 12 weeks thereafter. (District – Occupational Therapist)

3. Appointment of Hearing Officer, Recording Secretary and School Treasurer (On File)

4. Establishment of Schedule of Meeting Dates and Times (On File)

5. Approval of Amended 2019-2020 School Calendar (On File)

6. Approval of a Ford Motor Company Training Vehicle Acceptance Agreement (On File)


There were no public, staff or Board communications.


1. Dr. Moan thanked local heros and first responders for their dedication during these difficult times. In addition, Dr. Moan acknowledged teachers during this Teacher Appreciation Week for their continued efforts to support our students and their families.

2. Dr. Moan reminded the Board that the last day of school is May 21, 2020 and the last day for seniors is May 11, 2020. Dr. Moan added that the District has seen an increase in student engagement online as well as an increase in the number of assignments being turned in by students during this period of eLearning.

3. Dr. Moan explained that parent survey feedback shows that parents value Canvas and grading as important elements of the elearning plan.

4. Dr. Moan informed the Board that the middle schools will be holding virtual promotions that will be shared with families on the evening of the originally scheduled event. Dr. Moan added that the high schools plan to hold graduation in late July, but if that is not possible they too will hold virtual events.


1. Trauma Informed Schools Training (On File)

This item was included on the agenda so the Board of Education could be updated on the professional development that will be provided to staff around Trauma Informed Practices during the 20-21 school year.

Keely Krueger, Assistant Superintendent for Early Childhood and Elementary Education, updated the Board of Education on the professional development plan for implementing Trauma Informed Practices in District 200 schools. Mrs. Krueger explained that over the course of the 2019-2020 school year, a committee has researched different organizations that provide professional development around trauma-informed schools and practices. Mrs. Krueger pointed out that in a trauma-informed school, the adults in the school community are prepared to understand, recognize, and respond to those who have been impacted by all types of trauma. Mrs. Krueger commented on how the District will engage parents in the program.


There was no unfinished business.


1. Review of Debt Management and Refunding Plan (On File)

This item was included on the agenda so the Board could further review the District’s outstanding debt and possible refunding options.

At the March 10, 2020 Board meeting, PMA Securities presented information on debt management options available to the District to mitigate the effect of the District's current bond repayment structure. The District currently has eleven outstanding bond issues with various repayment schedules that go out to levy year 2032, fiscal year 2034.

PMA Securities and administration have developed additional options for the Board's review and a representative from PMA was available at the meeting to discuss these debt management options and answer questions.

During Board discussion, Mr. Gilmore summarized Board member’s comments stating that priorities include not extending the debt, avoiding a tax increase, preparing for a worst case scenario that may get worse, and looking at options to decrease expenditures other than bond refunding and restructuring.

Dr. Moan pointed out that the Board will have the opportunity to further discuss the proposed management options and refunding plan as well as review any additional options requested by the Board at upcoming Board of Education meetings.

2. Approval of a Contract for 2020 Site Improvements

This item was included on the agenda so the Board could consider a contract for life safety related site improvements, primarily concrete replacement and grading, at several schools.

Bid specifications for Site Improvements at various locations were prepared by Steve Miller, Director of Buildings & Grounds, and Wold Architects. The invitation to bid was mailed to numerous vendors. The legal notice for the advertisement of the bid was published in The Woodstock Independent on February 19, 2020. The bids were scheduled to be publicly opened and read aloud on March 10, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. prevailing time.

Mrs. Hanson explained that no bids were received. Consequently, the administration contacted legal counsel on how to proceed. Legal counsel advised that providing the bid was genuine, free and open to all bidders, then the Board could proceed to solicit quotes from contractors. Mr. Miller contacted several contractors for quotes and administration is recommending awarding a contract to Landmark Contractors Inc. for a total base bid price of $241,050 and awarding Alternates 2-5 for an additional cost of $89,640. Mrs. Hanson added that the administration is recommending rejecting Alternate 1 and including the liquidated damages in the bid as well as rejecting Alternate 6 as it has been determined that this project will be completed by the City of Woodstock. This work will be performed during the Spring of 2020 and will be paid for with Life Safety funds.

