City of McHenry City Council met Feb. 16.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to Order.
2. Roll Call.
3. Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Public Comments:
If you wish to submit any public comment, please email: in advance of the meeting. The City will read such public comments during the public commentary portion of the meeting and the comments will be entered into the official record of the meeting. Any comments received during the meeting will be provided in writing to the Council after the meeting.
5. Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the following Consent Agenda Items:
A. Ordinance amending Title 7; Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Chapter 2; General Regulations, Section 7-2-5, Operation of Non-Highway Vehicles on City Street by removing Section “I: Expiration” from the Ordinance; (Chief Birk)
B. Ordinance amending Title 1, Chapter 6 of the Municipal Code for the City of McHenry, Illinois Regarding Rules for Meeting Attendance; (Attorney McArdle)
C. Ratification of the Mayor’s exercise of his Executive Power to sign the BT McHenry LLC License Agreement dated 2/5/21 for temporary occupancy of the former K-Mart building as a Mass Vaccination Dispensing Site and the related Memorandum of Understanding with the McHenry Department of Health dated 2/8/21 to occupy the site for the same purpose. (Chief Birk)
D. Resolution for Construction on State Highway; (Deputy Clerk Johnson)
E. Waive competitive bidding and award a contract purchase order in the amount of $19,552.00 to Robert H. Ward & Associates for sprayed concrete curb repairs; (Director Strange)
F. Pay application request #30 to William Brothers Construction, Inc. for the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements in the amount of $599,463.58; (Director Strange)
G. February 1, 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes;
H. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $251,840.10;
I. Issuance of As Needed Checks in the amount of $397,622.25.
6. Individual Action Item Agenda.
A. Motions to approve the following: (Director Martin, Mayor and City Council vote on all)
a. An Ordinance annexing approximately 1.0 acre located at 908 S. Illinois Route 31 and 912 S. Illinois Route 31 in McHenry, Illinois;
b. An Ordinance annexing approximately 7.76 acres located east of Illinois Route 31 and south of Shamrock Lane in McHenry, Illinois;
c. An Ordinance annexing approximately 3.90 acres located east of Illinois Route 31 and south of Bull Valley Road in McHenry, Illinois; and,
d. An Ordinance annexing approximately 6.89 acres located east of Illinois Route 31 at Shamrock Lane in McHenry, Illinois;
7. Discussion Items.
A. Lafarge update from Randi Willie regarding the status of the gravel pit.
B. All Marine Retro Rental Expansion Proposal
8. Staff Reports.
9. Mayor’s Report.
10. City Council Comments.
11. Executive Session if Needed.
12. Adjourn.