City of Crystal Lake Planning and Zoning Commission met Sept. 1.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Jouron at 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Jouron called the meeting to order. On roll call, members Atkinson, Gronow, Jouron, Repholz and Skluzacek were present. Chairman Greenman was absent.
Elizabeth Maxwell, City Planner, and Katie Rivard, Assistant City Planner were present from Staff.
Mr. Jouron said this meeting is being recorded for broadcast and future playback on the City’s cable channel. He led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Skluzacek moved to approve the minutes from the August 18, 2021 regular Planning and Zoning Commission meeting as presented. Mr. Gronow seconded the motion. On roll call, members Atkinson, Gronow, Jouron, Repholz and Skluzacek voted aye. Motion passed.
2021-127 731 E. TERRA COTTA AVENEUE – CONCEPTUAL PUD – PUBLIC MEETING Conceptual Planned Unit Development discussion regarding a potential senior living apartment.
Beth Ernet with Clover Development, 348 Harris Hill, Williamsville, New York, Petitioner, was present to represent the request.
Ms. Ernet stated that Clover Development has 38 years of experience. Clover has developed senior market rate apartments over 60 projects. This project would be their second project in Illinois. It is a unique product because it is age restricted (55+), but not income limited. The development would not serve meals. The average resident is 76 years old and widowed, and only 13% of the units are double occupancy. Residents want to age in place, and have close proximity to grocery stores, health facilities, retail, and religious centers. Clover targets areas with a senior population that is 15% or more of the total population. This is a great property adjacent to Sunrise, and it has good access. They would be great neighbors as they are very quiet. It is a benefit to residents if they need next level of care. Ninety percent of residents come from within 3 miles. Due to the wetland, they would like to keep the west half of the site in its current condition (wooded). A traffic study is underway by Gewalt Hamilton. The westbound traffic would enter the site from Route 176. Ms. Ernet believes the city parking ratio is very high as they have limited staff on-site at any given time. Ms. Ernet discussed the architecture and that a fully brick building looks and feels very institutional and subsidized. Clover has never sold one of their buildings.
Mr. Jouron asked if there was anyone in the public wishing to speak on this agenda item. There were 2 people from the public wishing to speak on the agenda item.
Mr. Layne Moyer with Ms. Patty Moyer, 20800 N. Glengarry Circle, Deer Park, IL, owners of the Subject Property, were sworn in.
Mr. Moyer stated that having more density in this area will help support the surrounding businesses. He stated that Clover has been great to work.
Ms. Ernet replied that she is very excited to be here. She stated it is hard when people are forced to leave their home area, and that aging in place is critical to mental health.
The public portion of the meeting was closed.
The Commission asked staff for a presentation. Ms. Maxwell provided a summary of the conceptual site plan and key elements of the proposal.
Mr. Atkinson stated the elevations look nice, and he hopes a lot of the existing trees can be saved. He wants to see the traffic study.
Ms. Ernet stated 90% of residents are retired, and many schedule trips on non-peak hours. Mr. Gronow stated this project is needed.
Ms. Maxwell explained the density options.
Ms. Ernet stated they need a minimum of 116 units to make the development work. Even though its 3 stories, the height is about the same as a 2-story single-family residence, and it should feel like a home setting. She stated that Clover will work with staff on density.
Mr. Gronow noted the very long hallways.
Ms. Ernet stated the units closest to the elevators are the ones that are leased first.
Mr. Gronow questioned why there were 2-bedroom units if most were single occupancy. Ms. Ernet replied that this is the first step out of the house and they likely have a lot of stuff. She stated that grandkids can visit on the weekends.
Ms. Repholz stated she is very happy to see this product. She noted that people ask for this type of housing 20 times a year. She asked about the 2 staff members.
Ms. Ernet stated there is a building manager and one building maintenance staff member. Building maintenance is on-site at all hours.
Ms. Repholz asked when they expect to start construction.
Ms. Ernet replied they want to start construction in Spring 2022 and begin leasing late 2023. She noted this product type frees up single-family residential for new homeowners.
Mr. Atkinson stated he is happy with the proposal, and would like to see the traffic patterns.
Mr. Jouron asked if there would be patios.
Ms. Ernet replied yes and there will also be grills and a covered gathering place.
Mr. Jouron stated that Crystal Lake was hub of senior living, and this will be very good. He also noted the building may be too symmetrical.
Ms. Ernet replied that the building is symmetrical due to ADA compliance, and they need to be efficient with space.
The Crystal Lake and Pingree Road Stations Strategic Action Plan establishes a shared vision for areas surrounding the Crystal Lake and the Pingree Road Metra Stations and will guide future development, promote a multi-modal environment, create welcoming and unique destinations, and maximize the potential of undeveloped and unutilized land.
Mr. Brandon Nolin with Houseal Lavigne was present to represent the request.
Mr. Nolin provided a brief presentation of the strategic plan explaining the concepts of the plan, the toolbox suggestions and redevelopment opportunities. He stated that if you use the recommendations in the plan, these illustrate a possible reiteration of a design. He stated there is good vehicle infrastructure in place, and this plan focuses on the bike and pedestrian infrastructure.
Mr. Skluzacek stated he likes some of it, but finds some confusing.
Ms. Repholz stated it is good to see how the plan has progressed through the process. She stated it is an incredibly helpful document that sets a good vision for the City. She likes the concepts of Third Places and festival streets, and the pedestrian amenities. She referred to blocking the street off for National Night Out as a festival street.
Mr. Gronow stated they did a great job.
Mr. Atkinson noted the hard work that went into the plan, and that it is great to have a vision going forward.
Mr. Jouron stated he was very happy to see the great ideas. He stated there is a need for a vision around the stations.
Mr. Jouron opened the public hearing. There was 1 person from the public wishing to speak on the agenda item.
Brittany Niequest, 84 N. Walkup, resident and member of the Historic Preservation Committee, was sworn in. She stated she lives in the historic Hale House, and is excited to see Crystal Lake thrive. She is sad that the Historic Preservation Commission was not involved earlier in the process. She is also sad to see the old 114 Minnie home go. She noted these buildings would need to be torn down to make way for the townhomes, and she wants to preserve the historic nature of the Downtown.
Mr. Atkinson stated he is a big believer in historic preservation and he would like to see new development made to look like it has always been there.
Mr. Gronow made a motion to approve the Crystal Lake and Pingree Road Stations Strategic Action Plan.
Mr. Atkinson seconded the motion. On roll call, members Atkinson, Gronow, Jouron, Repholz and Skluzacek voted aye voted aye. Motion passed 5-0.
Mr. Jouron thanked the petitioner for the presentation.
Ms. Maxwell stated the previously reviewed the items have not yet been reviewed by City Council, and noted the items that are scheduled for the upcoming PZC meeting.
Mr. Atkinson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Repholz seconded the motion. On voice vote, all members voted aye. The meeting was adjourned 8:32 p.m.