City of Harvard Transportation Committee met March 22.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairman Gorman called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Committee members present: Chairman Gorman, Alderman Lavallee, Alderman Perkins, and Alderwoman Haderlein. Also, present were Mayor Michael Kelly, City Administrator Nelson, Treasure Debi Bejot, and Gary Rozwadowski City Engineer.
Public Comment:
Diggins Street Update Maps
City Engineer Rozwadowski updated the committee on the Diggins Street and the upcoming construction project slated for 2023. This street is being finance through the Council of Mayors and our share is 10%. Estimated total cost of the project is $472,000
Ayer Street Streetscape Project Planning
City Engineer Rozwadowski updated the committee on the streetscape project slated for South Ayer Street from Park Street to Washington Street. The streetscape will match the existing Ayer Street look and feel and is being finance by a Build Illinois Grant of $614,000. There is no match on this grant.
Post Office Reconfiguration Update
City Engineer Rozwadowski updated the committee on the redesign of the stairway at the post office. The current configuration is falling apart due to traffic accidents in the past. The committee has already chosen a concept for the engineering work and surveying is taking place now. Future engineering work and construction is to take place at a later date depending upon financing of the project.
City Engineer Rozwadowski updated the committee on the second street sidewalk program which is slated for construction in the summer of 2022. There are some issues with the trees heaving current sidewalks and that will continue even with new walks. Alderwoman Haderlein will take a look at the trees on Second Street to see what value the trees are. Mr. Rozwadowski also updated the committee on the Rt. 14 sidewalk project which is slated for construction in 2023. Because this is a state route IDOT needs to complete an environmental review for special waste which is paid for by the state. This process will take between 6-8 months to complete. The design is ongoing and there are also tree issues on Rt. 14. At 704 N. division. Alderwoman Haderlein will have a discussion with the owners of the property to ask about the value of the trees.
Marengo Road Bridge and Resurface or Reconstruction
Administrator Nelson noted that through the Council of Mayors were on a contingency list for the resurface of Marengo Road from Airport Road to Rt. 23. He also informed the committee that the bridge is eligible for federal funding and have been approved for Phase 1 engineering beginning after July of 2023. Through the American rescue plan the resurfacing portion of this project was moved off of the contingency list and has received funding in the amount of $425,000 but that still leaves us short in excess of $800,000. There is a new call for projects and Administrator Nelson is looking for permission to proceed with an application to fill the gap. Consensus of the committee was to proceed.
Proposed Ordinance Allocating Funds from Municipal Sales Tax to Road Improvements The committee reviewed the proposed ordinance restricting the use of the Municipal Sales tax for road purposes only. Motion made by Alderman Perkins seconded by Alderwoman Haderlein to recommend to the City Council that this ordinance be adopted. All Ayes motion passed.
New Business
Administrator Nelson informed the committee that the Access to Transit grant is available through the RTA. We have already received one for engineering on Marengo Road and Administrator Nelson would like to submit another grant for construction dollars for sidewalks on Marengo Road. He also would like to ask for planning dollars from the RTA to complete phase one engineering along Rt. 173 from Ayer Street to Rt. 14. The committee has no issues at applying for these grants.
Alderman Gorman brought up a parking issue on Bourne Street that the committee should explore at its next meeting.
Motion made by Alderman Perkins seconded by Alderman Lavallee to adjourn the meeting. All Ayes motion passed.
Meeting adjourned 7:26