Community Unit School District 300 Construction and Facility Oversight Committee met Aug. 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Members present
David Scarpino, Nancy Zettler, Susan Harkin, Fred Heid, Jason Emricson, Dan Opels, Diane White, Eberto Mora, Jennifer Porter, Mike Williamson, Chuck Bumbales, Brian Kerner, Jay Johnson and Robin Randal.
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 5:15 pm.
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes
The July 7, 2020 minutes were approved as presented.
3. Public Participation
4. Items for Discussion
4. 1. Hampshire High School Request
Dan Opels reviewed the proposed installation of 15 bollards and concrete planters for added security to the main entrance of the building, commons windows and entrance doors 2, 7, 15, and 20 for Hampshire High School. The project will be funded through the building budget. The committee approved the plan.
.4. 2. Roofing Consulting Services Contract
Dan Opels presented the contract for roofing consultant services. The evaluation of the conditions of roofs is part of the master facility planning process and a rolling five-year plan. This year surveys are needed for AMS, Golfview, HES, Jacobs, and Perry. The contract will be presented for approval at the next Board Meeting.
.4. 3. Roofing Design, Bid and Oversight Contract
Dan Opels presented a contract roofing design and bid oversight for Dundee Crown High School. The services will be funded out of the Capital Improvement Fund. The contract will be presented for approval at the next Board Meeting.
4. 4. Summer Projects Presentation
Dan Opels presented the capital projects completed this summer. The projects included a four classroom addition at deLacey, roof replacement at CMS, gym flooring at HES, flooring and blinds and Lakewood, classroom and corridor flooring at SHES, drywall, ceilings, lighting, flooring replacement and corridor lighting at LITH, classroom and corridor flooring at DHES, classroom, corridor, multi- purposes room, cafeteria flooring, bleacher replacement, toilet rooms, classroom ceilings, flooring and lighting at HMS.
5. Announcements
The next CFOC meeting is scheduled for September 8, 2020.
6. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 5:40 pm