City of Crystal Lake City Council met March 1.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of Minutes – February 15, 2022 Regular City Council Meeting
5. Accounts Payable
6. Public Presentation
The public is invited to make an issue oriented comment on any matter of public concern not otherwise on the agenda. The public comment may be no longer than 5 minutes in duration. Interrogation of the City staff, Mayor or City Council will not be allowed at this time, nor will any comment from the Council. Personal invectives against City staff or elected officials are not permitted.
7. Mayor’s Report
8. City Council Reports
9. Consent Agenda
a. Referral of a Text Amendment of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to remove restrictions on Electric Vehicle Charging Stations to the Planning and Zoning Commission
10. Retailer Façade and Commercial Tenant Improvement Grant Funds request for Crystal Lake Junction, 88 Railroad Street, Unit B, requesting up to $10,000 in matching grant funds
11. 60 N. Caroline Street, Montford – Simplified Residential Variations from Article 3-200 from the maximum height of one-story and 15 feet for an accessory structure to allow a two-story structure with a height of 18 feet 10 inches, a variation of 3 feet 10 inches, Article 3-200 from the required 7- foot interior side yard setback to allow 4.24 feet, a variation of 2.76 feet; from the 30-foot yard abutting a street setback to allow 25.27 feet, a variation of 4.73 feet; and from the 20-foot rear yard setback to allow 17.92 feet, a variation of 2.08 feet, and Article 4-600 from the maximum dormer length of 7 feet 2 inches (20% of the length of the side of the structure) to allow a dormer length of 10 feet 8 inches, a variation of 3 feet 5 inches on the front (east) elevation to allow a detached garage
12. Bid Award – 2022 Street Resurfacing Program
13. Bid Award – 2022 Sidewalk, Curb and Pedestrian Ramp (ADA) Construction Program
14. Bid Award – Union Street/College Street Storm Water Project
15. Proposal Award – Vehicle License Software and Printing, Mailing and Online Services
16. AT&T Lease Agreement Amendment
17. City Code Amendment to permit private irrigation wells where there is no reasonable access to a public water supply
18. Council Inquiries and Requests
19. Adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing matters of pending and probable litigation, the sale, purchase or lease of real property, collective bargaining, and personnel
20. Reconvene to Regular Session
21. Adjourn