McHenry County Continuum of Care Steering Council met March 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
1.0 Welcome and Intros
Kathrine Violet called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m.
2.0 Approval 2/6/20 steering council minutes
Terry Braune motioned for approval. Rich Ring seconded. The motion was approved.
3.0 Public Comment
Members of McHenry County Health Department's Emergency Response and Preparedness team gave an update of the county's response to the pandemic. The team gave updates on what is known about the COVID-19 virus and indicated they are monitoring disease trends. Rich Ring asked how the county is preparing to deal with spread in the homeless community, however, those answers were yet to be determined.
4.0 Old Business
4.1 Built for Zero Update
Kim Roush and Liz Heneks are working with the Built for Zero reps, but didn't have an update.
4.2 Year Round Shelter Update
Kim Roush noted that construction is underway. Zak Klehr indicated he was informed July was the most likely opening date as of now.
5.0 New Business
5.1 Discussion on DHS Homelessness Prevention Funding
Kathrine Violett said the finance committee met to review all applications. The recommendation was to fund Prairie State Legal Services and Consumer Credit Counseling Services. Sue Rose asked if there would be duplication of services between CCCS and the Housing Authority. Bobby Gattone indicated he would work with Housing Authority to make sure that doesn't happen.
5.2 FY'19 System Performance Measures
Zak Klehr indicated Jena Hencin sent out a report, and said she indicated data looked better than she was expecting, but didn't have specifics. The item was tabled.
6.0 Review and Approval of 03-19-20 full CoC board meeting agenda
The committee decided to move the steering council to the third week in April, and the full meeting to the first week to accommodate a speaker.
7.0 Member Announcements
Zak Klehr indicated that Emergency Solutions Grant funding is expected to be slightly higher than expected.
Bobby Gattone said CCCS recently moved to a more modern facility with lower overhead.
8.0 Adjourn
Sue Rose motioned to adjourn. Liz Heneks seconded. The meeting adjourned 3:30 p.m.