Village of Lake in the Hills Committee of the Whole met Aug. 11.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Audience Participation
The public is invited to make an issue-oriented comment on any matter of public concern not otherwise on the agenda. The public comment may be no longer than 3 minutes in duration.
4. Staff Presentations
A. Administration
1. Request for Raffle License – Lake in the Hills Elementary PTC
2. Agreement with Empower Health Services, LLC for Biometric Screening & Flu Vaccination
3. Resolution Appointing a Delegate and Alternate Delegate to the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA)
4. Ratify existing Task Order and Resolution for Change Order for additional hours from Advanced Business Networks Inc.
B. Public Works
1. Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Property
5. Board of Trustees
A. Trustee Harlfinger
B. Trustee Huckins
C. Trustee Bogdanowski
D. Trustee Dustin
1. Planning and Zoning Commission Liaison Report
E. Trustee Bojarski
F. Trustee Murphy
1. Parks and Recreation Board Liaison Report
6. Village President
7. Audience Participation
8. Adjournment