McHenry County Planning, Environment & Development Committee met Dec. 7.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Meeting called to order at: 8:31 AM by Larry W Smith.
PRESENT: Smith, Gottemoller (8:30 AM - 10:38 AM), Meshes, Schofield, Schwartz, Yensen (Remote)
ABSENT: Aavang
Also present was: Peter Austin; County Administrator, Scott Hartman; Deputy County Administrator, Adam Wallen; Director of Planning and Development, Joanna Colletti; Water Resources Manager / Stormwater Chief Eng., Renee Hanlon; Planning Manager/Zoning Enforce Officer, Patti Nomm; Director of Environmental Health, Jim Kearns; County Board Member.
After the Roll Call Mr. Gottemoller made a Motion, Seconded by Ms. Schofield to allow Dr. Yensen to join the meeting via Webex. The Motion passed on a voice vote of all present members voting aye. As well Chair Smith verified all members in attendance can hear and participate.
1. Planning, Environment & Development - Public Meeting - Nov 2, 2021 8:30 AM
MOVER: Joseph Gottemoller SECONDER: Theresa Meshes AYES: Smith, Gottemoller, Meshes, Schofield, Yensen ABSENT: Aavang AWAY: Schwartz |
Nancy Schietzell, of Woodstock IL, regarding the Pleasant Grove Solar Farm.
Mike Tryon, of Crystal Lake IL, regarding the Pleasant Grove Solar Farm.
Seramack, of McHenry IL, regarding the Fee Waiver Permits.
Paula Yensen stated wondered about the Huntley and Ackman road property. She stated they have neighbors complaining of the surrounding disarray of the parcel and lack of compliance for the people that live there and she thought they were going to get a report about the issue and she expected that to be on the agenda. She inquired if they can be sure it will be on the January agenda to discuss. Chair Smith stated that Mr. Wallen has a report to provide today, which is item 10.4.
1. 8:40am – Interview – Joann Jones – Coon Creek Drainage District
Committee members introduced themselves and interviewed Joann Jones for consideration for appointment to the Coon Creek Drainage District. It was noted that Ms. Jones meets the requirements as a member for the Coon Creek Drainage District.
2. 8:50am - Interview - Mike Grismer - Coon Creek Drainage District
Committee members introduced themselves and interviewed Mike Grismer for consideration for appointment to the Coon Creek Drainage District. It was noted that Mr. Grismer meets the requirements as a member for the Coon Creek Drainage District.
3. 9:00am - Interview - Evan Maniates - Coon Creek Drainage District
Committee members introduced themselves and interviewed Evan Maniates for consideration for appointment to the Coon Creek Drainage District. It was noted that Mr. Maniates meets the requirements as a member for the Coon Creek Drainage District.
4. 9:10am - Interview - Douglas Anthony - Coon Creek Drainage District
Committee members introduced themselves and interviewed Douglas Anthony for consideration for appointment to the Coon Creek Drainage District. It was noted that Mr. Anthony meets the requirements as a member for the Coon Creek Drainage District.
5. 9:20am - Interview - Ryan Gieseke - Coon Creek Drainage District
Committee members introduced themselves and interviewed Ryan Gieseke for consideration for appointment to the Coon Creek Drainage District. It was noted that Mr. Gieseke meets the requirements as a member for the Coon Creek Drainage District.
6. 9:30am - Interview - Benjamin Martin - Coon Creek Drainage District
Committee members introduced themselves and interviewed Benjamin Martin for consideration for appointment to the Coon Creek Drainage District. It was noted that Mr. Martin meets the requirements as a member for the Coon Creek Drainage District.
7. Deliberation and Selection of up to Two Candidates for Recommendation to the County Board Chairman for the Coon Creek Drainage District for Two Terms, One (1) position with a 1-year term to expire October 19, 2022, and (1) position with a 3-year term to expire October 19, 2024.
A motion was made by Mr. Gottemoller, seconded by Ms. Schofield to recommend the appointment of Douglas Anthony as a member of the Coon Creek Drainage District for a one-year term to expire October 19, 2022.
A motion was made by Mr. Gottemoller, seconded by Mr. Schwartz to recommend the appointment of Ryan Gieseke as a member of the Coon Creek Drainage District for a three-year term to expire October 19, 2024.
1. Pulled from consent agenda
2. Pulled from consent agenda
1. Resolution Granting a Waiver of the Penalty Fee for Stormwater Management Permit SW21-0139
Formerly agenda item number 7.1 - Joanna Colletti, Water Resources Manager / Stormwater Chief Eng, joined the committee to discuss the resolution.
Ms. Schofield wanted to clarify, stating they were both collaborative after they were notified that they needed to come in for the permit, which was done but she inquired if they did not know of that at the time. Ms. Colletti confirmed. Ms. Schofield stated that as long as they come in and work with staff and immediately get their permit than she has no issue as long as it does not become a repetitive issue. Chair Smith stated he agrees with Ms. Schofield, they are not there to charge people fines if they do not have to as long as people have complied to the fullest.
MOVER: Joseph Gottemoller SECONDER: Carolyn Schofield AYES: Smith, Gottemoller, Meshes, Schofield, Schwartz, Yensen ABSENT: Aavang |
MOVER: Joseph Gottemoller SECONDER: Carolyn Schofield AYES: Smith, Gottemoller, Meshes, Schofield, Schwartz, Yensen ABSENT: Aavang |
1. ZBA and Hearing Officer Reports
a. Zoning Petitions going before County Board on December 21, 2021
Renee Hanlon, Planning Manager/Zoning Enforce Officer, joined the committee to discuss the report.
After the report of the 2050 Comprehensive Plan Update, Chair Smith rotated the order of items 10.3 and 10.4 to allow Mr. Gottemoller to take part in the Huntley Road Property discussion and then excuse himself during the Henning Estates Infrastructure Project Update due to a conflict of interest.
After the report of the Henning Estates Infrastructure Project Update, Chair Smith revisited item 2.1 to approve the minutes from November 2, 2021. Mr. Gottemoller then made a motion, seconded by Ms. Meshes to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. The motion passed on a voice vote of all present members voting aye (Schwartz was away).
After the report of the Huntley Road Property, Chair Smith called the meeting into a break at 10:38 a.m. The meeting was called back to order at 10:43 a.m. and Chair Smith moved back up on the agenda to item 10.3 for the report on the Henning Estates Infrastructure Project Update.
Mr. Schwartz made a Motion, Seconded by Ms. Meshes, to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 a.m. The motion passed on a voice vote of all members present voting aye. (Absent was Aavang & Gottemoller). - TCMcKinnon