Village of Lake in the Hills Board of Trustees met Oct. 8
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm.
Roll call was answered by Trustees Huckins, Bogdanowski, Harlfinger, Bojarski, Dustin, and President Ruzanski. Trustee Murphy was absent.
Also present were Village Administrator Fred Mullard, Interim Finance Director Wayde Frerichs, Chief of Police Dave Brey, Interim Public Works Director Peter D’Agostino, Interim Community Development Director Ann Marie Hess, Village Attorney Brad Stewart and Village Clerk Cecilia Carman.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by President Ruzanski.
Public Comment on Agenda Items: None
Consent Agenda
A. Motion to accept and place on file the minutes of the September 22 2020 Committee of the Whole meeting.
B. Motion to accept and place on file the minutes of the September 24, 2020 Village Board meeting.
Motion to approve Consent Agenda items A-B was made by Trustee Harlfinger and seconded by Trustee Huckins. On roll call vote Trustees Bojarski, Dustin, Harlfinger, Bogdanowski, and Huckins voted Aye. No Nays. Motion carried.
Omnibus Agenda
A. Motion to approve the Raffle License Request and waive the Fidelity Bond Requirement for the Lake in the Hills Property Owners Association.
B. Motion to approve and authorize the Village President to execute the Side Letter Agreements with the Service Employees International Union Local 73, Metropolitan Alliance of Police Chapter 90 and Metropolitan Alliance of Police Chapter 168.
C. Motion to accept and place on file the Village of Lake in the Hills Police Pension Fund Municipal Compliance Report for Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2019.
D. Motion to accept the Village of Lake in the Hills Police Pension Fund’s request to levy $1,634,382 for property tax levy year 2020.
E. Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2020- ____, An Ordinance Authorizing the Approval of a Ground Lease between the Village of Lake in the Hills and Finnegan Aviation Services, LLC for PAP-54.
Motion to approve the Omnibus Agenda items A-E was made by Harlfinger and seconded by Trustee Huckins. On roll call vote Trustees Dustin, Bogdanowski, Huckins, Harlfinger, and Bojarski voted Aye. No Nays. Motion carried.
Village Board Meeting October 8, 2020
Approval of the Schedule of Bills:
Motion to approve the October 9, 2020 Schedule of Bills total of all funds $260,755.85 was made by Trustee Bogdanowski and seconded by Trustee Huckins. On roll call vote Trustees Harlfinger, Bojarski, Dustin, Huckins and Bogdanowski voted Aye. No Nays. Motion carried.
Village Administrator and Department Head Reports:
Village Administrator Mullard stated the Resident Satisfaction Survey results will be completed soon. The Village sent out 1,500 surveys and received 418 which is a 28% rate of return. The data is beginning to be analyzed and the results should be available in November. This is the highest return rate the Village has had. He also stated this is Peter D’Agostino last meeting he will need to attend because our new Public Works Director Tom Migatz will be starting soon. Trustee Huckins thanked Interim Public Works Director Peter D’Agostino for all his hard work.
Interim Finance Director Wayde Frerichs stated he received an email from The Government Finance Organization and the Village should be receiving another award. Also the first initial estimate of monies the Village would receive from the CARES Act was approximately $118,000 however now that public safety payroll is eligible the Village could receive 1.2 million dollars.
Board of Trustee Reports:
Trustee Bojarski thanked Interim Public Works Director Peter D’Agostino for his hard work and appreciated his prompt responsive for any questions she had.
Village President Reports: None
Unfinished Business – None
New Business
A. Motion to approve the Raffle License Request and waive the Fidelity Bond Requirement for the Lake in the Hills Property Owners Association was made by Trustee Harlfinger and seconded by Trustee Huckins. On roll call vote Trustees Dustin, Bogdanowski, Huckins, Harlfinger, and Bojarski voted Aye. No Nays. Motion carried.
B. Motion to Approve and Release Certain Closed Session Minutes June 11, 2020, June 18, 2020, June 23, 2020 and July 9 2020, June 12, 2018, October 24, 2019, and January 23, 2020 was made by Trustee Huckins and seconded by Trustee Harlfinger. On roll call vote Trustees Dustin, Bogdanowski, Huckins, Harlfinger, and Bojarski voted Aye. No Nays. Motion carried
Audience Participation: - None
Adjournment: A motion to adjourn meeting was made Trustee Huckins and seconded by Trustee Harlfinger. All in favor by voice vote. No Nays. Motion carried. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting of the Lake in the Hills Board of Trustees was adjourned at 7:38pm.