City of Harvard Events Committee met Nov. 16.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairman Laura Evers called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm. Committee members present: Laura Evers, Alderman Raul Meza, Scott Logan, Lori Moller, Sonia Hernandez, Derek Malinowski and Francine Sinderson. Member Katie Sumano was absent. A quorum was present. Mayor Kelly was also in attendance.
A motion was made by Scott Logan, seconded by Francine Sinderson to approve the Events Committee Meeting Minutes of October 19, 2021, as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Treasurer Logan reviewed the Treasurer’s Report which is formatted for both the calendar and fiscal year as well as an expense/revenue update for Christmas in Harvard. A motion was made by Scott Logan, seconded by Lori Moller to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Upcoming movie nights:
• Saturday, November 20th, 2021, showing Freebirds
• Saturday, December 18th, 2021, showing Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Subcommittee Reports
a) Advertising & Marketing (Raul/Derek)
Derek and Jackie are making posts for specific activities. The craft show is full and does not require any additional advertising.
b) Breakfast with Mrs. Claus (Laura)
Laura met with Agija at Kelly’s Restaurant to finalize the details and set the menu.
c) Christmas Tree Project (Laura)
Laura has 20 trees donated, 10 each from Conifera Tree Farm and Ben’s Christmas Trees. The Knights of Columbus will be setting up the trees this year. All the trees have been spoken for. Harvard Sr. Center will be put on a waiting list.
d) Coloring Contest (Janet)
Janet has dropped off the Christmas cards to the schools. Entries are to be returned by November 23rd.
e) Craft Show (Francine/Lori)
The craft show is full with 22 spaces; two spaces were comped: one for Mercyhealth System who is having a fundraiser for Meals on Wheels and one for Cub Scout Pack #171.
f) Crafts, Adult & Kids (Katie/Library)
The crafts are all set.
g) Entertainment (Derek)
• Derek has contacted Katie Chivari for her students to play violin; they typically play for 45 minutes free and put out a tip jar. Outside of that, they would have their more skilled players play for $100 per hour. After discussion, a motion was made by Derek Malinowski, seconded by Scott Logan to authorize an expenditure of $200 for the group to perform for 2 paid hours. All ayes. Motion carried.
• Katie Chivari’s mom is a piano teacher and had expressed interest in bringing bells or playing the keyboard. However, her husband is in the hospital and is seriously ill with Covid. She is homebound with Covid.
• The audio system can be set up to play music when entertainment isn’t scheduled.
• Everything is set with the lights and tubing for the light tunnel. Steel Heart will let the event borrow their arches. Lori will order the silver fringe from Amazon.
• Derek will follow up with Dave Boesen for the light show. A motion was made by Derek Malinowski, seconded by Scott Logan to authorize an expenditure to Dave Boesen in the amount of $100. All ayes. Motion carried.
i) Gingerbread House Contest (Francine/Lori)
The Gingerbread House Contest Application has been posted on the City Website and the Events Committee Facebook page. Laura suggested using the Christmas in Harvard logo for the Best of Show trophy/ribbons and will work with Francine/Lori on the details.
h) Holiday Decorating Contest (Francine/Katie)
Currently there are three businesses that are participating; Laura related that First Place will also participate. Mayor Kelly and Alderwoman Luna visited the downtown businesses many of whom indicated they would like to participate. Katie will send out a list of participants on December 3rd.
i) HFPD (Laura)
Laura reported that the HFPD has the parade on their calendar to participate.
j) Parade (Scott)
Scott updated the Committee on the parade lineup. The firetrucks will be placed at the beginning of the parade. There will be a tree lighting ceremony following the parade. Mayor Kelly will talk to Public Works to get barricades placed at the corners to be put up before the parade (big barricade at 5 points with horses at the intersections and in front of Starline). The route will go from the old Police Station down Front to Ayer St. up to 5 points.
k) Raffle
The Chamber of Commerce will take care of the 50/50 raffle and the craft items donated for the raffle. The Chamber keeps the proceeds from the 50/50 raffle.
l) Refreshments
Paula Weidner, Harvard Prairie Toppers, will sell refreshments at the Starline. Laura advised her that the Events Committee would reimburse them up to $50 for the Health Dept. Permit. Laura will ask Paula for a menu which can be published.
The Committee discussed having light refreshments (hot chocolate & cookies) after the parade with a canopy/table set up in the parking spaces in front of the Masonic Temple. Laura and Lori will work on getting cookies, hot chocolate, cups and napkins.
m) Sponsorship (Laura)
Laura reviewed sponsors for the event.
n) Visit with Santa (Women for Harvard)
Visit with Santa will be the same location as previous years in the corner of the room. There was discussion of previous sponsor amounts given to Women for Harvard when individual events were sponsored as opposed to general sponsorship. Scott checked the records and Women for Harvard were given $100 in 2018. Laura will ask Sheila if we can borrow her chair for Mrs. Claus and will get the other chair to Starline. Visit with Santa will need 10 cones as well as the roping. After discussion, Lori will order multi colored pennant flags from Amazon which is $14.99 for 375’.
Lori related a conversation with Royal Laundry/Cosmopolitan Linens who would like to participate in the event by giving their employees a gift certificate that could be spent during Christmas in Harvard. The Committee felt the logistics would be somewhat difficult. No definite action taken. Will consider ways to have them participate for the RWB in July.
Set up for Christmas in Harvard will be Friday, December 3rd from 4-8 pm.
Derek brought up discussion of entertainment for the RWB Feastival. Mike and Joe (pop rock/country) have reached out to him about participating. After discussion, Derek was directed to get some preliminary #’s for next month’s meeting so we can be prepared to start planning in January when we’ve transitioned to the Parks Foundation.
No additional report.
No additional report.
At 6:29 pm, a motion was made by Scott Logan, seconded by Francine Sinderson to adjourn the meeting. All ayes. Motion carried.