
McHenry Times

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Ugaste: 'Taxpayers of this state' don't want Illinois to push forward with progressive tax plan


Rep. Dan Ugaste | File Photo

Rep. Dan Ugaste | File Photo

Rep. Dan Ugaste (R-St. Charles) believes he speaks for most Illinois voters when dismissing renewed talk of a progressive tax hike as a viable option in tackling the state's massive debt loads.

"I know people look for ways to resolve budget problems without having to address the bigger issues like pensions, workmen's compensation or creating new jobs," Ugaste told the Kane County Reporter. "But the taxpayers of this state do not want this, and they've been clear about that."

A few months after voters went to the polls in mass to soundly reject a similar tax plan that supporters billed as only meaning higher tax rates for the state' richest residents, new House Speaker Emanuel "Chris" Welch (D-Hillside) recently hinted Democrats may be on the verge of essentially seeking a redo on the vote.

While Welch said the plan this time calls for most of the revenue generated from the added tax spent paying down the state's $141 billion pension fund obligation, Ugaste argues it's just more of the same democratic talking points.

"It's never easy to raise taxes, but I think Democrats believe it's easier than doing the real things we need to be doing to get our spending under control," he said. "Voters will be strongly against the idea again, and probably even more upset that their message was not received the first time around."

Ugaste said he's one of the sponsors of a resolution that all 45 House members have signed off on stipulating that any such plan be instantly stopped in its tracks.

In November, voters overwhelmingly shot down a similar proposal when the initiative gained 47% of the 60% support it needed for passage. The measure came up short despite Gov. J.B. Pritzker pumping millions of dollars of his own money into a campaign designed to get it over the finish line.