Village of Oakwood Hills Board of Trustees met Oct. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
I. Call to Order: Village President Chad Rider via Zoom called the meeting to order at 7:30pm attending via Zoom electronic meeting procedure.
II. Roll Call: Clerk LoSasso conducted a roll call at this time. Present via Zoom were as follows: Village President Chad Rider, Trustees Bone, Salvo, Zahorik and Entzminger. Trustee Wise joined the meeting at 7:33pm Also present via Zoom was Village Attorney Lisa Waggoner. Trustee Ruhnke was absent.
III. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was administered.
IV. Moment of Reflection
V. Changes and/or Additions to Agenda: Trustee Zahorik asked to table item #8 Acceptance of the Financial Statements. There were no objections. Approved by President Rider.
VI. Consider Minutes of September 15, 2021 Regular Board Meeting
Motion: Trustee Zahorik
Second: Trustee Wise
Discussion: None
Roll Vote: Ayes Trustee Bone Entzminger, Wise, Zahorik and Salvo
Absent: Trustees Ruhnke
Motion Carried
VII. Consider Warrant Report dated October 12, 2021 in the corrected amount of $87,882.64 Motion: Trustee Zahorik
Second: Trustee Entzminger
Discussion: President Rider noted that the annual Village insurance for $62,140 was paid this month.
Roll Vote: Ayes Trustees Bone Entzminger, Wise, Zahorik and Salvo
Absent: Trustee Ruhnke
Motion Carried
VIII. Consider Acceptance of Financial Statements for period ending August 31, 2021 This item was tabled
IX. Public Forum: None
X. President Report: President Rider announced that Trick or Treating would take place on Sunday 10/31 between the hours of 3:00PM – 7:00PM. He also thanked the scout for all his work on the flowerbeds at the Village Hall
XII. Motions, Resolutions and Action Items:
Lake, Park, Fen and Beach
Motion to approve Tacos Loco Food Truck in the park
Motion: Trustee Salvo
Second: Trustee Bone
Discussion: Trustee Salvo stated all required documents have been submitted to the Village. Date to be determined at the end of October. Trustee Zahorik asked about changing the ordinance and Trustee Salvo replied this will be discussed at Committee level.
Roll Vote: Ayes Trustees Wise, Bone, Entzminger. Salvo and Zahorik
Absent: Trustee Ruhnke
Motion Carried
XIII. Communications from Trustees, Department Heads and Consultants
Trustee Wise: Thanked Nunda Township for picking up the brush from the recent storms. Thanked Prairie Thunder for tree removal from storms. Road repaving will begin the week of 10/18 followed by patching and drainage repairs including the culvert at Greenview and Elm. Salt plan to be discussed at next committee meeting.
Trustee Bone: At the last Public Safety, meeting procedures to follow for residents to file a complaint was discussed. Thanked CARRS for the new driver seat for one of the patrol vehicles
Trustee Entzminger: None
Trustee Zahorik: Explained why financial statements were tabled. Also stated the expected ARPA funds were included in the current budget.
Trustee Ruhnke: Clerk LoSasso read a statement on her behalf, which is attached.
Trustee Salvo: Stated that this was a great beach season. Will be discussing the Food Truck ordinance at committee. Trustee Salvo left the meeting at 7:57pm
Attorney Waggoner: Gave an update on 5311 Greenview
Police Dept.; Submitted monthly report summary.
Clerk LoSasso: None
Treasurer Zabinski: Cures funds should be received within the next few weeks. ARPA funds have been received. Discussed unbudgeted emergency expenses the Village has incurred.
XIV. Executive Session: None
XV. Other Business: None
XVI. Adjourn. There was a motion by Trustee Zahorik to adjourn the meeting
Roll Call Vote: All Ayes Trustees Ruhnke and Salvo were absent.
Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm.