Village of Fox River Grove Board met Sept. 20.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Village President McLaughlin called the meeting to order at 6: 30 p. m. in the Municipal Center. Present at roll call were Trustees Curtiss, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Sepeczi. Trustee Wall was absent. Also, present were Administrator Soderholm, Assistant Administrator Bechler, Chief Waitrovich, Operations Manager Reese, Operations Manger Zintl, and Clerk Caesar.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Paul Ludtke, 206 Elder Lane – Mr. Ludtke asked if the widening of Elder lane was intended to allow traffic flow in both directions or would it remain a one-way. Administrator Soderholm stated Elder will become a two-way street for the entire length.
Jim Buster, 108 Crescent – Mr. Buster stated that the new bike path, is a wonderful edition however he wanted someone to look into the segment between Spring street and the paved area in Picnic Grove Park for consistent flooding.
Trustee Curtiss announced Fall Fest is scheduled for Saturday, October 22 and the event is shifting to earlier hours from 2- 5 p. m. There will be a petting zoo, pony rides, live music and a chili cook -off. The event is looking for more participants.
President McLaughlin made a motion to amend the agenda moving the FYE 2022 Audit presentation before the approval of the consent agenda. Trustee Curtiss seconded. Roll Call: Trustee Curtiss, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Sepeczi — all " yes." MOTION PASSED.
Matt Beran of Lauterbach & Amen, LLP presented a brief review of the Village' s annual audit. Mr. Beran stated that the audit was successful and that the Village received the highest opinion again this year. Mr. Beran stated the Village' s drawdown was primarily from land purchases and praised the Village for making police pension contributions well above the required amount. Mr. Beran said the audit results were submitted to the Governmental Finance Officer Association ( GFOA) where he expects the Village to receive the Certificate of Achievement Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting, the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting.
Trustee Knar congratulated Administrator Soderholm and Assistant Administrator Bechler for their contributions to the Villages financial management
A. Village Board and Executive Session Meeting Minutes– September 6, 2022
B. Accounts Payable – September 20, 2022
C. Digital Sign Conversion Agreement – Clear Channel Outdoor
D. Intergovernmental Agreement – Algonquin Township
Trustee Curtiss made a motion to approve consent agenda items A – D. Trustee Knar seconded. Roll Call: Trustee Curtiss, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Sepeczi — all " yes." MOTION PASSED.
Administrator Soderholm stated that approval of ordinance 2022- 11, special use permit for the Redwood two - bedroom, two -bathroom, two -car garage planned unit development ( PUD) is the final step in the approval process. A discussion was held.
Trustee Migdal asked if the $ 50,000 parks impact fee would be going to a specific area or park improvement. Administrator Soderholm said the funds would be allocated to the General Capital Fund for future park projects as determined by the Board.
Trustee Knar asked Kellie Mclvor, Vice -President of Acquisitions with Redwood, what is their timeline and could construction costs delay the project. Ms. Mclvor stated that they would move forward with purchasing the property once all permits are in hand. Ms. Mclvor said the current state of the economy would not affect their schedule and that they have several other PUD' s currently being built. Ms. Mclvor added that working with Village Administrator Soderholm and Assistant Administrator Bechler has been the most efficient entitlement process she has had in Illinois. Trustee Schladt made a motion to approve Ordinance 2022- 11, granting rezoning and a special use permit for a planned unit development with Redwood Apartment Neighborhoods. Trustee Knar seconded. Roll Call: Trustee Curtiss, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Sepeczi — all " yes." MOTION PASSED.
Trustee Knar stated that on summer weekends, residents have limited access to Picnic Grove Park due to the over crowdedness from visitors. A few ideas shared by Trustee Knar for the Boards consideration included a designated resident only parking area, a golf cart only parking area, consolidation of the many signs at the entrance of the park to one, listing all park rules, and creating a brochure that states the rules of the park. Additional issues Trustee Knar would like to see addressed are how to eliminate the large fuel containers being brought into the park, alcohol consumption in the park, large groups gathering in the gazebo and the parks clean up. A discussion was held.
President McLaughlin likes many of the suggestions raised by Trustee Knar; however, he said he does not support limitations to the gazebo. If the gazebo has not been reserved through the current permitting process, the gazebo is open to the public.
Trustee Curtiss suggested park goers use the Metra lot and walk into the park, whereas Trustee Schladt said she would be okay with parking on Birch, as Foxmoor residents deal with street parking regularly near the soccer and baseball fields in the Foxmoor subdivision.
Operations Manager Reese stated that all the suggestions if not already on the parks wish list could be added. Operations Manager Reese stated public works biggest concern are holiday and hot weather weekends that draw crowds to the parks, which then requires additional weekend staff time to drive the parks and empty the overflowing trashcans. Trustee Schladt suggested adding a refundable deposit to the park permitting process.
President McLaughlin strongly feels that continuing the shoreline stabilization along the river is the answer to most all the concerns and would slow down if not stop any permanent erosion of the parkland and would also protect the new bike path. The shoreline stabilization plan could still include a small sandy area for kids to play, should sand continue to accumulate their naturally.
Administrator Soderholm stated that the Parks Master Plan is currently being worked on with the architects and should be available in quarter four of 2022 or early quarter one of 2023.
Trustee Knar thanked Chief Waitrovich on his officer' s performance protecting Fox River Grove by issuing Eleven ( 11) DUI' s last month. Chief Waitrovich recognized the night shift officers for doing a great job. Trustee Migdal shared an email thank you he received from Joe Bjork, praising the great job Operations Manager Reese and his staff does maintaining the trails used for the students cross- country course.
Trustee Schladt inquired as to the timing of the sidewalks project on Lincoln. Administrator Soderholm stated it is still going to be done this year and should have a start soon.
Trustee Knar made a motion to adjourn the Village Board meeting at 7: 17 p. m. to go into Executive Session to discuss review of Executive Session minutes. Seconded by Trustee Migdal. Roll Call: Trustees Curtiss, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Sepeczi — all " yes". MOTION PASSED.
Village President McLaughlin called the meeting to order at 7: 22 p. m. in the Municipal Center. Present at roll call were Trustees Curtiss, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Sepeczi.
Trustee Knar made a motion to adjourn the Village Board meeting at 7: 22 p.m. Seconded by Trustee Migdal. A voice vote was taken. Trustees Curtiss, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Sepeczi— all " yes". MOTION PASSED.