Community Unit School District 300 Board of Education met July 28.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
President Anne Miller called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of the Agenda
Motion by Steve Fiorentino, second by Leslie LaMarca
Aye: Anne Miller, Steve Fiorentino, Leslie LaMarca, Mary McNicholas, Dr. David Scarpino, Joseph Stevens, and Nancy Zettler
4. Superintendent Report
4.1. Back to School Reopening Plan Updates
Superintendent Held recommended remote learning full-time for the first quarter with special accommodations made for special education students and pre-school after Labor Day.
4.2.Revised District Calendar 2020-2021
State legislature has made November 3, Election Day, a school closure day for students and teachers.
5. Public Participation
Laura Strebler, form, concerns with back to school for special education
Melissa Hartley, form, concerns with back to school, request for remote learning
Alexander Falls, form, concerns with back to school, request for remote learning
Brandy K, form, concerns with back to school, extending school year
Matthew Thomas, concerns with racial inequity
Jennifer Green, form, concerns with back to school, bring the students back
6. Consent Items <$25k
6.1 Approval of Bills Payable
Motion by Steve Fiorentino, second by Anne Miller
Aye: Anne Miller, Steve Fiorentino, Leslie LaMarca, Mary McNicholas, Dr. David Scarpino, Joseph Stevens, and Nancy Zettler
7. Roll Call Items
7.1 Approval of Revised District Calendar 2020-2021
Motion by Joe Stevens, second by Leslie LaMarca
Aye: Anne Miller, Steve Fiorentino, Leslie LaMarca, Mary McNicholas, Dr. David Scarpino, Joseph Stevens, and Nancy Zettler
8. Board Discussion
8.1 The Board made statements in support of the modifications to the Back to School Plan.
Union Presidents Michael Williamson, Amy Moreno and Michele Meyer spoke in favor of the modifications.
9. Adjournment
9.1 Motion to adjourn by Joe Stevens, second by Steve Fiorentino.
Aye: Anne Miller, Steve Fiorentino, Leslie LaMarca, Mary McNicholas, Dr. David Scarpino, Joseph Stevens, and Nancy Zettler
Meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm