
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Marengo City Council Met Nov. 23

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City of Marengo City Council Met Nov. 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor John Koziol called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM.


Attending this evening are Mayor John Koziol; Aldermen Matt Keenum, Mike Miller, Nicole DeBoer, Darin Mobley, Mike Proffitt and Steve Mortensen. Also attending are City Administrator Joshua Blakemore, Interim Chief ofPolice Paul Fritz, City Attorney David McArdle and Finance Director Jennifer Snelten. Aldennen Mike DeSmto and Dennis Hammortree, and Director of Public Works Dan Streit were absent.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES - November 9, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Steve MOltensen, to approve the minutes £i'om the meeting, with a correction made on page 2 - Dept Head and StaffReports for Administrator Blakemore (inselting the word NOI) regarding the recommendation decertifying the storm water management ordinance. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes Keenum, ~ortensen, DeBoer, Miller, Proffitt and Mobley

Nays 0

Absent DeSerto and HammOltree

The motion passed.


Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Aldel1llan Mike Proffitt, to approve the list of bills in the amount of$III,428.98. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes Proffitt, MOltensen, DeBoer, Miller, Mobley and Keenum

Nays 0

Absent Hammortree and DeSerto

The motion passed.


a. Motion to Approve an Ordinance Adopting the McHenry County Stormwater Management Ordinance

Administrator Blakemore reviewed with the Council his recommendation to not decertifY with McHemy County. Stephen Amann and Dan Schug, with Baxter & Woodman, were in attendance to answer questions and concerns by the City Council. There was the removal ofthe website address for the Illinois Urban Manual, change of committee name (under section 15.60.270 Definitions - over site committee), addition of2 new requirements (under section SI5.60.050.EJ.d - #10 and #11) and other terminology clarification. There was also a new section added (under S15.60.270 - Definitions). There is an updated

"RAINFALL AMOUNTS AND DISTRIBUTION" effective September 15, 2020.

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Darin Mobley, to adopt tbe McHenry County Stormwater Management Ordinance. The aldennen voted as follows:

Ayes Mobley, Proffitt, DeBoer, Mortensen, Miller and Keenum

Nays 0

Absent Hammortree and DeSelto

The motion passed.

b. Motion to Adopt a Resolution Determining the Amount ofFunds to be Levied through Real Estate Taxes, andDirection on Tax Levy Line Items, in the amount of$1, 702, 735.

Finance Director Snelten reviewed the 2020 tax Levy Resolution, showing the recommended 5% increase.

Aldennan Nicole DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mike Proffitt, to adopt a resolution detennining the amount offunds to be levied tln'ough Real Estate Taxes. The aldermen voted as follows:

Ayes Keenum, Mobley, Miller, Proffitt, Mortensen and DeBoer

Nays 0

Absent Hammortree and DeSelto

The motion passed.


Mayor Koziol advised the Council that due to Covid-19, there will not be a ChristKindl Market this year.

The normal decorations downtown, along with the tree lighting will occur. He expressed his appreciation for all the individuals that made donations for lighting and landscaping around the new City signs.


Finance Director Jennifer Snelten noted that the training with BS & A is moving along well. Interim ChiefofPolice Paul Fritz advised on infOlmation regarding Covid-19 updates. The high school is changing to full remote from November 30th to Janumy 19th The Middle School and Zion School are still working with their hybrid schedules. He also updated on what changes are occuning at McHenry County Comt House, regarding traffic conrt, etc. Officers recently completed scenm'io based firearms training which was offered throngh ti,e City's work comp carrier, IPRF. They are also doing training on "Stop ti,e Bleed Initiative" using tourniquets and handling chest wounds.

City Administrator Joshua Blakemore noted that Dan Streit was not present this evening. He commended the staffs efforts involving the training needed for ilie new accounting programs. Information was provided to all the aldermen regarding payments made to the police pension fund in the past several years.

Baxter & Woodman are looking into a grant possibility to assist with the Prospect Street Project. The City has received good news from the County regarding the McRide program. The County will now be covering the full cost ofthe program. The proposed 240 acre solar fann project is looking to pnrsue an amendment to the annexation agreement and plan on attending the December meeting to discuss the changes. Impact Fees, with the coming ofthe new year, questions are being asked, and the Conncil will need to discuss with the other taxing bodies.

City Attorney David McArdle advised that an update on pending litigation would be discussed at the next regular meeting.



a, For the Pwpose ofDiscussing Employment, Compensation and Performance of Specific Employees per 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1)

Alderman Nicole DeBoer made a motion at 7:32 PM, seconded by Aldennan Steve MOItensen, to go to Executive Session for the porpose of discussing Employment, Compensation and Performance of Specific Employees per 5 lLCS 120/2 (c) (I), The aldermen voted as follows:

Aye Miller, DeBoer, Mortensen, Keennm, Proffitt and Mobley

Nay 0

Absent DeSerto and HammOltree

The motion passed,


As there is no action being taken following the Execntive Session, the Clerk declared the meeting adjonrned at 7:58 PM, per roll call vote at end of Execntive Session,