MOTION - Moved by Mr. Parisi and seconded by Dr. Bidwell to award a contract for Site Improvements to Landmark Contractors Inc. for a base price of $241,050, rejecting Alternates 1 & 6, and approving Alternates 2-5 for $89,640 for a total contract price of $330,690, with roll call vote as follows: (On File)

Mr. Parisi - Yes

Dr. Bidwell - Yes

Mr. Houmth - Yes

Mr. Headley - Yes

Mr. MIceli - Yes

Dr. Farris - Yes

Mr. Gilmore - Yes

3. Third Quarter Review of the 2019-2020 Budget (On File)

In her quarterly review of the status of the budget, Chief Financial Officer Risa Hanson reported that expenditures in all three operating funds are on target at the end of the third quarter with less than 75% total expenditures in both the Educational and O&M funds. Mrs. Hanson concluded by stating that the Insurance fund balance remains on target.

4. Approval of Woodstock High School Life Safety Amendment

This item was included on the agenda so the Board could review and approve a Life Safety Amendment for fire alarm repairs at Woodstock High School.

Dr. Moan explained that the aging fire alarm/sprinkler system at Woodstock High School is not operational and needs to be replaced. A Life Safety Amendment needs to be approved by the Board in order to access Life Safety Funds for the fire alarm/sprinkler repairs. Wold Architects has prepared the amendment for a total estimated cost of $69,850 including contingency. Once the amendment is approved by the Board of Education, it will be forwarded to ISBE for approval. It is anticipated that this work can be completed upon approval from ISBE.

MOTION - Moved by Mr. Headley and seconded by Dr. Bidwell to approve the use of Life Safety funds in order to make fire alarm repairs at Woodstock High School, with roll call vote as follows: (On File)

Mr. Headley - Yes

Dr. Bidwell - Yes

Mr. Miceli - Yes

Mr. Homuth - Yes

Mr. Parisi - Abstain

Dr. Farris - Yes

Mr. Gilmore - Yes

5. Approval of World Security & Control Inc. Contract

The Board was asked to approve an emergency contract with World Security & Control Inc. to repair the fire alarm system at Woodstock High School.

In mid-April the fire alarm panel at Woodstock High School failed and some of the electrical components shorted out. Buildings and Grounds Director Steve Miller explained that since that time the District has been able to get part of the system to work, but not the entire system. Consequently, the District has been providing 24-hour custodial fire-watch coverage. The Woodstock Fire Department has been notified of the situation. World Security & Control Inc. has been working with the District to repair the panel and components that failed; however, the system is obsolete and repair parts are very difficult to find.

Under the Illinois School Code, the District is authorized to approve an emergency contract for life safety related repairs and bypass bidding requirements as long as the emergency expenditures are approved by 3/4 of the members of the Board. World Security has provided a quote of $63,500 for the replacement of the head-in panel and smoke detectors. Once the Life Safety Amendment is approved by ISBE, the work can commence. Mr. Miller added that the District has worked with World Security for several years and they are familiar with our buildings.

MOTION - Moved by Mr. Headley and seconded by Mr. MIceli to approve an emergency contract with World Security & Control Inc. for $63,500 to make fire alarm system repairs at Woodstock High School, with roll call vote as follows: (On File)

5. Approval of World Security & Control Inc. Contract (Con’t)

Mr. Headley - Yes

Mr. Miceli - Yes

Mr. Homuth - Yes

Dr. Farris - Yes

Dr. Bidwell - Yes

Mr. Parisi - Abstain

Mr. Gilmore - Yes


There were no committee reports


MOTION – Moved by Dr. Farris and seconded by Mr. Parisi to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m., with roll call vote as follows:

Dr. Farris - Yes

Mr. Parisi - Yes

Mr. Miceli - Yes

Mr. Homuth - Yes

Mr. Headley - Yes

Dr. Bidwell - Yes

Mr. Gilmore - Yes



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