
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Marengo City Council met June 8

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City of Marengo City Council met June 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor John Koziol called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Present this evening are Mayor John Koziol; Aldermen Matt Keenum, Mike Miller, Mike DeSerto, Nicole DeBoer, Darin Mobley, Jared Secor and Steve Mortensen. Also present are City Administrator Joshua Blakemore, Interim Chief of Police Paul Fritz, City Attorney David McArdle, Director of Public Works Dan Streit and Finance Director Jennifer Snelten. Alderman Dennis Hammortree was absent.


A resident noted that he, and other residents in his area, has been working with Chief Fritz establishing a neighborhood watch.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – May 26, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes 

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike DeSerto, to approve the minutes from the meeting. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Keenum, Mortensen, DeBoer, Miller, Secor, DeSerto and Mobley 

Nays: 0

Absent: Hammortree

The motion passed.


Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Darin Mobley, to approve the list of bills in the amount of $140,928.24. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes: Secor, Mortensen, DeBoer, Miller, Mobley, DeSerto and Keenum 

Nays: 0

Absent: Hammortree 

The motion passed.


a. Proclamation recognizing June as Pride Month Mayor Koziol noted that the proclamation for Pride Month June 2020 will be signed by the Clerk and him.


a. Motion to approve a resolution for motor fuel tax obligation retirement for FY 20/21 Finance Director Jennifer Snelten spoke about the two resolutions, which are done on an annual basis. The first is to pay the debt service obligations for 2019 bonds, and the second is to pay the street maintenance expenses for the same time period.

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Matt Keenum, to approve a resolution for Motor Fuel Tax Obligation Retirement for FY 2020/2021. The aldermen voted as follows: 

Aye Mobley, Secor, DeSerto, DeBoer, Mortensen, Miller and Keenum 

Nay 0

Absent Hammortree 

The motion passed.

b. Motion to approve a resolution for motor fuel tax maintenance expenses for FY 20/21 Alderman Matt Keenum made a motion, seconded by Alderman Nicole DeBoer, to approve a resolution for Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Expenses for FY 2020/2021. The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye Keenum, Mobley, DeSerto, Miller, Secor, Mortensen and DeBoer 

Nay 0 

Absent Hammortree 

The motion passed.


Mayor Koziol stated that there will be a meeting tomorrow with a group of people to discuss the fireworks - whether to cancel or whether to proceed and ask for donations to cover the cost.


Director of Finance Jennifer Snelten had nothing further.

Director of Public Works Dan Streit updated the Council with the information on the new truck that was purchased. There has been a delay due to assembly plants being shut down, due to the virus, so the projected delivery should be sometime in September.

Interim Chief of Police Paul Fritz requested feedback from the Council regarding a previous (from 2014) BYOB Ordinance that was approved by the Council, but the licensee never completed an application or paid for the license. The individual is now asking that the Council consider adding that classification back onto the current list of available liquor license classifications. Mayor Koziol advised that the staff would look at putting something together to be presented to the Council for approval.

He then spoke about the cancellation of Skinner's Carnival for Settler's Days. Also spoke about the food truck that has been seen (selling funnel cake, corn dogs, etc.) and if the Council considered that to be similar to the ice cream truck. The vendor for the ice cream truck provides documentation every year to obtain a permit. The Council felt that the food truck is different and therefore recommended a separate permit and requirements.

Chief Fritz noted that a protest/ peace march was held this evening at 6:00 PM on Black Lives Matter. It was very peaceful.

Alderman Secor spoke about the dirt bike situation that was discussed at the last meeting, and Chief Fritz advised that tickets had been issued. There was concern expressed about an individual (in the Ann Street and West Washington Street area) riding his motorcycle in an obnoxious manner. Chief Fritz will check into this.

Alderman Keenum then questioned what to do if it appeared that some businesses were serving food inside at this time. Chief Fritz advised that calls had been received recently regarding two establishments and officers were sent to clarify the rules and regulations.

City Administrator Joshua Blakemore updated the Council with what is happening in downtown Marengo regarding the move to Phase 3 and the addition of downtown outside sitting options. He also advised that June 25th is the first date that the City can move to Phase 4. A longtime employee of the street department is leaving the City as he is moving. His last day will be June 11, 2020. The PZA meeting is being held for discussion of the possibility of using a property in Marengo (the Grand Rental Station building) for a craft cannabis operation.

City Attorney David McArdle advised that the Council would be going into Executive Session this evening to discuss possible litigation. Deputy Clerk Leyrer has set up the Executive Session which will require a separate call in number.

REPORTS AND STATEMENTS FROM CITY COUNCIL Alderman Mortensen questioned Public Works Director Streit regarding code enforcement for mowing of property. He was advised to contact Public Works with the addresses in question, which will then be checked by Marianne.

Alderman Secor questioned if there was any kind of solution available to the Council regarding any Alderman not attending meetings on a regular basis. Attorney McArdle advised that there was nothing

Alderman Deserto advised that an agreement for acreage near the tollway interchange has been met.

Alderman Keenum spoke about the possibility of a meeting with residents on Stevenson, regarding the flooding problems that have occurred. A resident on Van Buren has had waste water in his basement, and not always following a rain storm. It was suggested that that individual contact a plumber as it did not sound like a flooding situation. Administrator Blakemore noted that he had a meeting today with Baxter Woodman to discuss options on the Stevenson flooding problems.


a. To Discuss Pending Litigation Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(11).

Alderman Mike DeSerto made a motion at 7:29 PM, seconded by Alderman Nicole DeBoer, to enter into Executive Session for a discussion of pending litigation, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(11). The aldermen voted as follows:

AyeMiller, DeSerto, DeBoer, Mortensen, Keenum, Secor and Mobley 

Nay 0

Absent Hammortree 

The motion passed.


It was determined that the Council would not need to return to Open Session, so the Clerk declared the regular meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
