City of Woodstock City Council met March 15.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
A. Proclamation
1. Music In the Schools Month
B. Public Hearing
1. Pre-Annexation Agreement
Approval of an Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Pre-Annexation Agreement with Dremac PM, LLC for the Property located at the Southeast Corner of IL Route 47 and Hercules Road.
Anyone wishing to address the Council on an item not already on the agenda may do so at this time.
C. Public Comments
D. Council Comments
(NOTE: Items under the consent calendar are acted upon in a single motion. There is no separate discussion of these items prior to the Council vote unless: 1) a Council Member requests that an item be removed from the calendar for separate action, or 2) a citizen requests an item be removed and this request is, in turn, proposed by a member of the City Council for separate action.)
1. March 1, 2022 City Council Minutes
2. March 1, 2022 City Council Executive Session Minutes
1. #3994
2. #3995
1. Board of Police Commissioners December 6, 2021
2. Public Library Board of Trustee Minutes January 13, 2022
3. Public Library Director’s Report December 2021
4. Public Library Director’s Report January 2022
5. Police Department Report January 2022
6. Human Resources Report February 2022
1. Ordinance – Bond Parameters – Old Courthouse and 2023 Roads (199a) a) Approval of an Ordinance providing for the issuance of not to exceed $9,000,000 Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 2022A of the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois and for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds, and DOC. 2 b) Adoption of an Ordinance providing for the issuance of not to exceed $10,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2022B of the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois and for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds.
2. Ordinance –Property Tax Abatements (199b) Adoption of an Ordinance Abating a Portion of the 2021 Tax Levy of the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, and DOC. 4 Approval of an Ordinance Partially Abating the Levy of the Additional Tax Imposed for the Purpose of Borrowing Money and Issuing $9,385,000 Principal Amount General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021, of the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, Issued for Constructing Roadway Improvements for the City of Woodstock.
3. Award of Contract – Old Courthouse Construction Bid Packages #3 and #4 (199c) Authorization for the City Manager to sign an amendment to AIA Document A133-2019, Exhibit A entered into with Bulley & Andrews on October 25, 2021, for Bid Package #3 in the amount not to exceed $52,650 and Bid Package #4 in the amount of $10,742,593.
4. Resolution – Revolving Loan Application – KATLO, Inc. (199d) Approval of a Resolution to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Revolving Loan Agreement with KATLO, Inc., DBA Public House of Woodstock, subject to final review and approval by the City Attorney.
5. Resolution – Intergenerational Inclusive Playground Funding Commitment (199e) Approval of a Resolution committing funding of 50% of an anticipated $800,000 project budget, $400,000 to be held in reserve until funding commitments are met and project construction is able to start, which could be as early as spring 2023.
6. Award of Contract – Design Engineering – 2023 Street Resurfacing (199f) Authorization for the City Administration to approve the professional services agreement submitted by Trotter and Associates, Inc. to provide design engineering services for the 2023 Street Improvement Program be approved at a total cost not to exceed $785,000.
7. Ordinance – Woodstock Train Station Lease – MBI Staffing (199g) Approval of an Ordinance Authorizing Execution of a Lease Agreement Between the City of Woodstock and MBI Staffing, LLC for the lease of the Woodstock Train Station and authorizing the Consent to Sublease agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad Company.
8. Award of Contract – Downtown Brick Replacement (199h) Authorization to award a contract for downtown brick paver maintenance and replacement to the lowest responsible bidder, Copenhaver Construction, Inc. of Gilberts, IL in accordance with the unit prices, as submitted, and not to exceed $25,000 for FY21/22.
9. Façade Improvements – Liquid Blues, 126 N. Benton (199i) Approval to allocate not more than fifty percent of exterior improvement costs (up to $5,000) from TIF #2 funding for window replacements at 126 North Benton Street.
1. Quarterly Financial Reports – Transmittal of the following financial reports for the third quarter of FY21/22:
a) Third Quarter Revenues and Expenditures Report; and
b) Third Quarter Investment Report.
2. Transmittal of FY22/23 Budget
3. Schedule City Council Workshop – Budget Workshop
VII. ADJOURN – April 5, 2022, 7:00 PM