
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Johnsburg Village Board met Sept. 20

Village of Johnsburg Village Board met Sept. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

President Hettermann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Hall.


Trustee Tom Curry

Trustee Beth Foreman

Trustee Kyle Frost (absent)

Trustee Josh Hagen

Trustee Greg Klemstein

Trustee Scott Letzter

Village Administrator Claudett Sofiakis (absent)

Assistant Administrator Vinny Lamontagna

Special Projects Coordinator Rick Quinn

Village Engineer Tim Hartnett

Chief Keith Von Allmen


Victor & Cindy Otto (3601 Middle Ave) inquired before the Village Board regarding implementing speed-bumps as residents and traffic do not obey the posted speed limit and/or traffic control devices. Expressed in the past they had to dive out of the way for vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed. President Hettermann responded that Village does believe speed bumps would fix the matter and cause further roadway issues with plowing operations, liability and responses for emergency vehicles. He advised the Chief of Police Von Allmen to increase the patrol officers in the area and reassess the determination at a later date.

Michael A. Baumann (3210 Chellington Dr) presented before the Village Board regarding his feedback, thoughts, studies and beliefs regarding beekeeping and apiaries on this evening agenda item. In summary, he expressed working with the Village of Johnsburg regarding the proposed text amendment and referenced many surrounding counties that allow this activity. He further expressed his religious beliefs supporting said activity for beekeeping and apiaries.

OMNIBUS AGENDA - Trustee Curry requested Move to approve Ordinance 22-23-06 Approving the Jurisdictional Transfer of Lakeview Street by McHenry Township Road District to the Village of Johnsburg, McHenry County, Illinois be pulled for further discussion. Trustee Foreman moved to approve the Omnibus Agenda with said pulled Ordinance 22-23-06. Trustee Hagen seconded the motion. All Trustees voted aye on the roll. Motion carried.

∙ Move to approve the minutes of the August 16, 2022 meeting of the President and Board of Trustees

∙ Disbursements

∙ General Fund $ 188,293.78

∙ Motor Fuel Fund $ 4,428.50

∙ Waterworks & Sewage Fund $ 11,986.23

∙ Golf Course Fund $ 199.98

∙ Land & Building Fund $ 0.00

∙ Debt Service/SSA Fund $ 10,443.75

∙ Total All Funds $ 215,352.24

Discussion on the motion to Move to approve Ordinance 22-23-06 Approving the Jurisdictional Transfer of Lakeview Street by McHenry Township Road District to the Village of Johnsburg, McHenry County, Illinois was further elaborated and explained by Village Engineer Hartnett regarding possible future improvement to the parcel for infrastructure, but the intension to roadway improvement. Currently the parcel was under McHenry Township jurisdiction and surrounded by Village jurisdiction. It was cleanup of the parcels and would be beneficial for the Village of Johnsburg. Trustee Klemstein moved to approve Ordinance 22-23-06 Approving the Jurisdictional Transfer of Lakeview Street by McHenry Township Road District to the Village of Johnsburg, McHenry County, Illinois. Trustee Foreman seconded the motion. All Trustees voted aye on the roll. Motion carried.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT – President Hettermann reported on the Johnsburg Lions Club’s partnership with the Hickory Way Park and Fishing Pond meeting with the neighbors and provided feedback to trustees regarding to efforts to compliment the surround improvement with neighbor’s thoughts and feedbacks. President Hettermann continued with reporting on the Running Brook Farms Phase II Townhome Development with an agreement in place with KLM Builders Inc to finish the scope of the project in RBF Phase II and improvements. President briefly reported on Rehabilitate the Johnsburg Road bridge over Dutch Creek-North Branch at which time he requested Village Engineer Hartnett to further elaborate on the ITEP resolution.

VILLAGE BOARD - Resolution Supporting the Submission and Execution of an Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) Application and Agreement between the Village of Johnsburg and the Illinois Department of Transportation. Village Engineer Hartnett provided further information regarding ongoing efforts with McHenry County Department of Transportation with the Rehabilitate the Johnsburg Road bridge over Dutch Creek-North Branch and spoke further regarding phase I ITEP grant was successful and phase II ITEP resolution supporting would further enhance the McHenry County Connect, Multi-Use path, increase funds for box culverts, retaining wall improvements, signage and the letters of support in past would be beneficial for a 80/20 cost to keep the funds as proposed. Responses from grant application would not likely be until February and/or March 2023. Trustee Curry moved to approve the Resolution Supporting the Submission and Execution of an Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) Application and Agreement between the Village of Johnsburg and the Illinois Department of Transportation. Trustee Letzter seconded the motion. All Trustees voted aye on the roll. Motion carried.

VILLAGE BOARD - First Read/No Action; Move to Approve Ordinance 22-23-09 Amending Section 10 Residential Districts of the Johnsburg Zoning Ordinance adding Section 10.7 Beekeeping and Apiaries. Trustee Foreman commented said proposed text aligns with the Monarch Pledge and pollinating the Village of Johnsburg and further improvements to the pollinator site in Johnsburg. Mr. Braumann provided further guidance on his knowledge regarding hives and surrounding neighbor in the audience commented not having in issue regarding bees and noted he was also sensitive and allergic, but no identified incidents he could recall since the apiaries next door. Trustee Hagen commented that possibly the smaller lots sizes should be considered for text amendment within the 1 acre proposed text as some estates are not truly 1 acre. Trustee Hagen advised it should be something to consider before said action.

ADJOURNMENT – Trustee Curry moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Foreman seconded the motion. All Trustees voted aye. Motion to adjourn was carried at 7:41 p.m.
